Today is the wrap up of the Fall Card Swap and I think that we all can say….WOW – what a great group of Fall/Halloween Cards! Many thanks for participating in the swap and YES, I will do another one as it truly brings me joy to share your work.

Darn, wouldn't it be so much fun it we all could get together and have one big weekend of fun making cards…swapping recipes….staying up to wee hours getting to know each other…sounds like a dream weekend to me! I just get so excited to see what you all come up with and hosting these swaps is equally as fun for me!


Let's get going and trust me….

there are sooooo many cards that I am super excited to CASE!

I want you know that CASEing cards is just fine – I feel like many of you feel like you do not come up with "orginals" (in your own mind and are hard on yourself)…please don't beat yourself up as this is what we are all here for…to do what we like and what makes us feel good!

I ask you….do you make Chocolate Chip Cookies?

I am sure that you said yes…the reason I ask this is just think about how many times we make something that someone else does (like the cookie example)…we do this and we do not feel bad…the same should be with looking at card that you see and then taking components of it to make it yours! As the saying goes…

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"

Let's get this parade going….enjoy!


Card made by Lynn L from Bridgeville, PA




Card made by Mary Ann H. from Hamilton, NJ





Card made by Nancy F. from Massapequa, NJ



Card made by Chris R. from Pella, IA



Card made by Judy G from Clayton, DE



Card made by Lisa P. from Van Wert, Ohio



Card made by Sharon H. from Beaverton, OR



Card made be Jeanie S. from Hagerstown , MD

(a big thanks to Jeanie for always being a help to me)



Card made by Cindy M. from Cininnati, Ohio



Card made by Maria R. from Crown Point, IN

(I wish that Maria will share with us her tips and tricks in making this card…

it looks so 3D but there are no dimensionals at all!)



Card made by Julie H. from Tomahawk, WI


Now the best part….for those that particpated…you will receive a card this week! So fun and it is like Christmas when your card arrives to see what you received! I am just over the top "wowed" by the talent out there!

Today is the 1st day that you can order goodies from the Holiday Supplement….please click here to order the goodies…there are some "keepers" in there and I will be showcasing items this week!

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Thank you, thank you….this was so much fun to be the Parade Leader and as the saying goes…..
