WOW…Card Swap reveal!!!


Good Saturday to you! I have some BEAUTIES that will make you go ooh and ahh and I just could not be more proud of these cards….as they are all made by team members from all over!

I threw it out there if anyone wanted to do a Card Swap and just look at these super-de-duper cards that they designed! I have made up a quarterly calendar for us in 2019 to do this again so come back and see when we do another Top Dog Card Swap! The next one will be in March and the theme is Birthday Cards!


When I threw it out there I clearly said…I could care less what you make….I could care less if it was an original design….all I care about it that you get inky…NO JUDGING WHAT SO EVER!

Before you take a gander I want you to think about this…..I mean REALLY THINK ABOUT THIS and hopefully let it settle in and each and every time you are hard on yourself….you remember….IT’S OK – what matters is that YOU TRIED… what matters is that you are GETTING INKY!


I want you to think about card-making the same as a recipe!


Are you thinking to yourself…what the heck is she talking about.YEP, I MEAN IT! Now I ask you….if you went to a friends house dinner and absolutely loved a dish that she made…would you feel terrible in asking if she would share the recipe? NOPE– you wouldn’t! My guess is that you would make it over and over again and each and every time you made it you thought of that 1st experience of having it with your friend!

I want you to think of your card making the same way! Please be gentle to yourself…I feel that we are all so hard on ourselves and I am guilty of that as well! There is NOTHING WRONG IN CASING A CARD…I ask you  – isn’t that one of the reasons that you are here!?!?!?!?

I once heard something that hit me like a big DING-DING-DING…..when someone puts something out there on the internet, they are putting it out there for the whole darn world to see….and YEP… true!


That does not mean that you take full credit for the design etc…(and I am not going to get into that as we are all adults) what I mean is….it is OK….it actually is very flattering, rewarding etc….when someone does that…JUST LIKE A RECIPE as YOU did something that made someone HAPPY and ins’t it all about being HAPPY!

I follow this rule…if I totally cased a card from someone…I always share where the inspiration came from. Please stampers, PLEASE DO NOT get all hung up on this…as I stated before, we are all adults and know the golden rules! The reality is…I want people to get inky, create,feel good about themselves and have ME TIME….not be hung up on the “stuff” that can clog our head from creating!



I was just over the moon thrilled that so many did this swap! I know that I was the one that fell short in the timing of it all but I can only do what I can do and family first! I mailed out all of the cards on Thursday so the surprise of what card they get will be in their mailbox soon!

I could go ON and ON with what I love about each and every card….but I am choosing not to as I would be typing for HOURS!!!! (I’m a hen-pecker) but then again I am sure you can tell that with all of my typos….

ENJOY my sweet cyber friends and if you have a wee bit of time…..please leave a comment to give these “top dogs” some love.…and PLEASE ASK ANY ?’s that you might have about a card design….I am sure that they will be happy to answer them!


What card did I receive???……well…..I asked one of my peeps to help me do the swapping as I always get so confused with who gets what etc… and I received receive the BEAUTY from Rosanne Mulhern! She is so darn tootin’ talented and I am blessed that she lives relatively close to me and we get to play with paper together…..I was tickled to death!

I just always beam with huge smiles when I see anyones work as I GET IT…they made that with THEIR HANDS….and I do not know about you but…that is a gift within itself!

If you are wondering why I have (2) pictures for a couple of cards….well… is as simple as I thought that they needed to have additional angles to see the details! I wish that I could have held Beth’s card open to take a 2nd picture as it is just stunning how it opens…..but I couldn’t hold it open and take a picture at the same time!


















***Tammy shared with me that her inspiration for this card came from The Pink Buckaroo***












***Jill shared with me that her inspiration for this card came from Jan Brown***
















Ok – I just have to sneak this below picture in as I beamed with joy! Sweet Hilda sent this to me and I melted! I just LOVE stamps…and I have never seen these before! What a great gift to tuck in to someones card or heck – even collect!

Hilda shared with me that she bought them online at the USPS and I went and could not find them. If anyone finds them….please leave a link in a comment as I would love to see if that have other stamps….as card-makers, we all use stamps and this would be a great little “something-something” to add to a card when you send one!


YEAH….I found the direct link for this adorable santa below and remember…..Hilda is right – stamp prices are going up but the forever stamps will alway guarantee you the current going rate for postage!




THAT’S ALL FOLKS for today…I hope that you are smiling and I hope that you are inspired!

Please do not forget about the Product Share that I will be doing for the new Occasions Catalog. If you missed the post with the offerings you can CLICK HERE to see it and I will be starting to send email confirmations out on Sunday!

Enjoy this last Saturday of the year…make someone smile and always remember, being kind is ALWAYS in fashion!


A parade of SWAPS!


Happy Saturday….Happy Weekend!

A trip that should have taken us 5 ½ hours ended up to be around 9 hours…so I decided to take this weekend to share with you some swap cards that I received while on the Stampin’ Up! Trip.

There is nothing like being in Interstate 95 with a bunch of new best friends! It was a very slow go but we made it!

Sometimes a blogger needs to do what a blogger has to do – find some material to make you a happy crafter! I know that you are just like me…we love getting ideas and what is better than a SWAP!

Here are 10 beauties that are waiting for you to ooah and aawh over.

The great thing about blogging is…there will be another time! I simply did not have it in my to type up my post that I had planned for you today!

Milo was a perfect traveler and while we were at a completed stand still…he ventured into the front seat to be in my lap! I just had to snap a picture of him!

Enjoy and tomorrow I will have some more!

















I hope that you enjoy this parade of beauties… tomorrow I will have some more to “strut” for you!

I must admit, I felt like a “girl scout” being prepared – I had these photos in my computer just waiting for the perfect day….and today was it!





Happy Saturday! I admit, it feels weird not doing a Simple Saturday post for you today but I decided being that it is a holiday weekend….we would switch things up a bit and I think that you are going to enjoy 14 pictures of some fabulous cards!

Guess what I am doing right now…..well if it is around 9ish – noon…..I am making up to 225 cards with kids at an Easter Egg Hunt….call me crazy but call me – “It’s for a great cause” and if I get some pictures, I will share them with you tomorrow. If you follow my blog, and I hope that you do – I did this same event last year. It is fast….fun….and oh so rewarding! (think of me….it ZOOMS by) 😀


Are you ready……I will be the announcer….


These are some more swaps from the Richmond On Stage that I attended last weekend – wow…could that be true? A week has gone by….YIKES!


Jeanie has made another great card….she sure does like to do unusual fold! The colors are sooooo me – LOVE THEM!






Super Simple…Super Elegant. Love the textures and you just can’t go wrong with yellow….the happiest color in the world!





Oh my….they they are – balloons… instant smile maker to me. LOVE the color combination!






FUN CARD…I am thrilled that this stamp set, Playful Backgrounds will be in the NEW catalog….woot-woot as it is sooooo over looked!





I think that this DSP wins the most elegant DSP of the year – Navy and White are right up my alley! Is this a beauty or what BUT…..I think that it might be to hard for this super simple gal….but its fun to dream!






A FUN card and YEP, the Celebration Duo are carrying over….a simple yet effective POP! There are those balloons and I am smiling!





Lastly….this beauty taught me something. I have this bundle but have not used it hardly at all. After seeing this – it made me think…SiIly Susan…you have another chance as YEP, its coming with us in the NEW Catalog!




I hope that you enjoyed seeing other works of art from their hearts. I love swapping and it does bring me joy to share with you the cards I swapped with.

You might be thinking – what an I going to do with them? I will divide them up and share with downline that did not have the opportunity to go! WIN-WIN all the way!

After my “egg hunt event” I am coming home and doing my other love….COOKING! We are having a special dinner with James and his girlfriend Ashleigh and it will be wonderful to be together. I am hoping that my dinner is sooooo good that they will play Scrabble with me.

I love that game..but no one wants to play with me….(as my words are very basic)DAH….that what I am about!

Have a fabulous day and I hope to see you tomorrow….I am going to lay an Egg….. – RAMSEY MADE ME DO IT! Pop back and see!









The finale of our Parade!



Well… I guess the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end”…as this is the “caboose” group of pictures of our Holiday Card Swap! I hope that you all have enjoyed this PARADE OF BEAUTIES as much as I have and I must toot my cyber friends horn, this has been a stellar group of cards and I am giving EVERYONE a standing ovation!

Please do not be shy in leaving a comment for these cards, they are just wonderful and I know that they would appreciate some good old fashion Simple Stampin’ love. Also, if you have a certain question about a card, leave the comment and I am sure that the artist will chime in!

YOUR CARDS WILL BE MAILED TODAY.….I feel like they have gone everywhere with me and trust me, they have been in good hands and I have carried them in a tin. (I have been a great protector to them) 🙂 Would Janis D from Olustee, OK email me with her address….SILLY SUSAN, I cannot find your envelope with you whole address on it!!!!



Can you say that this snowman is just ADORABLE!!!! I think the thing that I love about it is that the subtle contrast of Very Vanilla and the white snowman makes is just pop!  People are just so darn clever and this one is off the chart! I can imagine that this will be CASED a bunch – super fun!






I love Fall…by far my favorite time of the year. I am always amazed at the sheer beauty of the changing of the trees and at the end of today’s post, I will share with you a photo that I snapped on Sunday afternoon with Hannah and Stanley. I adore this card. The layers of textures with the embossing folder and the stamping of the leaves is just stunning – but the copper is the real stunning as I love the “peek” just makes it! Stunning, simply stunning!






Can you say…CHRISTMAS!!!! This is an amazing stamp set/bundle and one that I have not shown a lot…but after this – WATCH OUT…when I finally get home…this bundle is MINE!!!! These colors, especially the gold is soooo Christmas special…and I love the look on the Reindeer – so proud pulling that sleigh! Anyone would be thrilled with this Christmas classic….the gold thread – great accent!






This card is from our “In House” Sheep Herder! It has been some time since we have seen the sheep….so Mary Ann – if you are up to it….let’s have another sheep!!!! This is so simple yet still classic! Did you notice the scoring….a perfect accent. The other FUN aspect of this card is that the sentiment is heat embossed – fun touch and great job with using black….as that can be tricky!






Is this a “smile card” or what? The embossing folder against the dots is the best – 2 smile factors for me! Just look at the details, the twine, the ribbon, the sequins….just one FUN FALL Card! You captured the season perfectly!






A card after my own water-coloring heart! This again is a stamp that I have not blogged about but again, when I finally get home…..I am ready for some fun! The accents of the embossing folder sets the stage for this beauty. This was a card that was hard to photograph but is is simply beautiful. There is a layer of Wink of Stella to add the BLING!






This is a “Susan Card” There is just something about Navy and White together that make me happy! It is always so clean and so classic. I am thrilled to see this stamp and framelit. It is a carry over that is in the Annual Catalog and it soooooo deserves to be in the BIG book! Again, look at the combo of an embossing folder and a contrast. It is like Peanut Butter and Jelly! Super-de-duper card!!!





There you go folks! The parade has come to an end and it has been a fun one to showcase! I hope that I sahred your work proud and that is what I am of you…SUPER PROUD!

As promised, here is a picture of Hannah and Stanley. Is this a gorgeous backdrop or what ???? (Judy – you will love the color of the leaves). The barn is just a beautiful place…so peaceful and it is truly a retreat for Hannah to go to after work and have her time with her friend, Stanley.

There are several ponds and look at this reflection of the beauty of nature! She is all smiles as she should be. We are having a great Mother/daughter time together….it is so rewarding to see her grow….





Until tomorrow….it is a PALS BLOG HOP…I am ON the train this month and I have a super fun, easy and practical post for you! Enjoy the day!






















































SHAZAM….Day #5 of keepers!



Shazam – I have more beauties for you today! I know that you are going to be sooooo darn tootin’ inspired by these beauties (as you should because they are just fabulous) Please share your love and spirit  with comments of WAY TO GO for these artists! (also…please do not be afraid to ask specific ?’s about how they made it)

You have to admit, these clip arts are getting their share of time on my blog! ENJOY!!!!!




Can you say A D O R A B L E!?!?!? When I opened this card – the BIGGEST smile was on my face. I hope that Karen will share with us the scoop on making “Mr. Snowman” This embossing folder on this color is just stunning. I just had to share with you how Karen did the inside of her card, just adorable! The holly is an embellishment and they perfect accent.








This is a card that can be adapted to so many different cards/occasions etc. This is one that I would sketch off because it is a keeper layout! Ramsey showed us how something so simple can be both effective and classic. Just love this and this ribbon works wonderful in making a card as it lays very flat! On the 2nd picture you can see that she embossed the trees in white…..great job!






I adore how Joy took a framelit that is not specific to the Holiday but made it rock! WAY TO THINK OUT OF THE BOX! I hope that this encourages you to look at what you have and just “work with it” ~ another thing I love (and something that I need to do more often is) not make the focal part so symmetrical….this is stunning as the body of the card is to the right!






Here comes a Christmas Classic that would be a great card to make in the masses. I say that because it is layers that can be done ahead of time and then GO FOR THE STAMPING! The touches of shine of glitter is so special but the gold star hanging down…..soooooo  special. Hopefully in the 2nd picture you can see the bling!!!







Not talking about out of the box and super FUN.…I would have never thought about doing this….the GOLD is stunning but the way that the diecut  makes a statement is….just WOW! Very, very cleaver! The inside… heart did the pitter patter again, I just love word sentiments but when it is in gold….even better!






How about this FUN and FESTIVE card made my Karen. She is always so darn creative in how she uses DSP and shapes. I love the way that the DSP on the top half of the card is larger, it created a great interest to the eye and then the linen thread – fun touch. Her added dots around the circle makes my heart pitter patter….a stamper after my own heart!





I know that you have heard me say this a bunch, but here you go again, I wish that you could see this in person as it is just OVER THE TOP stunning. The picture just doesn’t do it justice! I am so glad that the Vintage Leaves are still around, what a classic! Janice was inspired from a card on Pinterest but this is what I adore….we can see something that we love and admire, and then re-create to to make it our own! The colors are screaming the fall season!




I think we can all agree on this – WOW!!!! There is still one more day of cards and I just cannot tell you how proud I am of everyone. This has been a FANTASTIC Card Swap! Please share your spirit and love for all of this inspiration!

We are in FULL SWING here in Atlanta and I promise to do my best to inspire you with all of the great things that I am about to see and take part of today and tomorrow…..pop back tomorrow as it is BLOG CANDY TIME……

I wish each and everyone of you were with me…. 🙂


dog shop now



Woot-woot – more inspiration, Day #3!




Good Morning and this is a special day for many reasons. Can you believe that it is the 1st of November! New Month…

I have this funny and very smart feeling that many of you are going to order today (especially because of the stitched framelits) so here is your hostess code for the Month of November ~ MVRQGTNQ

1 – We get to see more card swaps of inspiration….(woot-woot)

2 – Today is the day that we can order the stitched framelits CLICK HERE….(WOOT-WOOT) and the selected group of SALE STAMPS – CLICK HERE!

3 – Today I am driving East of Austin to have lunch with 2 special ladies, Alyece and Millie! (WOOT- WOOT-WOOT!



two dogs watching 4th of July parade


Here is a card that I adore…and I want you to put this in your memory bank because I have a surprise for you later this week and I hope that it will be a great learning tip and experience for you to see how you can case a card to make it your own! This card of Carol’s is a great “concept/formula” card that I would use for many, many occasions ~ beautiful and oh so special!






That Georgette ~ she is the queen of using DSP! Not only is this a fun card…but I would say – who would have thought to put this together? Ok guys – here is a great way to use up that DSP that you are hoarding…on the 2nd picture – LOVE the threads of (I guess) from Burlap Ribbon – very fun and then I just had to show you how she dressed up the inside of the card! FUN card!







Can you say C L A S S I C? – Just elegant and the gold ornament is WOW over the black. You can easily mass produce this card and get lots of WOWS from the lucky recipients! The bottom is a beautiful vellum and it is the perfect accent but that ribbon….the perfect icing on the top! This is a great example of not to be afraid to use a big and bold contrast like Black and White…..for a holiday! Stunning!






When I pulled this out of the envelope, I showed John and said….this is a “Susan Card” Out of all of the metallic papers, I totally prefer working with the gold as I think (for some reason) that it does not scratch or leave marks. Isn’t this just beautiful!?!? This ornament I will be blogging about later in the week but it is so easy…just a crank through and POOF – a great ornament! Super card that will definitely get a CASE from me (and I am sure many others)





Look who is in the house….the MOUSE!!!! I am bummed (and sorry) that these pictures do not give this adorable card the justice it deserves but I think that you can see….ONE CUTE CARD! I am over the moon about this plaid paper and the green sweater on “Maurice” I can hardly wait to get home and play with this combination. Judy – please chime in and tell us about the inspiration and dimensions of this fun card.

Perhaps when I return home, I will be able to reproduce it for you with a post. I think that this is a fun card that has lots of options!






There you go and WE STILL HAVE MORE… if you have not seen your card yet – have no fear!!! I am so proud of you all and I hope that you all can give them some Stampin’ love with leaving a comment letting them know how great the cards are!

Even though I am away…I will be HITTING THAT BUTTON and ordering the stitched framelits today! I am over the moon excited and I’m thrilled that Stampin’ Up! has unveiled them! If I were you ….I would not wait to order these ~ I do NOT have a magic ball to see it they could go on back order but I am not taking the chance!

The free gift for you this month with an order of $75+ are the Seasonal Decorative Masks – I learned a great technique with them while I was away and I am excited for you to see it!





Have a great day….and until tomorrow!