2 Days left…you’re gonna smile!
Hello and HHD (Happy Hump Day) to you!!! How is everyone doing?
I survived Thanksgiving and it was an AMAZING one…just like I like it – AT HOME! I feel like these last several months I have been here… there ….and everywhere l but it was all great and I am happy to be home to enjoy the Holiday Season!
If you have followed my blog then you know when the peeps come home…our family loves to do a good 1,000 piece puzzle. We were true to form but the bad news….it isn’t finished. Hannah was not able to come home because of the distance so I say….we had one man down! John and I are still working on it and are determined to finish it!
Did you do any great Black Friday and/or Holiday Shopping? I sure did….from the comfort of my own home and mainly in my jammies…..now that is what I call the way to shop! I have something for you today that you too can order from the comfort of your own home but you need to act FAST as it is only available thru Friday….November 30th!
Well….it is the Snowflake Showcase offering! This is the limited edition offering that Stampin’ Up! has for the month of November. Being totally honest I was NOT going to purchase it but then I caved and I am glad I did…..please continue to read and you will see!
Remember, this will GO AWAY ofter November 30th so I would act now as we know what happens….we get SUPER BUSY this time of year and the reality is…you just have 2 DAYS! Whenever SU has these offerings….I seem to get emails asking….is there anyway that you can get me that….and guess what – the answer is NO but I am sure that you can go to Ebay and pay a CRAZY amount for it! Happens every time!
Ready for what I call…“confessions of an honest stamper”…
You know that I am always honest with you about my likes…dislikes…..and I realize that we all have different tastes and styles with our crafting…but I will say….there are (2) keepers in my simple eyes with this promotion! (Please do not shoot me….I do like the Snow is Glistening Stamp…but I think that I might get tired of it and the fonts are just to hard for me to read!)
I adore the below (2) offerings and I have blogged here with the Happiness Surrounds Stamp (and you will see it again on Friday) Tomorrow you will see a fun 3-D project that I will be using more of the Snowfall Thinlits with.
I have become very selective with my purchases as let’s face it….there are just so many options out there! I know many of you know exactly what I mean! The thing that gets us is ALWAYS THE TIME…and also…THE EXPENSE!
Take a look at these (2) offerings and then take a minute and just see the versatilely of them and how they can take you well past the Holiday Season. True, the snowflakes are now through the Winter but this offering has 20 dies that also match and work with the Happiness surrounds Stamp set!
That takes care of the TIME factor..as you will be able to use these 2 things for all year long and I am sure if you googled Happiness Surrounds….you will see what I mean as many people have made some great projects!
Next we will get to the EXPENSE factor…but before we do that I want you to peek below at this special stamp set, Beautiful Blizzard. I was very late in the game in purchasing this but it is a part of a bundle, Beautiful Blizzard Bundle. We all know that bundle will save you an instant 10% off but honestly, I would not purchase this as a bundle. I found the die very frustrating to work with and I go back to the focus of “having fun”….well it is not fun when it is super hard to die cut out!
So….the moral of the story is….just purchase the stamp set! We do not know if it is carrying over yet (the retired list comes out on Tuesday the 5th) but that honestly would not have made a difference anyway as SU’s Extravaganza Sale did not include any of the Holiday Products.
These sentiments and this font are just so darn classic – I think that they look stunning with these beautiful Snowflakes! To me, this is a perfect clean and simple card that has a sophisticated modern flare to it!
Do you see that super yummy stamping underneath of the ribbon and sentiment? Yep, I LOVE THAT! I did it with the Stamparatus and also with Versamark Ink. I simply used the images on the Happiness Surrounds Stamp (the 4 little florals) and used it with the Stampapratus made it not only a cinch but it was a breeze to do!
Having a Stamp Positioner is just simply a must have. I know that there is a learning curve with getting used to using it but trust me, practice, practice and then practice some more and you ill not only see what a time saver it is….your work will be totally STEPPED UP A KNOTCH with the clean and crisp coverage.
Let’s get back to the EXPENSE FACTOR thing….this must have tool, the Stamparatus also was not on SU’s Extravaganza Sale…..so here you go….you can get THIS, the STAMPARATUS and the SNOWFLAKE THINLITS and the HAPPINESS SURROUNDS STAMP SET…. plus pick $20.00 more dollars to spend and the SHIPPING IS FREE….now to me, THAT IS A SALE!
Now you might be saying…..Where is the Beautiful Blizzard Stamp Set in this deal? Well….that would have taken you over the allotted $125.00 worth of product that you only pay $99.00 (plus free shipping) Anyway, if you are going ahead and getting this deal…I would have advised you to wait until the retired list comes out as who knows….it might be discounted?
When the retired list gets unveiled…..it is WATCH OUT as things go flying off the shelf….but all of these ARE A GREAT DEAL NOW but remember, this is ONLY GOOD THRU FRIDAY (2 more days) – November 30th. After that….this Snowflake Framelit and Stamp Set will no longer be available.
By now you know my simple, clean and classic style. I think that these cards are a perfect example of a “Susan Card” and I hope that you will see where I was going with the “HOW’S and WHY’S” of why this is a great offering.
I wish that we lived in the same town so I could reassure you that becoming a SUD is not a big deal at all. I think that there is a perception that you have to sell…that you have to have workshops….that you have to blog…..and here is the answer...NO, NO and NO!!! It is so simple….just CLICK HERE and you can get going…and if you were like me when I joined – I did not want anyone to know….so your secret is safe but honestly, there is nothing to be concern with…
I would much rather you think of it as you will be getting a 20% discount each and everyday!
Face it, this “hobby of love” that we do is an expense but it is an expense that we love to do and that we feel proud to do. I do not know about you but…I deeply love getting a deal on my crafting supplies and this IS the BEST and ONLY way for you to get these items before November 30th and not have to pay that icky 10% shipping! (shipping makes me grumpy)
Just take one more look at this card…and then ask yourself…. Would be a great opportunity to get these products….and still have $20.00 to spend??? (and I do not think that you need help from me with that one) ….it will only cost you $99.00 and there is NO 10% SHIPPING!
Ready for the icing on the cake? (look at the card below….Here you go……do you see that GORGEOUS Lovely Lipstick Ribbon in the picture below? Well, it is just over the moon and it is in the new upcoming catalog and well as that YIPPEE FUN GINGHAM DSP PAPER…
Tuesday the 5th of December…(the same day that the retiring lists comes out) SUD’s are able to order the new products from the catalog! I did go to Orlando and I will say….I am excited about the new upcoming catalog.
Now, I do not want to get overly excited as we are in the HOLIDAY SEASON….and I want to enjoy the season…but let me tell you STITCHED RECTANGLE FRAMELITS coming our way….and the DSP is sooooo fun…..you better believe that I will be ordering on Tuesday with the pre-order and YOU CAN TOO!
Let me help you put this together….sign up….get the goodies I blogged about today….pick up the new kids on the block on Tuesday AS WELL AS the Beautiful Blizzard Stamp Set ….and you will be saying….I LIKE THAT SALE!!!
CLICK HERE…you will be happy you did.You have nothing to lose and a 20% discount to gain….it is as easy as that!
I will see you in the morning as I have a 3-D project for you that always is a hit at this time of the year (and I have also been asked to join a design team) I will be showcasing probably one of the most emailed requests that I get from people…..I hope that you pop back!
Friday I have another keeper for you…showing you how to whip up a quick and thoughtful gift that anyone would surly love to have. I just love creating this time of the year, I just wish that there was more time!
I have been crafting more lately than I have in a LONG TIME….as I have realized that the reason that I started this whole SU thing was for my love to stamp, create and makes gifts with my hands as it is both rewarding and a therapy for me. I know that I have not been blogging as much but please know….my craft hands have been busy!
Hugs to each and everyone of YOU!!!!