Here is my thank you for the customers that are a part of the November Stamp of the Month Kit…more scoop further down!
Happy Sunday! I hope that you are enjoying these past days of asking questions about our favorites with Stampin’ Up! and yesterday was the question of which adhesive is your choice of preference.
At the time of my posting this, I had 82 comments from my blog and email and it seems like there were so many liking both the snail and the mono “green glue” but the favorite was…(WOW – was it close)
Now for my answer….I was a “True Blue” snail and sticky strip stamper but now I will say that I mainly use the “green glue” ….here are some thoughts about adhesives that I have….
- The “green glue” does have a learning curve – what do I mean by that? LESS IS BEST! It is SUPER strong but also SUPER sticky and I find that when most people start to use it…they get frustrated because they simply use too much.
- If I am working with white paper, I only run a thin bead of green glue around the edges as I have found if you “go crazy” and go to town all over the paper, it leaves a streak on the reverse side (the type A in me)
- The “green glue” is soooo darn affordable! It is just $3.95!
- I do LOVE our snail and I find it very useful and quick, but I will say that ever since I have used more “green glue” I have used less snail but I do love it.
- If I am doing a 3 D project…I think that “Sticky Strip” is the only way to go…this is the best and here is a tip! Have you ever been frustrated with the red tape part sticky to you….if you have a damp paper towel by your work area and if you use the paper piece to take off the backing….simply touch it to the paper towel and presto – no more clinging to you hand!
- The Fuse Fast…Well, I am not a fan. I think that I have not given it a fair chance and I know that I should be more patient as I know many do love it, I think that I have not mastered the “quick snap”!
Let’s move on to today’s question…this should get some great comments going! I hope that you are having as much fun as I am in reading your comments….we are one big group of stampers that love to help and give tips!
If ALL of our stamp sets came out in Photopolymer, Clear and Wood Mount…which would be your choice?
Please leave me a comment and you will get your 3rd chance to win the Blog Candy of 12 Handmade Cards and Envelopes from me! I will announce the lucky winner on tomorrows post!
Here are some more pictures of the “Thank You” that I am sending to the stampers that take advantage of the November Stamp of the Month Club. Please click here to see the post and scoop on it!
November 10th is the cut off for joining the fun for the kit! Please feel free to email me if you have any questions but if you do want a kit – email me and put in the subject line: NOVEMBER STAMP OF THE MONTH KIT…and please leave me your address.
I am very pleased with how I worked the cards this month as I realize that this is a rather small (in size) group of stamps so I thought it would be a great treat for you to get a simple 3-D project filled with the (3) 3 X 3 gift cards and envelopes!
With this kit this month…I used 11 out of the 13 stamps…woot-woot….I love to challenge myself on figuring out how I can maximize a Stamp Set and I think that this kit makes this stamp set shine! It truly is a great stamp set!
This adorable box only uses a ½ of a sheet of paper and I will include the “how to make” with the kit! You could probably easily add a couple more cards, I thought that this would be a great way to “Thank You” for getting the kit!
Fun, festive and easy to do and these make a great gift for all occasions and something that everyone enjoys.
That’s it my friends…..please feel free to email me if you need to. I will be coming home later today so I will get back to you!
Thanks for sharing your comments, suggestions and inspirations with each other for the blog candy….Until tomorrow!
P.S.. – The results for the adhesives were….
Green Glue – 41
Snail – 38
Fuse – 3
I love the Photopolymer stamps because they are so easy to place (w/o a SAMJ) But I agree with those that like the wood stamps already mounted and ready to go and straight.
Forgot about Sticky Strip yesterday . And yes that Mono glue is really the best bang for your buck and dependable . I have found that squeezing a little out and applying it with a toothpick or Qtip works best for me .
That kit is the cutest !
Photopolymer by a long shot! They are easier to use, stamp better and require no preparation!
Oh Susan, this question is easy to answer…..PHOTOPOLYMER!!!!! They are fabulously detailed, you can place them exactly where you want them without the help of the SAM, they stick perfectly to the Acrylic Blocks and they are more affordable than the wood stamps.
Thank you for the chance to win your fabulous blog candy.
Hi. . I prefer the photopolymer stamps because they stick to the clear blocks and you can see where your stamp is being placed too! Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy.
Except for the fact that we have to soooo careful not to misplace the little stamps when we are working with them, I choose photopolymer. I just have to remember to put each one back in its place as soon as I finish using it.
Well a few months ago, I would have said the clear mount because the photopolymer were a mystery to me and then in desperation, I used one and wow, they are so nice and sticky to the block and placement is a snap!!!!So photopolymer is my pick!!! Love your cards!
I Really love working with the photopolymer. It is so,so easy to place them..I have always used snail but after reading all the positives about Mono, I think I will used Mono more.
Morning, I too also prefer the photopolymer (as long as I can get them on the block straights). It is nice to not have to put stickers on them like clear mount, and so easy to store and of course smaller cases makes room for more stamps
Photopolymer is the winner for me! No more lines from smooshing the wood down so hard you get those nasty lines of ink! And even though I am a fan of the Stamp a ma jig, with the clear stamps, my Stamp a ma jig is sadly looking at me at the side of my work station. lol
Photopolymer for sure! So easy to place it, seems for me the “guess” work of the oerfect placement is removed. I also love the easy storage. Room to purchase more!
So this is a hard one to me. Photopolymers, for their instant, ready to use advantage. BUT . . . I really hate, hate, hate how they stain. I don’t mount my stamps when I get them, and then I find I’m doing it one stamp at a time when I need it.
I like all three for different reasons. Wood, because of the quality; clear because of the easy storage and freedom for combining; and photopolymer because of the clear placement feature and the price point. But to just pick one…..I would have to stay with clear. I do not like how the packaging for photopolymer is done. There is a lot of work involved in re-packaging them so they are convenient to use.
Good morn, Susan….photopolymer since they stick nicely on the block……use to be clear but too many “huffs on the block” and still not enough stick equals too many mishaps on a card. Have a great autumn day!
I started with WOOD so I would say wood. I’m using more of the photopolymer now so we’ll say that is my #2 choice.
I don’t think my post from yesterday took – but I agree with most others – green glue!!
Wood stamps if the set comes with a punch or framelits. I just think overtime, they will last the longest. Photopolymer for sentiments – love! Clear for the value.
I am a messy scrapper, so photopolymer for me would not be my number 1 only because I do tend to lose them in the chao….eek!
So I would have to pick clear – for value and ease of locating them….hee!hee!
I would have to say wood because I am so frustrated with the clear stamps not sticking! They are definitely better for storing because they take up less room but they still annoy me. I hate having to make adjustments to something after spending the money in the first place. Photopolymer stick well but I just don’t like them. Give me wood any day!
I like the clear mount the best, for me they are easy to use and the quality of the stamp is great.
I don’t like how Photopolymer stains over time.
I adore the new photopolymer sets! They truly are clear and they stick so well! I love them!
I’ve been just like you, Susan, acting like a 3 yr. old and having a hard time changing over to the clear and photopolymer, but since I’ve been “gifted” some clear and photopolymer stamps and really like them, I’ve made up my mind to only purchase those kind for now on! Woot Woot for me! I love how Sticky the photopolymer are so that’s my choice! Sometimes the clear fall off the block and onto my work piece before I’ve stamped it(now that’s really frustrating)! Any suggestions as how to fix that problem?
I would definitely prefer the photopolymer stamps. You can see exactly where you are stamping. I switched to the clear stamps a while ago and I get so frustrated because many of them do not stick to the blocks. I also love the look and feel to the wood blocks but I can never stamp straight so I have to use the majig all the time which takes more time. Photopolymer gets my vote.
I’m a clear girl by choice. I like the photopolmer stamps for stamping, but do not like how they stain, and the packaging leave much to be desired.
Oh I MUST get my two cents worth in. I would go for WOOD. As I was “traveling” to
give my opinion I noticed the word “photopolymer” speeding past my eyes but did not stop to read all the comments. I may later. I think I like the wood because I learned on wood almost 20 years ago. I love deep, etched red rubber. 20 years ago when SU was new I joined and learned to cut out the rubber, add decals and place the die in the center of the wood block. I can honestly say that I feel “I can see through wood.” Ha. I like the way red rubber cleans up. You don’t usually lose wooden stamps like you can easily lose a little loose polymer “not so clear” die. I don’t like SU’s or other brand’s grabby stickiness. I always feel as if I am stretching it. Of course, the price is nice. I notice you did not offer our other type of stamp: unmounted red rubber. I have no insight but have a hunch. They are probably on their way out. Never thought SU would offer anything but wood but times and stampers change.There are probably tons who never put a wooden set together so we have to march forward!.
I am old school. I still prefer the wood for most of my stamping projects.
I love the clear stamp sets. I don’t see like I used to and they really help.
I think each type has its advantages, but I would vote for all being photopolymer. I’m a stickler for getting images exactly where I want them on a project, and photopolymer stamps do that for me.
Photopolymer makes it so much easier to position without having extra steps. I do like the ease of wood-mount but have made the switch!
PHOTOPOLYMER….all the way!
For stickiness and ease of placement I love the photopolymer, but sometimes the ink bubbles up on my stamp and I don’t gat as sharp an image as the others. It’s still my favorite though….
I like the clear mount for the crisp images and that they don’t take up as much space to store the boxes.
Clear stamps are still my fave!
I love the Photopolymer for images but I prefer the wood for greetings, etc. The reason I prefer the wood is that in order to get your greetings squared appropriately you need a stamp a ma jig. I am very picky about stamping something that is off just a little bit. So I buy both.
Clear and photopolymer are tied for me. Love your cards. TFS
I used to love the wood stamp sets but if I had to choose only one type I would choose photopolymer
I love the Photopolymer stamps,they stick to the blocks so well. It is so easy to get the image right where you want it.
Clear stamp sets are my favorite.
Oh dear, third try. I keep asking for a preview and my post disappears. I’ll skip the preview and apologize in advance if I end up with three posts.
Love the clear stamp sets. They take up less storage and allow me to work with multiple sets at a time in my limited space.
Hands down photopolymer!
I prefer clear stamps.
My preference is still clear. I only have a few of the photopolymer sets, mostly sentiments, which I do like but haven’t really embraced this idea fully yet…maybe soon. Have a nice Sunday
photopolymer- cause you can see where you are stamping, after that the clear
My preference is photopolymer. I’m glad Stampin’ Up came out with them so I can see exactly where I’m stamping. Some days I need all the help I can get!
I like the clear. I do not have trouble getting them to stick since I started putting a piece of “window cling” on the block…the clear stamp sticks with no problem. The photo polymer is growing on me but I do like that they stain.
Oops, I do not like that they stain. ?
For me I would vote photopolymer. They stick to the blocks easily without falling off and are see through for easy placement.
I’ve always preferred the clear mount but I’m starting to slide into the photopolymer camp. Love the see-through feature and since most of the ink transfers to the paper there is less to clean up. Each has it’s advantages but I guess I’ll say photopolymer.
The photopolymer is so controllable love the advantage it gives you! Just a little “less” room for error.
Love the control you have with the photopolymer.
Photopolymer for placement and when you use a mat under your card they stamp quite nice. I love the wood, but storage is a problem. Most of my stamps are clear mount and I rarely add the sticker unless it’s a sentiment, then I use a swish of 2 way glue, let it dry and this helps it stay on block.
I like the clear. I haven’t used the polymer enough to really give them a chance yet.
I love the wood stamps. They are so much easier for me to work with and hang on to as my hands, especially my fingers, are so arthritic. I fumble with the clear blocks as they are kind of heavy. I do love all the stamps tho’!
Have a great Sunday!!!
Gosh, it’s hard to say. I like wood because of the ease of use; the clear because they take up less space; the Photopolymer because you can see exactly where to place your image. I, too, don’t like that they stain, but they sure do stick to the block. So far, I really like using the Photopolymer and have to say for now they are my #1 choice.
Photopolymer for sure, love the ease in placement. Love wood mount, but storage is an issue. Most of my stamps are clear mount, don’t use stickers except for sentiments then I add a swish of 2 way glue and let it dry, this helps keep stamps on block.
I love the feel of the wood blocks, and it’s the classic, of course. But I switched to clear because they take less space to store (and, not to be overlooked–cost less). Then along comes photopolymer–so easy to place correctly, so easy to store…Decisions, decisions! Must I really choose just one? Then, photopolymer, but it’s a close call.
I will stick with the clear – just usually easier and less messy. Thanks so much for the blog candy weekend; you are so generous!
Gotta say I am a wood mount – I feel I get a better “grip” with the stanp and cleaning them seems to go easier with them too.
I have some of all–I like the see thru ease of photopolymer, I like the fast (no need to get a block) of wood mount, but like the cheaper price of clear mount vs wood. I think photopolymer is probably my fav of the 3 then wood then clear mount
Photopolymer for me. I like the clear sets and thought they were a type of the same material. What do I know? I like being able to see though to stamp. At stamp club several mention that clear sets don’t stick as well. Three people tried and they fell off the block. I tried and it was fine for me. I have no idea of why it stuck for me and not the other three. Maybe I have an electric or static personality?
U hated having to cut out the stamp and attach it to the wood and the decals. I used the excess rubber pieces as stampin dimensionals!
I love these 3×3 cards. Your kits seem so amazing. I looked at this stamp set and thought I can do without. The Hello December stamp – I wondered why or what to do with it but seeing you card – it looks perfect!
photopolymer for me! I love being able to see through them for placement, and they are quick and easy out of the package. It doesn’t bother me anymore that they stain–just shows I’ve loved them! Love your cards too and hope I win them!
I love any stamp but I love photopolymer stamps the best since you can see exactly where you are stamping them. I didn’t think I would like them at first but now I do!
I vote for the photopolymer. Some don’t like the staining but, I find that a positive since they are easier to see that way.
I am a huge fan of the clear stamps…but have difficulty getting the smaller stamps to adhere to the acrylic blocks. A fellow stamper did give me a tip that works beautifully though. Put a dab or the 2-Way glue on the shiny side, spread it around and let it dry for about a half hour. But, the down side, if you leave it on longer then 10 minutes, they can be difficult, if not impossible to remove from the block.
The photopolymer don’t have that issue, which is certainly a plus, but I’m not a big fan of storing them on the clear sheets. I know it’s not logical…maybe I’ll let that one go in the near future.
I really like wood, feel good in my hand. The photopolymer are growing on me.
I like the clear stamps the best.
I am a diehard wood mount girl, but the photopolymer are closing in.
The wood was the beginning way for my stamping; then came the clear with those images you were suppose to stick to the back of the stamp and then they wouldn’t stick to the block; now we are up to the photopolyme stamps, which are great but the packing needs some work. I vote for the clear stamps as I now glue the clear image to the inside of the plastic container between the container and the plastic sleeve. That works for me. Isn’t it nice to have a choice?
Well…..I have yet to try the photopolymer. I like the wood because with the clear my stamp falls off:/. I am using some of the green glue to keep them on. Thank you:)
PHOTOPOLYMER!!!! I have been buying stamps from various companies for 20+ years and slowly began to switch to photopolymer when I first encountered them in 2002. One of my biggest problems with wood was the bulkiness when storing them. Every now and then I would write SU about how they had to do something about this storage issue making me have to be way more selective on what I purchased from them as I was running out of room! It took a while but finally they are making the move to photopolymer and I am loving it! Not only do they make positioning easier but you can often tell if a solid stamp is fully inked as you can see through the mount to the stamp. Stained stamps work just as well as pristine!
I really love the photopolymer because I can see exactly where I am stamping and they are so easy to store. I hope SU offers more photopolymer soon. thanks for all you share and for the chance to win this set.
Well Susan it’s photopolymer for me too. For all the reasons everyone else has stated. The only thing that a little difficult is cleaning, as they tend to curl up if you scrub to hard. Love love love your style of stamping ! Judy Tuttle
I love the photopolymer as they stick firm to the blocks and are so easy to stamp right where you want them!
Hands down that would be the photopolymer. It removes the blind spot in stamping. They stick much better than the clear mount and are easer to store and use than the wood mount. Cost less too as there is no wood to ship.
I prefer wood for small items & sayings, but the storage of the clear and photopolymer means I can buy more to fit in my small storage space. Hard to pick just one.
That’s a tough one for me. Each type has advantages and disadvantages. I like the quality of the wood stamps, but the cost is deterring factor. Storage of the clear stamps is a big plus, but I get frustrated when they don’t stick to the block. Photopolymer stamps are fantastic for their flexibility and placement. If I can only pick one, I would have to choose wood even though cost is a major negative factor. Thanks again for the opportunity to win some of your lovely cards!
I prefer polymer but the cling is a close match. What I like best about the photo polymers is that I can move the stamps around on a block to create a different design if I choose
I prefer wood mounted for large background stamps. Otherwise, I think I like the photopolymer stamps. Sometimes the clear mount stamps lose their stick-to-it-ness. Plus the photopolymer ones let you see where you are stamping.
I would say the Photopolymer. I love that they stick to the blocks so easily and you can see right through them for easy placement. Love your projects, thanks for sharing with us.
Photopolymer for sure. Easy placement and same clean up.
PHOTOPOLYMER….hands down!!! Stamp placement is a cinch with them and even tho’ they may stain, it doesn’t affect the use of the stamp. Also, storage is so simple with photopolymer stamps. (That way I can buy more ;).)
Photopolymer is my first choice. Like to be able to see through the stamp for exact placement.
I prefer the clear mount stamps!
The photopolymer is great for easy placement and takes up less storage, but you need several acrylic blocks to go with them (a lot if you are having a card class). The wooden blocks have a nice grip to them and may be longer lasting(???)but they do take up a lot of storage space. So storage space or easy placement – depends on your needs. I have both.
Well, I started stamping with wood, then went to the clear and now like the photopolymer. I like that they stick to the blocks so much easier then the clesar ones and the price of the stamps are a better deal.
Guess I will have to break down and order this stamp set after, thanks Susan.
I love them all and buy them all! With sets with a lot of stamps, I will choose the wood for ease of stamping. Since I started with wood years ago, I am accustomed to working with placement so the clear and polymer are not that huge an asset in that regard. I like the price points of those stamps, but I really don’t like ‘hunting’ for enough clear blocks to use them on projects. And I don’t like putting them back neatly in their little spaces. So, with all that rambling and largely due to the inevitable need for ‘one more’ clear block than I have or a block size that is already being used for something else, I vote for WOOD!
I am really liking SU photpolymer stamps, the really stay on the blocks. Love all of your projects!
I really like the clear stamps the most. I feel the photopolymer stamps sometimes are not on straight and they stain. so I must
say the clear.
Love photopolymer! Love the clean image, but there was a learning curve. Definitely need a foam pad under the solid stamps. I agree, I don’t like how they stain, but they do clean up easily.
I’m going to try and post my response again. Wish me luck. I love the clear stamp sets. They save valuable space in my stamp room & make it so easy to use more than one stamp set at a time. Thanks for the chance to win.
I have always loved wood stamps because of how clean they stamp. I do really like the clear stamps also. Love the storage. I have never used the photopolymer. Love your cards.
PhotoPolymer for stickiness and easy placement!
hi susan…having worked with all three types i prefer photopolymer. i like the they can be moved to another shape. such as curved. what i don’t like is the staining!! i like clean looking stamps.
hands down photopolymer, I like seeing what & where I’m stamping.
Clear followed by photopolymer. I love the easy of placement with the photopolymer, but hate the staining.
Photopolymer first, clear second. No more wood mount…I just do not have the storage room anymore. patpionkeathotmaildotcom
I think photopolymer but with some reluctance. I don’t like that you often need a piercing may and how sometimes they stamp a little weirdly if you happen to press too hate on sentiments or small images.