Happy HUMP Day….well, how is everyone doing with the tis’ the season? I do not know about you….but I wonder where in the heck do all of these people come from in the month of December?

I tried to go to the grocery store….the lot was FULL….there were no CARTS….I thought to myself, where in the heck do they all go the other 11 months of the year!

In keeping the SHEER FUN of this week with me, SIMPLE STAMPIN’ we are going to get another great discussion going but before we get to the topic…we have a winner from yesterday! I just want us to have FUN this week because I know we are all going through the same hectic times that the season brings us….it is just great to have fun!!



winner winner chicken dinner


The winner was #14 – WOOT-WOOT to Sonny and I am THRILLED that she won!!! Sonny is so much fun and I just LOVE it when she is in the house! I know that she was up watching the VOICE like John and I were……and Sonny is a HUGE Football fan!!!! I have your address…..so I will send your “green glue to YOU”




Oh Sonny…you and Ramsey are silly – you BOTH are amazing stampers….I do think that the vinyl cling is great…but this is sooooo easy and WOW…..this GREEN GLUE is the BEST…soooooooo affordable and so strong! I love that you are a “TIP JUNKIE” – so am I and I will continue to share and share!!!! This is how WE ALL LEARN!

I was so happy to read your comments from yesterday! It seems like Jeanie’s tip was known by many and I will say that I do love it. I do not find that my acrylic blocks get icky but if they do – grab an alcohol swap and wipe your block off…(there will be another post for you about why I love having these swaps in my work area)

Now you know that I am totally “TYPE A” and I will say….I try to remember that at the beginning of the month to take all of my acrylic blocks to the kitchen…..get some HOT water going and Dawn Dish Detergent…and I give them a good clean and then wipe then dry to squeaky clean!

For today’s FUN….this is super easy as it is all about cookies! We love our sweets at the Holidays….so I ask you – what is the ONE COOKIE/SWEET that your family “just has to have at the holidays”





Leave me a comment and let’s all get hungry with the comments and the random person that I pick will win the “Jar of Cookie Fun” that I blogged about last week….CLICK HERE to see that post!







I admit, I went today to pick up 6 more jars as they are so fun to make and the presentation of it is just an instant smile factor! Isn’t making handmade gifts the BEST!!!! I just feel so happy and blessed to share!

Don’t forget…there is a bunch still going on with Stampin’ Up!….lots of great deals….and YOUR chance to GO TO THE VAULT!!!! I have had many already receive their VAULT goodie and they are 🙂 ….it is fun to receive something that you really, really want!



Have a great day, please leave me/us a comment so we all can get SUPER HUNGRY and tomorrow I will share with you the one thing that I “just have to have” every holiday  and I know that you are love the “presentation” that I did….

See you tomorrow with another FUN way to smile and win!


dog shop now