I have a BUNCH to help you understand….a BUNCH of Stampin’ Up! stuff….hope it helps!


Happy Friday to all and I hope that you have had a great week! It is super chilly on the East Coast but the sun is just beautiful and doing its best to warm things up! Trust me, I have ONE GRUMPY PIG as she does NOT like the cold whatsoever!

There has been so much going on this week with Stampin’ Up!… We all know that the Holiday Catalog will be wrapping up January 2nd and there will be a NEW KID ON THE BLOCK starting January 3rd…PLUS SALE-A-BRATION(aka, the sweetest time of the year with Stampin’ Up! )



I have waited until today to post about the End of the Year Closeout Sale that Stampin’ Up! is having as truth be told…I found it to be SUPER confusing and I waited until the dust settled and I was able to grasp it (I think I’ve got it now!) You know me and my “simple brain”…I had to be sure I understood it before I asked you to!

I am the very first to admit that we can continue to get more and more “stuff” (as I like to call it) and trust me, I love my STUFF but I encourage you to really think before you go button happy. To me, the MAIN GOAL is for you to be happy with your purchases!


With that being said…there will be many products that will be a “should I or shouldn’t I” thought. Only you can make that decision.


Let me explain as I think many of you get confused:

  • When Stampin’ Up! offers a bundle in a given catalog….it is only being offered AT THE BUNDLED PRICE OF 10% OFF through the lifespan of that specific catalog.
  • IF Stampin’ Up! decides to continue to carry that specific product (basically think of it this way – it has another life line)…than it will carry over but you will NOT be able to purchase it at the discounted price!


We have (5) CURRENT BUNDLES in the Holiday Catalog that are sticking around! Below you will see them and as always, at the end of my post you will see the images that you can directly click and purchase.

  • Merry Christmas to All (page 5)
  • Making Spirits Bright (page 6)
  • Dashing Deer (page 9)
  • Winter Woods (page 27)
  • First Frost (page 37)


WHEW…I hope that explanation helps you!!!

I find it to be very confusing and I really want you to only make a purchase what you want…rather than aimlessly spending money and getting more “stuff” as I know what happens….you get that internal feeling of CALGON…take me AWAY and then you are overwhelmed….again, I get it!










Stampin’ Up! also has products that are DISCOUNTED. Now we ALL know what that word means!!!







WHEW AGAIN, I hope that this is helping you all better understand!

I have (2) more things for you that I think will be super helpful to you at a glance. I took the time to type up a list of the items in the current Holiday Catalog that will be hanging on…..I find this to be helpful and please feel free to reach out to me if I can explain anything else!


You can click here – Stampin Up! Carried Over List from Holiday 2018 Catalog for the list that I created of the products that will be carrying over.

Also…we know that Stampin’ Up! is always adding more colors of the Blends into the Product Line. Personally, I find it frustrating not to have a simple & clean list off all of the current ones. You can click here – Stampin’ Blends Colors as of December 2018 

I hope that you will find the key useful in seeing what you already have and also…there are more being added as listed with the Occasions Catalog!






Now a confession….you know that I love to say….the confessions of an honest stamper and yep, here you go! I totally pre-judged the fact that I was not going to like the Take Your Pick Tool….





WHY???? Easy-peasy = I have many other gadgets that are similar to this and thought….hmmm, stampin’ Up! was too late to the party on this one! Well, I was wrong, totally wrong. I was given one on the Alaska Cruise and probably did not even attempt to use it for several months.

I COULD NOT find my stylus for my Simply Scored Board anywhere and I was in the middle of doing a bunch of cards! Well, I wasted so much time trying to “un-earth”  this missing stylus: I thought…..give that thing, the Take Your Pick tool a try and guess what, I LOVED IT!

I have no problem in admitting that I was wrong and I do encourage you to give it a try! It is so darn handy having everything together. I have even loved to use the spatula side to lift up areas that I have stuck down and then changed my mind! (I am sure you have been there as well)

For orders placed with me this month that are over $75.00 I will gladly send to you this Take You Pick Tool. I know that there are several of you that have already ordered this month so I have you covered! Please use the HOSTESS CODE of N42M7VP3.

Thanks for hanging in there today and I hope that I was clear in helping you better understand the End of the Year Stuff!

There are several more new promotions going on….but we can talk about them at another time…..TOO  MUCH INFO in one week puts me on overload and if I feel it…than I know you feel it. I just want you to be an informed Happy Stamper!

Those products will be there for a while so I will post on them soon but if you are curious I have them in the below line up and yes, I have both and I love both and highly recommend them! Until later..I hope you can get inky!