Hello…hello – I am super excited to get your feedback as to which one you like better – I know that many of you enjoy the 2 day posts where I take a card on Saturday and then on Sunday make some changes and then get GREAT feedback from you guys….I have my pick but I am not going to tell you….(until tomorrow)
I know that I shared with you earlier this week that it seemed to be hard to get int he swing of creating a Christmas Card when it is soooo darn hot out…but I decided to give it a “scout’s try” and play with some of the new kids on the block!
Not many changes but you can see that there is a totally different “feel” to the card1 The white is so clean and crisp and then the Crumb Cake is so warm and homey.
Yesterday I did some simple scoring on the sides of the panel and today I used the Holly Embossing folder (remember, all of the products are always listed at the bottom of the post)
Yesterday I did not add the “berries” from the Christmas Pines Bundle and today I did, I think that extra POP is key!
I loved and appreciated the comments yesterday…This “pine” bundle is a TOTAL HOLIDAY CLASSIC. I am the very first to realize that purchasing framelits and dies can get expensive but I ask you….what is more classic than fresh greens at the holidays!
I encourage you to add all sorts of different shades of green (even it you think they look strange together) because in the end…it all works out! Isn’t nature wonderful – please do not get stressed with getting the colors and placement perfect – let it roll!!!
Embossing folders add a super fast WOW and this one, Holly is beautiful. I like the fact that the holly has swirls all around to continue a clean, crisp and classic feel! One think I discovered when I made this was when you look at the flip side, it is a fun pattern and actually it is hard to tell that it is holly~ I am going to play around it for a future post!
One thing that I wanted to share is how I adhered the pine…Believe it or not, I used glue dots!!!! They were right there in front of me so I thought, why not? Fast and DONE! I did add dimensionals behind the ornament!
Before you get to your last photo I want to give you the dimensions and a GREAT TIP!!!! This is SOOOOOO SILLY as the dimensions are a no brainer….just an A-2 card, 5 1/2″ X 4 1/4″ and then the Mat is the good old 1/4″ smaller, 5 1/4″ X 4″ and then run through the Big Shot.
NOW HERE IS YOUR TIP: The Big Shot and the precision plate…YOU NEED IT…it is like “peanut butter and jelly” – they just go together! These pines are soooooo detailed and beautiful. Trust me, you will loose your crackers if do not use the precision plate.
I will also share with you…at first I was even frustrated in the fact the the pines were not coming out easily but after I cut about (3) of them….it was MUCH BETTER. This might be crazy but I think that there are times that our “tools” need to get “conditioned”…anyway – I ADORE this die and it is one for eternity as it is truly timeless!
Remember, shopping in your jammies is in style!!!
Here is a BIG PAW PRINT for you to hit and go to my online store! Rememeber to check out my Paw Prints Program where I reward you with free stamps but shopping with me! I know that there are sooooo many AMAZING SUD’s out there and WOW – so much talent but I thank you for your support, your time and your feedback!
Please keep my friends son in your prayers, his surgery is tomorrow at 7:00. This is such a wonderful family.I took them dinner on Friday night and they are all so positive. It was hard not to shed a tear, I am just so sorry that they are going through this but we all know how blessed we are with medicine and technology today!
For you animal lovers out there…..the Dad is a Medevac Paramedic for the State and they just added another dog to their great home. The dog was a bomb search dog that needed to go out of service and talk about AMAZING….their other rescue dog loves to jump on a trampoline – I should take a video of it as it is a hoot – if you even say the “trampoline word” in front of him….he goes bonkers!!!
Thanks all…I know that most of the times I get off topic but…that’s just me! I truly love what I do and I love helping you reach your goals!
I think I like today’s card just a pinch better. Maybe it’s the use of Crumb Cake for just a little non traditional Christmas card color. But I do like the use of your white card too. And I’m smitten with the embossing folder, just lovely!
I prefer the crisp white card , although today’s card has charm as well .
I did/do love the crisp white card, but I must admit when I saw the crumb-cake version, I actually went “ahhh” it is softer and homier, like you said. The EF is a nice touch.
I love today’s step up card. It is stunning!
Both of these cards are soooo wonderful but I have to say, the crumb cake is my fave (by a smidge). Side by side the white is stark in comparison to the warmness of the crumb cake. Hugs, prayers and blessings to your family friends. And YES, you need to video the dog on the trampoline — that would be a hoot! They sound like such wonderful people and my heart aches for them and what they are dealing with now. Heartfelt blessings and thank you for all that you do for so many, Susan!
I prefer the stepped up verison. The crumb cake gives that “homier” feel. The holly embossing folder makes everything pop.
yep! The stepped up version wins. You are right-I for one look forward to the Sat/Sun cards. Thanks a bunch.
Decisions, decisions….. It’s like apples and oranges, I love them both! I am going with Saturday’s card.
Crisp and simple. I am sending lots of positive prayers to your friends and their son.
Ahhh, you had me at “crumb cake” … no doud-a-bough-dit: today’s is the winner.
I am in the stepped-up group. I am a sucker for “crumb cake” (paper or real). I like the look kraft paper often adds to a project. And the texture the embossing folder added was great. But, I really like the red berries you added. Great job.
I like the card with the white background better. Might be different IRL. I’ll definitely try both. Thank you. I plan to order these dies at 12:01 am on 9/1 before there is a back order! I loved someone’s suggestion from yesterday, to just pre cut a bunch of branches and put them in a jar to use whenever.
In regard to removing the paper from the die, I always rub my dies with a drier sheet before I cut and then use the die brush. I so far have not experienced the need to purchase precision plate even with the flourish dies. They come right out with my method. Do not run drier sheet through big shot, just rub the die with it every other cut. Works great.
Hmmmm…it’s like comparing apples and oranges for me too – each would get a blue ribbon in their class – but today’s card would eke out best of show:-). Prayers for your friends!
It’s really a toss up as to which card is my favorite. I thought yesterday’s card was beautiful and then today’s card is just as beautiful. I love the EF and the berries add more texture and pop. I love the diecut ornament. I think Elisha got it right that it is like comparing apples and oranges. I love the blogging community of cardmakers and will have to try Sharon’s tip about using a dryer sheet on dies before running through Big Shot. Sending good luck wishes and prayers to your friends and their son. You are a very thoughtful, caring person, Susan. It’s one of your many endearing traits. Have a great Sunday.
For sure I love today’s warm and homey card – I blew right past this bundle but now I may reconsider it ! You just have a great knack (sp?) for taking a stamp and die set and turning them into an awesome knock out card ! TFS
Wowzah!!!!!! You did it again!!!! While the white card was more than pleasing……I am running out of ways to say beautiful, crumb cake really works and the embossing folder with a pop from the red berries……just wow (and a big smile)!!!!
I am praying for your friend and for her son. If breast cancer isn’ bad enough, to have your son’s health be so serious must be devastating. It is amazing how strong we can be when we have to be. Prayers help always. Caring friends help too, Susan!!! ❤️
Susan, If you had told me you were going to use Crumb Cake I would have said “not so much”….Christmas is red and green and white. That said, I LOVE the stepped up version !! And the holly embossing just adds more. It is warm and lovey……but the white one is lovely, too. Decisions !!! Thanks for both and prayers are there for that young boy. Blessings.
It’s really hard to say which I like more. They are so different, that is a quick impression, they look different. I guess it’s due to the color of the background. They are both stunning. Curious why you changed the color of the base cardstock as one of the changes. That seems like a BIG change to me. It would be interesting to see both designs in the same color, sort of comparing apples to apples. As for me I have to say I like them equally.
The warmth wins for me! The first thing I noticed was the red berries though so it might be the extra pop of those that won me over! The idea for both is great and they bring a Smile to my face. I love the two-day cards–it’s hard for me to visualize what else to try and your examples help greatly. Thanks for sharing.
Step It Up Sunday for me! Love the added texture & the pop of red. Great card!
You know my vote but I will say it anyway…today’s as I love embossing folders and the crumb cake with the extra read does it for me. They are both beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Sending prayers for your friends. And I think you need to get that trampoline video and share!!
That should say red not read. LOL
Saturday’s card was simply elegant while Sunday’s card has a country feel. I love them both! Thank you for sharing your ideas with all of us.
Wow, great couple of cards!! But, I think I am leaning towards the crumb cake card……seems to be warmer & the red berries in the greenery really pops. We will be keeping your friend & family in our prayers. A jumping trampoline dog….that must be a hoot!!
I like them both but the crumb cake is my favorite!!! Praying for your friend’s son!
They are both great, but I like the crumb cake better. TFS. Prayers are being lifted for your friends son.
Love, love, love the crumb cake version with the additional piece of embossed crumb cake under the spray. Just a beautiful card.
I like this version better. That crumb cake just takes the cake for a warm background color! I really need September 1 to get here so I can order from the “Kotex of the Month Club” wink wink!!!!
I think I gotta go with today’s version that is so homey and toasty looking. I guess I am just a crumb cake or kraft colored type of girl. I do love the red berries in there and that embossing folder really warms it up. Also, the white Merry and Bright sure does speak volumes on today’s version. Maybe we have the difference like night and day – well, this is with the snow on the outside and the tree inside the house!
Sending lots of hugs, well wishes and prayers for your friend and her son’s surgery tomorrow.
Sunday’s hands down….thanks for your great ideass
Hi Susan. I LOVE this card! I have to say I was on the fence about purchasing this bundle but you’ve changed my mind. This card is simply divine!! Thanks for sharing and I love your blog too ☺️
This card is stunning! The warmer, embossed background improves on the stark white one and the berries add that little pop to brighten things up!
Thanks….a BUNCH! I vote for this one as well…it just makes my heart think of the Holidays!
After seeing this card again on Mary’s blog, I have to say Gorgeous! Just simply Gorgeous!
Awe, you are too nice to say that! It is in the running for sure! You will laugh, on Saturday I took some projects to work on while Hannah was riding…I had others from the barn come to see what I was working on and when they saw Christmas…..they actually thought I was organized with doing my cards! HA-HA – just for the blog!
My favorite is the embossed on crumb cake. Question — what die did you use for the red on the Christmas ornament?
Hi Cindy and thanks for the comment! The is sooooo easy – you ready – all I did was put a piece of scrap red behind the cut out ornament and cut the excess away! I like to use little dots of green glue, let it “set up ” a bit ~ then adhere it to the red! LOVE THE EFFECT…thanks for popping in and feel free to email me if you have other questions!
Thank you Susan. I’m a stickler for detail, so think I will use the negative from the delicate ornament as a stencil for the solid ornament. Forgot to mention in my previous comment that I love love love the berries. They really MAKE the card (plus the embossing). 🙂
Susan, I found this on Pinterest and of course I had to come tell you how awesome it is!!!! Now I see you made two, and I love them both, but I do love the white a tiny bit better, it seems more like Christmas and I love the contrast. Wow! Not sure how you keep them coming.