Good Morning! We had a FABULOUS WEATHER WEEKEND on the East Coast over the weekend and we were deep into the fun and chores that Spring brings to us! If you can…please read to the end as I have a super sweet story for you!
I did not go into my Craft Room to do the COUNT…..until yesterday and I am a bit embarrassed to say the amount of stamps that are on my shelf that are retiring… I shared on Friday…I had several downline text me what their numbers were…and I was wondering what mine will be?
It’s kinda like that feeling when you need to get weighed at the Doctors Office….that REALITY of that number, yikes…that is just the worse but here you go…..the number is 46. YEP, I had 46 stamps and/or bundles that are being retired. Now before you fall off your chair (that’s what I kinda did) remember that there are stamps that have been around for years that are leaving the catalog.
This happens…and we all know it and just seem to deal with it. What will I do with them? WELL….I will pull out the ones that talk to my heart and make me smile….and the others, will find new homes. When I sell my retired stamps I know that they are going to GREAT homes and will still get the love that they deserve!
We have a winner – winners…as 3 of you guessed 47 and I just couldn’t pick one of you as this is just silly that I have this amount so guess what….you all get to pick a stamp from the stash that is retiring! Please email me and I will be back in touch! I will not be able to send them to you until after June 1st!
Many thanks for the comments and emails. By now…you know me….I am very upfront and honest about my love for paper crafting and I also love to share my tips and have fun on my blog with Blog Candy!
Willy Wonka was one of my FAVORITE movies and Candy Lane was one of my FAVORITE games when I was a grass-hopper…. I just like being the candy man as I know it makes you smile!
Now here is to a sweet story. You know that my dad has been having health issues over the past several months. Because his doctors are mainly where I live, he has had to stay in the area. Probably 20 years ago, my parents decided to purchase a home here so in case they needed care….they would be close to me. (I am the youngest of 4 and my siblings do not live near)
Well…that time is here and trust me, he would much rather be at his home on the water…but in due time. If you think I am active…he is like me at 87 so you know that I get it honestly. He is hard to keep down as he wants to go but his heart is telling him he needs to slow down!
I have been trying to do something with him about every other day to get him out of his house and give his care-takers a break so on Saturday I asked him if he wanted to go with me to get hay for the horses and to the nursery for flowers. Naturally he said YEP….I would love it so on Saturday we made the trek!
John said to me, how is your Dad going to get up in the truck? I said….let’s put the mounting block in the trailer (this is a big 2 step block that I use when I get on a horse to mount them) and in it went and off I went! I pulled into his retirement development with my truck and trailer….he was waiting for me outside and I popped out….pulled out the block and up he went!
We went for breakfast in a charming little town….then up to the “Hay Man” and they put 100 bales of hay in my trailer….then off to the nursery and I put the items in the trailer and then back home we came! He had SOOOOOO much fun! If anyone was on I-81 and saw a white truck and trailer rollin’ down the road….you would have seen a beaming father/daughter team!
I have bought hay from the same family for about 15 years and even though it is over an hour away…it is a destination of happiness for me as this family is a special family that are super hard workers! T
hey had baby goats….cows….and Dad was just thrilled to be out and see beautiful sights and talk with special people! Farming is a super hard job and a job that many of us do not understand the amount of labor. Next we rolled down the road to a nursery and as I pulled in he said…these people look like they have never seen a horse trailer before…we both laughed!
To wrap it up….we had a GREAT WEEKEND…John’s Birthday was super….my Dad had a great time and my joy tank is filled! What am I doing today……GOING TO THE MOVIES WITH DAD!
He calls me every morning when he wakes up…. and as it is to rain today I said – wanna go to the movies? He quickly said YES – I bet I haven’t been to the movies in 5 years!
So….the moral of the story is – there are times that we need to adjust life as simple adjustments bring lasting joy!
Oh Susan, I have tears in my eyes. Love your stories, always.
I thought for sure you would have way more than 47 retiring stamp set, only because, I have never gotten rid of one stamp set in close to five years. Of my 233 stamp sets, thank you Evernote, I am sure over 175 would have to go. I don’t even want to see what is retired. They are my babies, and I love them all. Ha. Ha. I sure hope someone can relate with me here! 🙂
Have a blessed day with your Dad.
Congrats to the triplets on their win! I’m so glad your dad is close to you and you can spend quality time with him making wonderful memories for both of you! Enjoy your day!
You are such a special daughter. Enjoy the time with your Dad. These times are priceless.
Only 47 ??? Wow I thought there would be a bunch more !
Congrats to the three lucky ladies !
Sweet story about your dad . Those are special times !! TREASURES !! Thank you for sharing ! BTW …I have trouble getting up into my daughters SUV …maybe I need to get a two step block !!
Such a heart-warming story, Susan. Your dad is blessed to have you, and you – him, it sounds like! It’s so great that he is able to get out with you still. Enjoy every minute! I miss my parents!
I am with Nancy about the stamps but I have no idea of how many I have! Congrats to the twins – love to know what they pick! Love the adventures with your dad! I agree with Karen too and I miss my parents also. I think we need some kind of step thing for Teddy as he acts like he can not get into the car with me. Mike hollars at him and can sort of push him up but I can’t! We are talking a car not the truck! Little Henry, our other basset we had could hop up into the truck like it was just a tiny step.
I gotta tell you about my mom and a little outing. She was dealing with the Alzheimer’s and loved to go places. One of the women from church who was the best person, called me and asked if she could take my mom to the landfill. Of course I had snickered and asked if she was going to leave her there? Gloria laughed and said no and that as a reward they would go for ice cream after. Well, my mom thought it was so much fun loading some junk in the car and kept asking if she was really going to throw it away. Anyway, they get there and out in the piles my mom’s eyes grew wide. A guy helped them unload the car and my mom was yelling, “Look at all the shit!” The guy was laughing all the more she kept yelling it. Then, she asked him something and he said he worked there and got paid for it. She just couldn’t believe he would get paid and couldn’t take some of the good shit home for himself or sell it. Man, that was the job she wanted – just to be able to look at all the mounds of shit. Gloria said she said that word at least 100 times. So, the guy is really enjoying their conversation takes them on a little tour of the piles which go in certain places and then how they bury them etc. She was just fascinated by all this. Then, they finally left and went for their ice cream. Mom decided they needed to take some ice cream to the shit keeper. So, they did. So, one of the stories at her funeral was the minister telling the landfill story and acting all excited like my mom was and saying shit a zillion times! The minister told me it was actually fun to say that word so many times and getting paid for it as he gave me a hug after the funeral.
Thanks for sharing your story. Too funny!
I wasn’t sure if it would be funny to others or not. April, May and June are hard months for me because of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day but it was also their birthdays and our anniversary. So, you will just have to ignore my moods and stories as I work through this time. Gloria and I exchange handmade Christmas cards too. I sent her a birthday card but have not heard back. No idea about the “shit keeper” who he was or if he still works there!
I’m with Nancy Farrell~three years, and the only stamp sets I’ve ever given away were sets I won at a raffle or basket bingo or some such thing, but never any that I’ve bought. Just can’t do it! Love ’em too much.
Congrats to the winners~hope they enjoy their blog candy. And congrats to YOU for your lucky time with your dad. That’s something precious never to be taken lightly, as you know. Thanks for sharing your wonderful stories with us. They always put a smile on my face and in my heart.
Thanks Susan! I’m excited to be a triplet. I will send you an email.
Enjoy you day with your Dad. Memories you will always treasure.
Congrats to the winners!
I’m like Nancy in that I keep my stamps. But, I have been collecting for 18 years!! I think it’s time for me to let many of my stamp sets find new crafty homes.
I’m so glad you had such a wonderful time with your dad! You inspire me to enjoy every little moment! Have a good time at the movies.
How wonderful that you get to create these memories with your dad!
Congrats to the lucky ladies! I agree with Nancy and the others….can’t get rid of my stamps but I probably don’t have as many. What a precious story….you both are lucky to have each other in your lives. Way to go dad!
I had to laugh when I saw the title of your blog today! I am the baby sister of Triplets, 2 sisters and 1 brother! My mother was only 18 when she had them back in 1940! Our Mom passed away 3 years ago but the 4 of us are very close. I have always been proud to be the sister of triplets! My brother lovingly calls me the “spare”!
I would have never guessed 47 stamp sets but I agree about keeping the ones you love!
Keep enjoying your time with your Dad, you will never regret it!
I love my stamps. It’s so hard to get rid of them.
I love your stories of the time spent with your Dad.
You will cherish these memories forever.
Thanks for sharing.
I enjoy reading your story about your Dad….I too have had a life changing experience….but I moved to be near my Step Dad and Mom……one with macular degeneration and the other with Alzheimers’s…….We go to lunch, the library, social meetings, etc……they both are grateful to get out of the house, sometimes one at a time…and yes give the caretakers a break….Life is full of changes, it is how we adjust to them….that make life a Joyful thing! Take care Susan……I look forward to your card making tips and to follow your family!
Off to go Stamping ! Take Care
I loved Candyland! Wow, 47…congrats to the winners. Sounds like a fun weekend! Hope you had a great time at the movies. Did you see anything good? Happy belated birthday to John!
Do you know of anywhere that I can get a triplets stamp. We have (unplanned) triplet grandchildren on the way, a set of identical girls and a singleton boy. Thank you, Chris