Hello and Happy Thursday…you know what today is – it is time to play TIC-TAC-TOE….and you can see that I did 3 in a row! (ha-ha…just like I am suppose to!!!!)
Today I chose the path of far right….DOWN =
- Square (square card 4 1/4″)…
- Wrap (I wrapped the Tranquil Tide Ribbon around the….
- Wood-Grain (paper from the Wood Textures DSP Stack) to make this FUN card that I am sure you are smiling about!
There is something just FUN about a game and then there is something just FUN about these dear piggies! My sweet piggy, Daisy Mae is a black piggy and they are not as fun to color in black so in my world….a pink piggy does the trick! (and look….how appropriate – she is holding a Daisy!!!)
I simply pulled out that Aqua Painter and did a super quick color using both the powder pink ink and then used the blushing bride to add a wee bit of accent to her ears and cheeks! You can see the other colors that I used to color in the line up at the end of the post!
Remember my best TIP & TRICK to using the Aqua Painters….JUST DO IT – practice is your best friend!
Just look at this super sweet gal kickin’ up her heels as she picks her flowers….not a care in the world – life is great! There is something just magical about this stamp set, This Little Piggy as the minute you see it…..it happens – YOU SMILE!
The other super popular DSP in the catalog is, Wood Textures DSP 6 X 6 Stack – it is chocked full of practical and oh so life like wood grain images…a definite “have to have” in your stamp stash!
Today I took the liberty of “wrapping” the ribbon around the “wood DSP” so check off my list of the game board (actually a double check off) 😀
It would be a “Susan card” without a fun envelope…and today is no different! Pulling all of the colors that I used in the card….I made my custom envelope with the envelope punch board and went to town!
Isn’t the pick paper great to accent this sweet swine…..every piggy needs a classic paper – the Fresh Florals DSP Stack….after all – she IS a beauty….just like my sweet swine!
There you go…now it is YOUR TURN TO PLAY and I truly hope that you will! POP over to the Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge and see what the other designers had up their sleeves this week and then go ahead and find that “me time” that you sooooooooo deserve and play along!
I am just kickin’ up my heels as well with so many playing….I say a big WOOT-WOOT and it is fun and rewarding….you ALL are winners in my eyes!
I will see you tomorrow and it will be ready to say HIP…HIP….HORRAY! I have a fun one for you! Shopping from home is the best….remember with every $50.00 you will receive a $5.00 coupon to use in August….the gift that keeps on giving!
Hi Susan, Great card. Love your choice of tic-tac-toe. I used this stamp set for my daughter’s BD and painted the nails red, and she got the biggest kick out of that.
Keep having fun!!!
Adorable card, Susan. You make Ms. Daisy Mae proud. Nancy, what a cute idea painting the nails red. Have a fun day!
Of course I am squealing with laughter with another pig card. I needed a good laugh to go with this week. Definitely a full moon in there this week. When I see this little pig I think of the Yippee Skippee term. Now, why didn’t I get that stamp set that had that in there? At least I don’t think I ever bought it. I know, I know – get organized and list the sets I have and all that. I like the wood grain on the sides – sort of reminds me of a fence. Of course the envelope is always a treasure.
I copied a tic tac toe list from another blog yesterday and was working on that card and it is not the same as yours and it wasn’t last week’s either. Who knows. So, now I will “scrap” that idea and pursue yours list. Something about that fuzzy element intriques me!
Well Susan, I hope you and John are having a great time and can’t wait to hear about what you are doing. Hope John’s shingles are not giving him any grief either. Have fun, rest when you can, and have a safe time. Too much craziness out there!
CUTE ! Love this little piggy ! I also kinda like that touch of wood look . Makes this card “FARMSY” !
Hope you are soaking up some fun and leisure with all of your SU “TRIP WINNERS”!
This little gal makes me smile every time I see her!!!! Great card!
Very cute piggy card and love the clean design!