Good Morning….I apologize for this post being so late to you…but as the saying goes, “Better later than never” be truth be told – my “engine just simply ran out of steam” last night. By nature I am an early bird but when I woke up yesterday it was 4:20a.m. and I thought – what the heck….I’ll just stay up (Jeanie was probably just going to bed) I it caught me after a long day….

I have a great tip reminder for you today and yep….the winnings continue as one person will win the goodie! I have blogged about this before but it seems like you all love tips and I am one that sometimes needs to hear it more than once!

The GREAT news is that we have a winner…and I have to tell you all – my 1st cup of coffee was the BEST because I sat and read your comments. If you need a “feel good & smile” please go back and read yesterday’s comments. They all sound DELICIOUS but they all had “love and memories” in them as well, darn, this is why I just LOVE this little thing that I do….Simple Stampin’!!!

WOOT-WOOT to Opal and just look at this comment…WOW, 20 POUNDS OF FUDGE! John would ADORE you!!! Please send me your address and I will send you the Jar of Cookie love that I made!


winner winner chicken dinner



Yesterday I shared with you that I will tell you my “must have” for the peeps….they are called Creme de Menthe Brownies and I bet that I have been making them for over 30+ years. I thought that you would get kick out of the below picture (actually a card) because I made this card probably 15+ years ago and I keep in in my recipe bin.








You see…back then I was a Creative Memories Consultant and I did fun things with cards…I know that it is “pretty primitive” but it made me laugh when I thought – “I even did cards back then” To me, it is all about the presentation as I made up a bunch of these and when I gave the brownies to family and friends…I gave them this card!

I hope that this made you smile and it is funny, I have friends that call me and say….“I’m pulling out the snowman card”!!!

Now for today’s tip…I love bakers twine for many reasons. It is affordable. It always looks super cute. It makes beautiful clean and simple bows. It adds that “extra pop” to make something get stepped up in a jif!

Below you will see a simple bow. I love to use 2 or even 3 strands of twine. I always run it through this “bees wax” thingie that I buy at Jo Ann’s Fabric….you can see how well loved it is!






Because I know that you all LOVE tips… about leaving a comment and letting us know if you have tried this….and also it you prefer Bakers Twine or ribbon! Trust me, I adore ribbon and I know you do to…but for me, Bakers Twine gets the job done….ZOOM!

I will pick one person that leaves a comment and I will send you 2 Bakers Twine….rollled and labeled like above along with the BEES WAX thingie!

Have a great day….gotta run – I have a meeting!!!!