Good Morning and I hope that this sweet clip art brings a smile to your face…Speaking of SMILES ON MY FACE…how about all of the FABULOUS and HEARTFELT comments yesterday fro our dear Tricia!

I am driving right now to Hannah’s (actually my 85 year old Dad is and I am going to make this quick as I NEED to be the driver) Yikes – I am spouting some gray’s!!!! 🙂

As of the last I checked, she had 21 comments – my heart is so happy – there IS KINDNESS in our world!




Couple of housekeeping that I need to share (since I most likely will not be on the computer much as it is FAMILY TIME for me and I am super excited) . I truly feel like I have a FOOD TRUCK as I have been working my tail off to prep things so I can enjoy myself too.

PRODUCT SHARES: – Please do not worry if I have not responded with a confirmation to you. I cannot order the products until the new catalog is unveiled on June 1st  – and trust me, I will be like Cinderella…..ordering at the strike! I have been receiving your orders (thank you) and I will be sending a confirmation out (as time warrants) – this has been a busy week!

Here is the link to the post that I did outlining all of the product shares – they truly are the way to go as you get a taste of the newbies! I actually love doing the shares even though it is a ton of work….WHY???? – Easy = I know that I was once on the other side receiving shares and it is SOOOOO exciting to be able to get that Priority Mail package….rip it open and GO NUTS and SQUEAL WITH JOY for the new kids on the block!

****Please remember to email me and put in the subject line NEW CATALOG PRODUCT SHARE 2016 along with your mailing address.****** (thank you….it really helps!)*******

NEW CATALOGS: – I was SOOOOO happy to get my catalogs out and even happier to hear that many of you are already receiving them . If you have NOT received yours by Saturday or Monday at the latest, PLEASE EMAIL ME….and I can double check .

If you are currently NOT working with a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator, I would love to help you and also send you a catalog…..just let me know and when I return, I will pop on in the mail to you! 🙂  It is soooooo me……lots of clean and simple options!

Thank you for understanding that I needed a break – this is a special time for us and I am pinching myself that all of my family will be together….(we all know that this is a rare happening with all of the schedules everyone has)

Stampin’ hugs to you and I hope that you get “inky” while I take a break! – xoxoxox

p.s. – I’ll take pictures for you!!! 🙂