Happy Hump Day! Silly Susan has a new PINK friend for the next 6 weeks – I broke my wrist. I wish that the story of how could have been more exciting but….the truth be told – I tripped over Daisy (my dear piggie) while I was walking Colin out (a horse) to a field!
All is good and my wrist will be fine but I am in that “figuring out” stage with PINKIE! So far PINKIE and I are not feeling the “peanut butter and jelly love” but it has only been less than a day!
I do have a super FUN post for you tomorrow (I am really excited with it) as it is Tic-Tac-Toe and I needed to have that completed before PINKIE came to live with me!
This one hand “pecking the computer” is for the birds but I will figure it out and find a groove! See you tomorrow…
NOOOOOOOOO!!!! This is not good!!!
So sorry to hear of your accident Susan. Just be sure and do all you can to get it to heal.
I know it must be frustrating with “Pinkie” on your wrist. Prayers are with you.
So sorry to hear this, Susan and wishing you a very speedy recovery. Sending ((hugs))!
Susan, I’m so sorry about your wrist. I hope you do well getting around with one hand and that wrist heals well 🙂 Hang in there…you are definitely a “lemonade from lemons” person! 🙂
How unfortunate for you and painful! It will be a frustrating 6 weeks in the creativity department and I hope the time goes by quickly for you.
Oh no! So sorry about your wrist! Maybe this is a way for you to slow down. Have another cup of coffee and rest. Hugs!
So sorry to hear about your wrist!
John was right and glad you got an xray! Please heal quickly. Hoping you become a master at one-handed crafting! Let’s chat!
I’m so sorry! I hope you and Pinkie get to be peanut butter &jelly real soon ❤
Oh no! You adjusted well after foot surgery (but that didn’t impact your crafting as much as your mobility!) I have no doubt you’ll adjust well, especially with your sunny disposition. Which hand is it?
So sorry Susan. Guess this is the time to learn to take care of you. Heal quickly. We will all wait for you.
Oh my GOSH!!!! Have another friend who might have broken her wrist yesterday. Her hubby can’t convince her to get it xrayed. I know you will be winging(sp?) that pink thing around in no time!!! Just hope it is not your dominant wrist! Sending hugs!!!
Ouch!!!!!! Wishing you quick healing, Susan!!!! I bet Miss Daisy is feeling badly for you too.
Oh dear! Your piggie story is way better than mine. I tripped over a gas hose and broke my ankle a couple of years ago. Now that’s a lame story. Heal quickly and complete!
So sorry to hear of your fall, now just R&R!
Very sorry to hear about your wrist. Card making will now
become a new challenge, but I’m sure you will figure it out
in no time. Nothing seems to hold you down! I enjoy your blog
and all the beautiful cards you share.
Oh wow! You poor thing. Crafting will be a challenge but you love challenges and I bet you will master this one. Hope you heal quickly and painlessly, my friend.
Oh my, I’m so sorry to hear about your fall. Over the years I’ve known you, you have been through so many medical events, but you always come out with a “can do” attitude and a smile on your face. I hope it is not your dominant wrist. In early July, my husband met an uneven sidewalk and the sidewalk won! He cut a gash over his eye, chipped a bone in his dominant wrist, bruised his shoulder, scraped his knees deeply and wrenched his back…all while out for his morning power walk. He has recovered, except for continuing pain in his back. Take it easy and know we all care and send our love.
So sorry… please take care of yourself.. that is the most important thing right now.
So very sorry to read this. Please heal quickly!!!
Sending hugs.
AW SHUCKS !! Bless your heart ! So sorry !
Take care and get pampered !!
Keep us posted on PINKIE .
Big hug !
Oh no Susan . . . I’m so sorry!!! Please take care of yourself first and foremost. That surely must not be fun. Your sense of humor “pinkie” is not lost though. I hope it is not your right wrist.
Can you use a “voice/dictation program” to type?
Happy Hump Day, the best you can.
Oh Dear……get well soon! I’ve never broken an bone …knock on wood…had several surgeries, but not broken bones……it will get better and I am sure you will be inventive of how you accomplish things….Do keep us posted on “Pinkie”.
Oh no 🙁 well I hope you are not in too much discomfort. I hope pinkie learns how to play nice!
Susan, you know we are all thinking of you and sending healing thoughts. Here’s hoping the 6 weeks go by quickly for you.
Hugs to you, Susan, and blessings for a quick recovery!!
I think you need to reverse things for your story. Tell people you tripped over a horse while out walking your pig. You know, just for the excitement. Or just outright make up stuff–your parachute opened late, bull wrestling, punched a would-be mugger…
Anywho, get to healing quickly and do that PT!
Oh Susan!! I am so very sorry!! You will be challenged to come up with creative ways to live your life for the next 2 plus months. But I believe that if anyone can, you can and will!! Hugs!!
Oh, no, Susan! I’m sure you will heal, but I’m very sorry you got injured again! I’m glad you won’t have to be scooting around Salt Lake City on a knee-scooter after this one!!!! I hope you are all healed up in time for On Stage!
Oh no! We SO appreciate all you do for us, but take care of yourself first! Sending a hug.
Oh my gosh Susan! One more thing we have in common, broken bones. You already know I have a broken foot & ankle. Well, 3 weeks with that cast and I decided to fall down 7 steps on to our wooden floor and broke my leg. Surgery, several casts and rehab is where I am for now. I will be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers for a speedy recovery!!! Hugs!!!!!!
Good golly Miss Molly! I saw the number of comments and thought of she must be giving away something. Then, I read on and I really thought you were pulling a funny on us but you are serious! I love Princess Judy’s comment! What are we going to do about this? Do we need to take turns doing your blog for you? I am feeling so bad as now I don’t think I am coming out east with Mike for several reasons. Now, I feel like he should stay home and I check in at his conference and then somehow get to your place and help do the shares and such but we know that is not going to happen. For one they would know he was being too quiet! My friend will be gone too so that was another reason. Anyway, for now I hope you heal fast and are not in any or very much pain. Now, I have another thing to worry about. Meanwhile I have several hundred pounds of dog and cat food and other pet stuff to deal with and getting them to the semis that are taking them to Texas.
So sorry to hear about your wrist. Speedy recovery. Healing thoughts to you.
This too shall pass. Quickly I hope. Healing hugs and prayers to you.
Sorry to hear you that you have a acquired a “pinkie”. Hope you are able to get your groove back soon.
Oh no! Here’s to a speedier recovery. Next time – no playing leapfrog with the critters! 😉
Sorry to hear that, Susan! Recover quickly! I tripped over our Westie while walking the dogs one morning years ago…one broken bone in my left (thank goodness!)hand, requiring surgery. The OT afterwards was a b!#@%, but results were excellent! Hang in there!
Oh No! Praying for a speedy recovery!!!
Dear Susan,I am so sorry you broke your wrist .I hope you ar not in too much pain. Please do what the doctor tells you to do. I love your sense of humor. Your Pinkie is not playing very nice to you. I hope Daisy does not feel too bad about making you trip over her. I am keeping you in my prayers..Pleae know we all love you, my friend,Hugs,Ellen Hinds
Susan, So sorry to hear about your unfortunate accident! I hope the next six weeks pass quickly for you! Wishing you a speedy recovery ?
Oh, Susan, I am so sorry to hear about your wrist. A broken bone is always so painful at first. I hope it isn’t sore for very long and heals quickly (and well). Give Milo a big hug. That will surely make you feel better. Speedy recovery wishes! Janice Eastes
Sorry about your accident! I hope it’s not feeling too bad. I enjoy your blog — Thanks for all you do.
Very clever!!! I can see christmas gift tags in the box! Hope you and Pinkie are coming to terms with each other!