Good Morning….HEN PECKIN’ PINKIE here…Before we get to this simply beautiful card (if I do say so myself) I want to say a big thank you for your sweet comments, emails etc….about my “bump wrist” I am doing fine but I admit, I am not a good candidate to be in slow mode. This “pinkie” is not the best for a card maker…..Oh well…..I will be fine!

Ok…I love this stamp set, Count My Blessings. I blogged about it before and I will blog about it again as I just think it is lovely. The “sketchy images” make it a breeze to add a bit of color and BE DONE! The below picture from the catalog was my inspiration for todays project.







I was proud of the end result that I did and I will say…it was FUN to make but it was even better to have the feeling inside that I stuck it out to make that background…and it really was not bad at all! Gotta love your stamp-a-ma-jig! That darn piece of plastic IS your friend, it is just one of those things that you really need to learn how to use….as it does come in handy!







Because it truly is a pain to type, I will let my pictures tell the story! Please leave me a comment and let me know how you like it….I was super happy with the end result and I will make more with a variety of colors to have on hand! A classic in my eyes….

To create the backdrop, I simply used the “jig” and Pear Pizzazz was the focal color of the day! I did use Very Vanilla as my base….I love it for Fall….Layers of paper, simple bits of color….creates a classic!









I know the last time I used gold for some splatter accents I had emails about it. I purchased it from Amazon, here is the palette that I like to work with but if you do not want to invest this much, I am sure any “gold” paint will work.












Enjoy the day….I hope that this “brighten your day”….you know what I call it….”a keeper”


p.s. – I hope that you know it is “killin me” not to type my heart out….it truly is a pain….(in both ways)