Good morning and here’s to a new week! I have a fun post for you today as it is filled with pictures that will make you smile…make you giggle…make you just say life is great! John and I went away to a county fair near where we live!
I have never been to this fair – it is the Frederick County, Maryland fair. I simply could not get enough of all of the amazing animals that we saw but more importantly my heart was filled with joy seeing so many children and adults having nothing short of good old-fashioned fun!
I know this has absolutely nothing to do with stamping… but this is what I love about having a blog– I am able to share part of my life and my happiness with you! With pinkie still being by my side…my time creating is a little back-burnered right now but taking pictures was a blast!
You all know that I adore my animals and they are huge part of my life… and you also know that I have a pet pig named Daisy Mae! My entire family (with the exception of me naturally) thinks Daisy is huge… but after seeing these pigs in Daisy is very petite!
Enjoy these pictures I have for you showcasing the amazing animals that the children in our area proudly showed. I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to see children and their parents have such pride and just a wonderful time together.
This MAMA had 13 piglets….these piglets are 4 weeks old. I love the way they snuggle with each other.
Everyone needs a friend….RIGHT!?!?
This super sweet girl was 14 years old and she was snuggling with her pig Wilbur….Wilbur will be leaving to go (you know where) – he has proudly (made the weight)…YEEK….I was sicken to hear that….but I guess that is a part of the journey. This pig has had to gain 1.5 pounds per day since June 1st to “make the weight” – heck…we really shouldn’t feel bad putting on an extra 5!
Friends to the end….(these girls have some big hocks)
LOVE THIS PICTURE….this pig was just snoozin’ away….Pigs are really SUPER smart……and SUPER clean!
This is a pretty pig…she looks like Daisy. (but bigger)
Poor Piggie….he isn’t as “pretty” as the others…..(and YES – PIGS get sunburned)
Can you say A D O R A B L E – just too sweet! (she is tired) – Love the ears….
Movin’ onto Sheep….now I thought Hannah and I were a little nuts about horses…but these sheep people….they are serious…ENJOY!
Time for GOATS.…Not to offend anyone… But this is one animal I would never have!
True, they’re super cute but they climb over everything!
Now here we go…help me out – John wants to get a couple of Alpaca’s…..I say no….he really wants them…
(he has a client that raises them)…they are cute……What do you think???? YES or NO?
Now this totally TOUCHES MY HEART-STRINGS…..not only is this cow adorable (3 years old) – this little boy MELTED my heart….he talked and talked….and then talked and talked to me (I was in hog heaven) and every time I would ask him a question he would look at me and say yes ma’am… No ma’am… Yes ma’am!
Just look how proud he is of his cow!
I simply cannot explain how amazing this time was seeing these amazing animals and these amazing children.
Now I just had to take this picture because I swear if I ever was involved with cows I could see this being me holding a cow waiting for one of my kids.This poor lady looks like she is just waiting for someone to come get this cow! TOO FUNNY!
Poor Girl….she is saying, “TAKE ME HOME…I NEED MILKED”
Now to the food….Every fair has great local food…..Just look at these potato chips… We didn’t– I resisted…..
And here are turkey legs… They looked amazing… I resisted….
And there was the pit beef sandwich… We both caved in and enjoyed! SUPER YUM!
You can see it was a wonderful afternoon and as I came home my joy tank was filled to the brim!
In closing here is a picture of my boys as we drove In the driveway…
I love my sweet Oscar and Colin…There is just nothing like the love and joy you get from an animal!
I hope to be enjoyed and smiled a little glimpse of my weekend….Let’s all have a great week!
Oh my gosh, that was so much fun, I almost felt like I was at the fair with you, Susan! I felt so badly for the piggy who was ready to take her last trip-up the plank! We live only a mile from a dairy farm. We love walking that way, and when the 1-3 day old calves are out by the dirt road (in their cages), we love to stop and chat with them. Their eyes are all googlie and they can’t walk very well. I feel for the bull calves cause I know they won’t be sticking around, but life goes on. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us!
This is an AWESOME post and brings back such fond memories of going to our local agricultural fair when I was growing up. Wonderful times and it warms my heart to see children working so hard at something they love so much. Kids and animals…..JOY indeed! Thanks so very, very much for sharing, Susan! Thanks too for your ability to see so much good in the little things — You make the world a better place!
First… What amazing pictures! ‘Pinkie’ may limit your stamping, but your photographic skills are just fine!
What a joy to scroll through your day. I vote a great big YES for the man of the house to have his choice of animals. Can’t wait to see if your animal clan grows.
Oh Susan, First I feel like I was right there with you at the fair. Super great pictures. I think John should get his Alpacas . . . then I can have alpaca yarn!
Thanks for sharing. Happy Monday.
So much fun looking at these pics! Some of those faces…you just want to squeeze and hug them. I, too, vote yes for the alpaca. Thanks for sharing your fun weekend with us.
I loved your walk thru the fair. So much fun seeing all the animals. My heart did go out to the girl hugging her pig who was going on a one way trip. I know that is life but a little sad. Thanks for sharing. Take care of that little pinkie.
I also LOVED your pictures & went back in time. Sorry Susan but I vote yes for the alpacas. We have an alpaca farm nearby & I ❤️ driving by to see them out in their pens grazing. Brings such joy to my heart.
What a fun weekend! I love fairs…seeing parents and children being outdoors and doing things together! It doesn’t get any better than that. Your pictures are wonderful…felt as though I was there with you. Love the animals and “yes” for the alpacas. You will love them. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us.
Hi! Missed our fair this year, so enjoyed the vicarious visit to Frederick County’s. Also–two thumbs up to getting alpacas! “Everyone” tells me they are as adorable as they look.
Oh, such wonderful pictures! Love seeing them. I know you had a great time. We have been several times to the VA State Fair and loved seeing the ducks sliding down in the water and the Pig Races sere such fun to see. Thanks for sharing.
Oh what fun !!! I love FAIRS ! The 4H group always amaze me .
Thank you for all the wonderful pictures . I watch Dr. Pol and love that you made me feel like I have just watched one of his shows (smile)…..YES YES on the Alpacas ….you have your Daisy so John should get a couple of those comical critters ! I heard on Doc Pol that they are not too sweet and they SPIT ,but funny and SOFT !!!
Loved the sharing of your fun day !!
What great pictures, Susan! Haven’t been to a good country fair in a long time. I love animals too so I really enjoyed your pictures. Sorry about your “pinkie” and sorry too, but I vote yes on the alpacas! I love them!!
Wonderful post, Susan! I love county fairs, too. There is such a good old fashioned wholesome feeling to them and the people. Last fall, Emily and I went to the York (PA) County fair and this is where I fell in love with the alpacas! So…yes to John and the alpacas! We have neighbors right up the road from us who raise them for their wool and they are really very friendly every time we stop by to say hello! Happy Monday!
This post was such a happy and fun beginning to my day! I’m an animal lover too, and am keeping my fingers crossed that one day I will also be the proud mama of a lil pig. Alpaca for John? I say go for it!
Thanks for sharing … loved all the animals…. I miss my county fairs !
Nothing beats the county fair. Seeing farm animals in their Sunday best. Your pictures are great! I could almost taste the homemade chips. As for the alpacas, I’d say go for it. They are pretty darn cute.
Great pics, Susan. Glad you got to out to enjoy the fair. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and that is certainly what you and John did on a beautiful day! Take care.
GREAT post Susan! You brought tears, (14 year olds saying goodby), laughter,(goat ears!), and pure joy to my morning! I love ALL the anima/peoplel pictures and it makes me realize I can not wait to get back into owning dogs!!!! Thanks for making my morning!
Loved your post! Made me wish I was there!
I want those chips! What a great day and celebration of “good old fashioned fun!” Awesome photos!
What a fabulous way to start the week, Susan. Thank you for these wonderful pictures of the animals. I LOVE the sheep and those goats especially. Such sweet faces! I vote yes for the alpacas as well. But be careful: if they are anything like llamas, then you want to be sure to avoid their spit: nasty, nasty. LOL. Thanks again for this adorable stroll through the fair. (I grew up in western MD about an hour from Frederick and have enjoyed many trips to a rural TN county fair with my husband’s family over the years. Did they have a crafting section? Most fairs do).
How much fun you had! I feel like I was right there with you. I could smell the smells, hear the sounds, and see the sights of the fair right there with you. We haven’t gone to the fair in many many years. We need to rethink that come April (when ours is). Baby goats are so awesome to watch, but they grow up to be such creepy-eye creatures. Yes! Pigs can be freaking enormous. I read a story of 2 guys who adopted their friends petite pig as she was moving. Said pig grew up into a take-to-the-butcher gigantic swine. They have pictures of this enormous pig in their house since it was raised as a pet. It can eat off the kitchen counters it is so big. They moved to the country and started a “home” for cast off pets like petite pigs that aren’t petite and others. And yes, you should let John have an alpaca. They seem gentle and don’t spit like llamas. My coworker’s parents have llamas with their sheep. They make good guard dogs since they are curious. I love hearing her on the farm stories from growing up. She grew up driving big farm equipment from the time she was 10. She was so offended she had to take a driving test to get her Arizona driver’s license.
What a fun post!!! So glad you shared these beautiful critters with us!!!❤️ Brings back memories …… I selfishly hope you get Alpacas just so we get to see them through your pictures!!!! ?
So enjoyed your County Fair pictures. Am an animal lover, too.
I would do some research on alpacas first before getting one. Always good to be prepared! A prayer that your pinky heals perfectly and thank you for sharing.
Love the photos, love county fairs!
Oh Susan, thanks so much for sharing your weekend at the fair. It was super fun to see all the animals. Your pictures were the bomb. Hugs!!
Nothing more American than a county fair. Glad you had such a god time. Hold fast to your convictions about alpacas. You will be sorry if you don’t!
What no food on a stick? Fried candy bars? Whatever – the main thing is that you two had a great time with a lot of great photos. Maybe we can do the state fair thing next year or two…. Alpacas – do some research. Does he plan on selling their hair/fur? What ever happened to his chicken idea?
I was in hog heaven when I wrote you Friday but now I am getting all scared – what if people don’t like my cards? Meanwhile I got asked to do something for the basset hound charity auction. I wish they give us more notice so I can think. I think I am slip sliding into a hole – of no return.
I do think the goat is saying why not goats? I love that photo!
Enjoyed hearing abt the fair. Been years since I’ve been to one. Cute photos and I love the stories. The zoo in Columbus has a nice petting zoo area. The goats are hilarious because they are free to roam in fenced area among ppl. They will sit in or under benches. You can brush them. On one of my routes to work there are sheep and I always wish I could stop and spend time with them. I don’t know muchvabt alpacas but my vote is yes esp after seeing a video on fb of a boy who rescued one and they are like best friends. They go for walks, even to the beach. And I love Cody the Teeny Tiny Alpaca’s fb page.
Fun pics, alpacas are expensive, we were thinking of getting them when we first moved to Queen Creek…hey where are your Thailand pics, Jeff keeps asking. Did you wear our boots to the fair? Love ya, Di