
Hello…I am going to make lemonade outs of lemons and give you a list of 10 things I have learned since I have been on "my bum"!!! I am doing better and the swelling is now sooooo much better. I still have a sensitivity to the material of the "boot" but read #8 below and you'll laugh!

I am super-duber excited for today as….JEANIE IS COMING OVER and that means that I will laugh…and that means we will have fun….and that means that we will stamp….and that means I will be a SMILING SUSAN! (well…actually I have been smiling as I am very blessed)

Let's get going with today's 10 things I've learned from a broken ankle…

  1. I have the BEST husband in the whole wide world….he is beyond a keeper (as I type this he is making us dinner…and already fed the horses and dogs)
  2. I have the BEST "peeps" in the world….each and everyday I get a call….."Hi Mom….how are you doing…."
  3. I LOVE STAMPIN UP….I have the BEST downline,fellow demonstrators, customers and cyber friends….emailing me, sending me cards and inspirations….(so darn sweet!!!)
  4. Having a broken ankle is "speed bump"….is just that – a speed bump that will pass before I know it. It truly could be sooooo much worse with all of the "craziness out there in the world"….and "sadness in the world" – this is nothing!
  5. You only need to watch the news once during the day.…anymore you will be able to recite word from word what is going on….(and actually the news is pretty depressing)…I often just listen to music.
  6. I found new love….(I am not a t.v. person but believe me….I found a new favorite)…I adore Food TV and I love….LOVE the Pioneer Women show (she is right after my own heart….loves to cook, animals, photography, the outdoors…..yep – love it)
  7. Learn to bite your lip and be grateful….John hung a bird feeder out the window so I could enjoy seeing birds BUT.…the minute birds come and eat… the Jack Russells….all 4 of them bark at the same time and Daisy, the pig….goes right under the bird feeder and roots for all of the little pieces – therefore while he is at work the kitchen door is a revolving door! (I've learned to put the blinds down!)
  8. Learn to bite the other side of your lip! I have had a sensitivity to the material that the "boot" is made out of and John has come up with a brilliant idea and it really works….1st – do not throw away the odd socks in your house….they can be handy! John takes his old cotton socks and cuts them to put over my foot so my skin is not touching the material BUT I had to call him at work as I could not find my good Stampin' Up! Craft scissors…I LOVED his response – "Oh, you mean the sock scissors….they are great for cutting socks!!!)
  9. Listen to your body….take time to slow down and figure out how to enjoy the journey! I adore being at home, true I wish that I could zip here and there like I did but I know that part of life will return very quickly…and for right now…I am doing just fine!
  10. Animals truly are the best to talk to! My 5 dogs, wonderful pig…have been the best and they always make me laugh! I swear they look at me and say, "Wow – you really are spending a lot of time in bed"….but I love it as they are right here with me!

Each and everyday is a gift…and my spirits are good (can't deny that I have had many bitty party's but I realized that no one was show up except the dogs)….and what would make me feel GREAT is to be playing with paper and creating.

I have a make shift area in our family room and I am sure that I will be able to come up with some cute cards that hopefully you will like!

Many thanks to so many that have emailed me etc….I adore all of your well wishes and I cannot wait to share with you an amazing parade of beautiful cards that I have received… will be smiling promise!!!

Until tomorrow!