Good morning and here’s to a new week! I have a fun post for you today as it is filled with pictures that will make you smile…make you giggle…make you just say life is great! John and I went away to a county fair near where we live!

I have never been to this fair – it is the Frederick County, Maryland fair. I simply could not get enough of all of the amazing animals that we saw but more importantly my heart was filled with joy seeing so many children and adults having nothing short of good old-fashioned fun!

I know this has absolutely nothing to do with stamping… but this is what I love about having a blog– I am able to share part of my life and my happiness with you! With pinkie still being by my side…my time creating is a little back-burnered right now but taking pictures was a blast!

You all know that I adore my animals and they are huge part of my life… and you also know that I have a pet pig named Daisy Mae! My entire family (with the exception of me naturally) thinks Daisy is huge… but after seeing these pigs in Daisy is very petite!

Enjoy these pictures I have for you showcasing the amazing animals that the children in our area proudly showed. I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to see children and their parents have such pride and just a wonderful time together.


This MAMA had 13 piglets….these piglets are 4 weeks old. I love the way they snuggle with each other.



Everyone needs a friend….RIGHT!?!?



This super sweet girl was 14 years old and she was snuggling with her pig Wilbur….Wilbur will be leaving to go (you know where) – he has proudly (made the weight)YEEK….I was sicken to hear that….but I guess that is a part of the journey. This pig has had to gain 1.5 pounds per day since June 1st to “make the weight” – heck…we really shouldn’t feel bad putting on an extra 5!



Friends to the end….(these girls have some big hocks)




LOVE THIS PICTURE….this pig was just snoozin’ away….Pigs are really SUPER smart……and SUPER clean!

This is a pretty pig…she looks like Daisy. (but bigger)




Poor Piggie….he isn’t as “pretty” as the others…..(and YES – PIGS get sunburned)



Can you say A D O R A B L E – just too sweet! (she is tired) – Love the ears….




Movin’ onto Sheep….now I thought Hannah and I were a little nuts about horses…but these sheep people….they are serious…ENJOY!








Time for GOATS.…Not to offend anyone… But this is one animal I would never have!

True, they’re super cute but they climb over everything!





Now here we go…help me out – John wants to get a couple of Alpaca’s…..I say no….he really wants them…

(he has a client that raises them)…they are cute……What do you think???? YES or NO?






Now this totally TOUCHES MY HEART-STRINGS…..not only is this cow adorable (3 years old) – this little boy MELTED my heart….he talked and talked….and then talked and talked to me (I was in hog heaven) and every time I would ask him a question he would look at me and say yes ma’am… No ma’am… Yes ma’am!

Just look how proud he is of his cow!

I simply cannot explain how amazing this time was seeing these amazing animals and these amazing children.







Now I just had to take this picture because I swear if I ever was involved with cows I could see this being me holding a cow waiting for one of my kids.This poor lady looks like she is just waiting for someone to come get this cow! TOO FUNNY!


Poor Girl….she is saying, “TAKE ME HOME…I NEED MILKED”





Now to the food….Every fair has great local food…..Just look at these potato chips… We didn’t– I resisted…..


And here are turkey legs… They looked amazing… I resisted….


And there was the pit beef sandwich… We both caved in and enjoyed! SUPER YUM!


You can see it was a wonderful afternoon and as I came home my joy tank was filled to the brim!



In closing here is a picture of my boys as we drove In the driveway…

I love my sweet Oscar and Colin…There is just nothing like the love and joy you get from an animal!



I hope to be enjoyed and smiled a little glimpse of my weekend….Let’s all have a great week!