Happy Sunday to you! It is another beauty out there today and boy do I have 5 “FFFFC’s” for you on this great day! I bet you’re thinking….what the heck does “FFFFC” stand for?


Fun, Festive,Fabulous Fall Cards!


These were made by members of my team and there will be NO DOUBT that you will have a smile on your face with you gander at these beauties! Please leave them some loving comments and also – if you have any questions on how they created them….ask away! That is how we learn….from others!!!

Hands down Fall is my favorite season of the year and honestly…..I could have this type of weather…cool, crisp, no humidity…..all year long! I hope that wherever you are, you are having a great weekend!

You will see that Alene has (2) cards….she sent me one personally and I just could not resist not sharing it with you all – talk about the queen of a FUN FALL CARD and utilizing punches….WOW!!!!