Happy HUMP Day….well, how is everyone doing with the tis’ the season? I do not know about you….but I wonder where in the heck do all of these people come from in the month of December?
I tried to go to the grocery store….the lot was FULL….there were no CARTS….I thought to myself, where in the heck do they all go the other 11 months of the year!
In keeping the SHEER FUN of this week with me, SIMPLE STAMPIN’ we are going to get another great discussion going but before we get to the topic…we have a winner from yesterday! I just want us to have FUN this week because I know we are all going through the same hectic times that the season brings us….it is just great to have fun!!
The winner was #14 – WOOT-WOOT to Sonny and I am THRILLED that she won!!! Sonny is so much fun and I just LOVE it when she is in the house! I know that she was up watching the VOICE like John and I were……and Sonny is a HUGE Football fan!!!! I have your address…..so I will send your “green glue to YOU”
Oh Sonny…you and Ramsey are silly – you BOTH are amazing stampers….I do think that the vinyl cling is great…but this is sooooo easy and WOW…..this GREEN GLUE is the BEST…soooooooo affordable and so strong! I love that you are a “TIP JUNKIE” – so am I and I will continue to share and share!!!! This is how WE ALL LEARN!
I was so happy to read your comments from yesterday! It seems like Jeanie’s tip was known by many and I will say that I do love it. I do not find that my acrylic blocks get icky but if they do – grab an alcohol swap and wipe your block off…(there will be another post for you about why I love having these swaps in my work area)
Now you know that I am totally “TYPE A” and I will say….I try to remember that at the beginning of the month to take all of my acrylic blocks to the kitchen…..get some HOT water going and Dawn Dish Detergent…and I give them a good clean and then wipe then dry to squeaky clean!
For today’s FUN….this is super easy as it is all about cookies! We love our sweets at the Holidays….so I ask you – what is the ONE COOKIE/SWEET that your family “just has to have at the holidays”
Leave me a comment and let’s all get hungry with the comments and the random person that I pick will win the “Jar of Cookie Fun” that I blogged about last week….CLICK HERE to see that post!
I admit, I went today to pick up 6 more jars as they are so fun to make and the presentation of it is just an instant smile factor! Isn’t making handmade gifts the BEST!!!! I just feel so happy and blessed to share!
Don’t forget…there is a bunch still going on with Stampin’ Up!….lots of great deals….and YOUR chance to GO TO THE VAULT!!!! I have had many already receive their VAULT goodie and they are 🙂 ….it is fun to receive something that you really, really want!
Have a great day, please leave me/us a comment so we all can get SUPER HUNGRY and tomorrow I will share with you the one thing that I “just have to have” every holiday and I know that you are love the “presentation” that I did….
See you tomorrow with another FUN way to smile and win!
Hi! We really love just your basic chocolate chip, but also no bake oatmeal cookies. These are good any time of the year! I really like seven layer bars too! Thanks!
Congrats to Sonny! I love all cookies….aka cookie junkie….but my fav and 3/4 of my fam have to have a floretine lacy cookie. It has heavy cream and almonds in it. Not easy to make but well worth it. We make it during the holidays and for special occasions. The other 1/4, my hubby, does not eat sweets so I eat his portion! Have a fun day!
Oh boy . . . just one. I have to do more . . . just two though. One is the basic chocolate chip cookies, with out a doubt. I like to put walnuts in them too. My #2 is an Italian cookie, that we call . . . get this . . . Pink & White Cookies, only because the icing is colored pink or white. Of course my Aunt Kay made these the best. Even though we had a great afternoon baking a few years back, to learn the little nuances of her touch, they just never tasted the same.
Thanks for the memory. 🙂
My most requested and favorite cookie I bake at Christmas time is sugar cookies with homemade buttercream frosting.
My Grandma has THE most amazing sugar cookie recipe and we love to make them. She passed away a few years ago so every time we make them it becomes a special time to talk about her and our special memories.
P.S. Congratulations Sonny!! I’m glad you won. 🙂
Congrats to Sonny!!! I am so glad we are on the same page!! Up side down is not a good thing! As for that one cookie/sweet, hmmm, so many good ones! I love making, and eating, the old Betty Crocker Rosettes. They take time but are sooooo yummy. But then I can’t seem to get enough of your ginger cookies! And ICE CREAM!!! Thanks Susan, this is so much fun!
We just have to have what we call Bing Bars!! Basically fudge-cherry on the bottom with chocolate and nuts on the top! Love reading your posts-giggles and smiles!!
Yay for Sonny! I was with her and Ramsey on seeing the stamp design so I don’t stamp it upside down! Our favorite Christmas cookies are called fruitcake cookies. It’s a very stiff dough, more fruitcake filling, dates and pecans than dough. They are much better than they sound! Have a good day.
My immediate family LOVES the pumpkin pie that you buy frozen and bake from Marie Calender….not just for Thanksgiving!! How about a “sweet” that is with dinner and not dessert??? for the family dinner on mom’s side, Grandma always made sweet candied potatoes. Being in her early 90s now, she doesn’t cook but my uncle will make the sweet potatoes now. That is one thing always at the table 🙂 And there are usually kolachke cookies. Grandma also used to make them every year.
Our favorite sweet is Peanut Butter Balls that were a recipe passed down from my husbands great Aunt. They have dates, coconut, pecans, and peanut butter in them and are formed into balls, chilled and then dipped in chocolate. My children (now all grown) have always loved them and I make them at Christmas time even though we don’t see them all at Christmas but it wouldn’t be the same without the “Chocolate Balls!”
EEEK ! I WON !! Believe it or not I was adding that Mono (green glue ) to my next order. WOW ! I am late stopping in because they are hinting at snow around here for the week end so my grocery list was extremely long . In our area if it snows it is a BIGGIE !
My absolute favorite sweet at this time of the year is any kind of Fruit cake !! I love them all ! I have already eaten a Claxton this season and I know there are a couple of home made concoctions headed my way . Yum !!
Love your jar of goodies ….my daughter does those and they are such fun ! She also does lighted jars on ETSY and is doing really well !
This was a big surprise ….thank you Sweet Susan !!
There are 2 treats that I NEED to have each Christmas – one is the green Christmas wreathe cookie made with cornflakes and marshmallows (like rice crispy treats but with cornflakes and lots of green dye (yuk) but yum) and the other is a cookie kind of like a cake called peanut squares (kind of like a petit four but with chopped peanuts coating the frosting that surrounds the cookie).
My family always request cookies made from my mother’s recipe she called Acorn Cookies. A stiff walnut based cookie shaped on a spoon and dipped in melted chocolate and more nuts. Yum
A favorite at our house are those peanut butter kind with the Hershey’s kiss placed on the top! There is nothing quite like peanut butter and chocolate combined! Yummy~
Congrats, dear Sonny! So happy to see your name as the winner this AM! Sonny is such a “dear” online friend ?Thumbprint cookies might just be my all-time favorite … with the Hershey’s Kiss on top????
Merry Christmas???
Congrats Sonny – isn’t it fun to win things?
Favorite treat – chocolate covered sponge candy. I finally found it on the sale aisle at the “farm store” and I almost ran to the car with it to open it. I had eaten 3 pieces before I got home (1 1/2 miles). The bag was gone in 2 days. Yes, I am a pig but at least it wasn’t a whole pound bag! Man, was it good. I might have to make a trip out to see if there are any bags left and buy them several to put in the freezer if they last that long. Through the years my tastes have changed but this was always my favorite as a kid too.
Oh Jeanne, I have found memories of making those corn flake wreathes as a kiddo with my mom. Poor mom she had to act fast as my brother would eat a mixing bowl of corn flakes for breakfast and I loved the cinnamon red hots we used for the holly berries on the wreathes.
Of course I could go on and on as you can’t miss with a good ol’ sugar cookie or the chocolate peanut butter balls, or fudge, fruitcake etc.
Every Christmas morning we HAVE to have Danish Puff Pastry, an almond flavored pastry – YUM!
My favorite X’mas treat is rolled sugar cookies that are decorated with icing. I don’t make them as often now that my kids are grown…….I let the kids & grandkids do all that fussy work! Great tips on keeping your stamps on the block.
One of our favorite treast for Christmas would be molasses cookies. We also love chocolate chip and frosted sugar cookies.
Well I guess my favorite sweet this time of year must be “fudge” as I made 20 lbs. of fudge for all my friends; I found the cutest mini Christmas lunch boxes at the dollar store to put the fudge in; Several friends have returned the empty lunch boxes – no more fudge making this year.
I laugh at your comment “Where do all these people come from??!” Because here we call them snowbirds because they flock in from all over to be where it is warm, sunny, and snow-less for the winter. Plus we have the university in town and while all those students seem to vanish for the middle of the semester they come back in droves for finals time.
I like cookies and my favorite is cookies. I haven’t met many cookies I dislike, especially if they are homemade. Count me under pro-cookie.
Congrats, Sonny. The fruitcake cookie described above by Susan K is also my favorite and a close second is any cookie with coconut in it. I also love to collect and try new tips. I put them in my “How-To” notebook, so I can find them when I need them.
Favorite cookie would be Viennese Crescents with ground hazelnuts; favorite homemade candy is English Toffee. Also love to have a big jar of “nuts and bolts” made for the holidays. Plus I have a special version of Susan’s cookies in a jar that makes them into Spumoni Cookies: use chopped dried sweet cherries, pistachios, and dark chocolate chips for the add ins, plus a little almond extract.
I love cookies! For my husband it is applesauce raisin and mine is a butter cookie that my grandmother always made. TFS
Just make 4 batches of cookies on Monday of what I call “stand-by” favorites, good old chocolate chip, peanut butter, snickerdoodle and my new fav, Susan’s ginger cookies. As a kid and over the years, I can’t keep my fingers away from Spritz cookies. They are like potato chips as you can’t eat just one.
I make a Fruitcake Cookie my kids just love. Basically it’s a shortbread mixture with cherries, cranberries and nuts. Not like a regular fruitcake, but just enough of the flavor. And of course can’t have Christmas without thumbprint cookies!!!
My family likes Pizzelles at Christmas time. I usually make 4 batches. Just finished batch #1. Another favorite is iced sugar cookies. Reading all the comments of what others like has been a lot of fun.
We call them Chocolate Puddles ~ a basic chocolate cookie baked and topped with a half of a chocolate mint candy (Andes) that melts into a puddle of deliciousness on top!