Good Tuesday morning to you! Are you ready for a TIP for your TUESDAY??? Well I hope that you are ready to be a sponge and try to look at color in a different way! I have a bunch to cover today as I have this tip….a “funny” that kinda goes with the color tip and then a “lower lip hanger” for you….my dear Milo fractured his leg.


One thing is for sure…never a dull moment on Randall Lane!

Let’s chat about color! We all have certain colors that we gravitate to 😀 ….and then we have those colors that get neglected 😕 …Here is a great chart to reference to and a great motivator to give you that nudge….(hint-hint) to try and GET OUT OF THAT “COLOR BOX” that we tend to get ourselves in!

I love it that Stampin’ Up! comes out with 5 new colors each year. The In Colors will be with us for 2 years so we get lots of time to play! I personally am thrilled with the In Colors this year and the Lemon Lime Twist is my favorite out of the group of 5! I just love the clear, crisp POP that it gives.

When Stampin’ Up! comes out with new colors….I say get them. One thing that is fabulous about Stampin’ Up! products is…THEY MATCH! That might seem like a very broad base statement but it is soooooo true and it will be a huge help to you when you create. Trust me, there is something so “freeing” to know that this paper coordinates with that paper….this ink will coordinate with that DSP etc….

Here are the color combinations that caught my eye from the above chart….but 1st – a funny for you!

On Saturday John was helping me make up the Card Swatches on a Ring for the Product Share and he had an audience! Just look at the 3 dogs – PRICELESS! I was on the other side in the Kitchen and I wish that you would have heard him talking.





He would say – ROSIE….we are on ROSE RED now…..and then this is what I loved….he popped out into the kitchen and said – “You know – these are really great as there would be no way that I could decide by looking at the Catalog” – I just smiled and said – thank you! I will say that I love being able to pull forward the swatches to see how colors work together.

I will be offering another Product Share the week of June 19th so I encourage you to grab one of these….they truly are a great tool.







Now super quick to Milo, Mr Perfect. When we rescued him almost 2 years ago he was given a great opportunity as someone had shot his front leg and a Vet in South Carolina saved him….rehabbed him until he became an Itell.

His little leg is a bit deformed from the injury and surgery. I guess you can say that he has a permanent limp but it never slows him down. Sunday I noticed that he was not himself. Yesterday I needed to leave him at the Vets and YEP, he has a fracture. It appears to be in the same place where he had the initial surgery and I am hoping the Vet in South Carolina will send up his xrays from before.

He goes back on Thursday and time will tell. It is just sad that my little buddy is down and out. That makes me sad but I am glad that he has a great Vet!




I will be back tomorrow with a NEW card for you! I know many of you like my fur babies stories and this one caught me in left field!