Most Tuesdays I like to share a tip with you! Sometimes its a new one that I have discovered…sometimes it ones that I have shared before but totally feel like it is worth sharing again and that is what today is about!




I make no bones about it….I am not a fan of Walmart as honestly… it stresses me out!



I have blogged about these little cubes for a great way to store things in your craft area and I get emails often about….WHERE DID YOU GET THEM? I love ideas of storage that makes our lives easier…and these little gems do just that!

I find at this time of the year….Walmart does have them at a great price (I guess I should thank them) and they come in fun colors for the back to school craze that happens each year. This is the only time that I seem to find fun colors…and a fun price!






Here is the scoop on them of the why’s I like them and find them super useful!

  • For just .97 how can you go wrong (other than having to fight the crowds in the store) and right now the fun colors that I saw were navy, pink, teal, bright blue, a weird green, red and I am sure there are others……


  • These cubes stack on top of each other so if space is an issue for you….these are great to stack depending on the height of what you put in…


  • I use them mainly for storing my 6″ X 6″ Paper Stacks and also discontinued paper that I have that I want for the future (I cut it to 6″ X 6″)


  • I use them when I am working on projects to keep things orderly ….like when I am working on a kit…I use a cube to put in the elements for a certain card…then I can stack others and have everything neat & tidy



Now here is another thing that is great to get at this time of year….the VINYL FOLDERS (below you will see it in Yellow) These can get pricy but at this time of year is when to get them and then do surgery on them!!! 😀




WHAT????   SURGERY????…Yep, type A Susan here…



I like to cut them up and use them as dividers for my paper. You know that I am a HUGE fan of the PTouch Label Maker…well to keep me organized I make a label with the name of whatever and then put if on the Vinyl divider that I made….

The reason that I do this is that the labels peel off if the item is ever discontinued and then I can re-use it! (you see…there is always methods to my madness). The dividers are super thin so they do not take much room but they are also super sturdy so you can use them over and over!

You will only get (2) dividers per (1) vinyl folder but there are scraps that you will find a use for. True it is an investment (but soooooo inexpensive) and then you will always have them to use over and over. (I do use the corner rounder of my envelope punch board to round the edges, I told you I was Type A)







The picture tells the story but here it is in more depth. The grey chipboard on the right is what comes in our DSP when we get it (usually the heavy one like this is with the speciality DSP)

It is great for packaging if you are mailing something and you do not want it to bend but today I am showing you how I cut that up for dividers. When I have a DSP that is retired….I move it to a cube and peel off the label from the vinyl divider and put it on this chipboard!

Because I always have swatch books of the DSP (and YES – I will be doing a Product Share for the new catalog) I can always reference the DSP that I have in the cubes. You can tuck the swatch books of the paper offerings in the back of the cube.

There you go…your TIP for your Tuesday! I find little things like these posts to be helpful so of course I want to share! I warn you….enter Walmart at your own risk….it’s a crazy place this time of year and the shelves are a total mess!






Here is my funny for going yesterday! I first needed to pop by Jeanie’s house….when I said – I need to run as I have to pop into Walmart for my blog post for tomorrow….Her face was PRICELESS….her glasses came off…her jaw dropped and then she said – WHY IN THE WORLD DO YOU NEED TO GO THERE!?!?

When I told her…this huge laugh exploded and then quickly she said…”great – pick me up some while you are there!” Gotta love a friend!