Hello and Happy Thursday…you know what today is – it is time to play TIC-TAC-TOE….and you can see that I did 3 in a row! (ha-ha…just like I am suppose to!!!!)

Today I chose the path of far right….DOWN =







There is something just FUN about a game and then there is something just FUN about these dear piggies! My sweet piggy, Daisy Mae is a black piggy and they are not as fun to color in black so in my world….a pink piggy does the trick! (and look….how appropriate – she is holding a Daisy!!!)

I simply pulled out that Aqua Painter and did a super quick color using both the powder pink ink and then used the blushing bride to add a wee bit of accent to her ears and cheeks! You can see the other colors that I used to color in the line up at the end of the post!

Remember my best TIP & TRICK to using the Aqua Painters….JUST DO IT – practice is your best friend!







Just look at this super sweet gal kickin’ up her heels as she picks her flowers….not a care in the world – life is great! There is something just magical about this stamp set, This Little Piggy as the minute you see it…..it happens – YOU SMILE!







The other super popular DSP in the catalog is, Wood Textures DSP 6 X 6 Stack – it is chocked full of practical and oh so life like wood grain images…a definite “have to have” in your stamp stash!

Today I took the liberty of “wrapping” the ribbon around the “wood DSP” so check off my list of the game board (actually a double check off) 😀 








It would be a “Susan card” without a fun envelope…and today is no different! Pulling all of the colors that I used in the card….I made my custom envelope with the envelope punch board and went to town!

Isn’t the pick paper great to accent this sweet swine…..every piggy needs a classic paper – the Fresh Florals DSP Stack….after all – she IS a beauty….just like my sweet swine!








There you go…now it is YOUR TURN TO PLAY and I truly hope that you will! POP over to the Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge and see what the other designers had up their sleeves this week and then go ahead and find that “me time” that you sooooooooo deserve and play along!

I am just kickin’ up my heels as well with so many playing….I say a big WOOT-WOOT and it is fun and rewarding….you ALL are winners in my eyes!

I will see you tomorrow and it will be ready to say HIP…HIP….HORRAY! I have a fun one for you! Shopping from home is the best….remember with every $50.00 you will receive a $5.00 coupon to use in August….the gift that keeps on giving!