Good Morning and I have a SUPER fun post for you today. I am warning you….I have a ton of pictures for you today. I think pictures are a huge help in seeing projects. I have been working on my photography so much over the past months to deliver to you clean and crisp images and wouldn’t you know…today of ALL days….I think my pictures are a mid-grade C+.
I was sad as I have worked very hard on this project as you know that I love to do FUN things for Holidays and this post….YEP – it is a super fun one that can be used ANYTIME of the year……hang tight, you will see what I mean. Today I am focusing on Easter with bunnies driving the Pick up Truck but think out of the box…..would this just be an adorable Graduation Gift to give to someone?
I can see it with a pun of… “your adventure awaits…….best of luck” and roll up money and stack it in the back of the pick up! I just LOVE this idea! I think I am going to do something like that for the “pet sitters” we need from time to time……wouldn’t this just be super adorable!
Before we get going….I need to share with you where I got this idea…..and before I get to that – I would like to address the one thing that I hear over and over again – “I am not creative…..or…..I just CASE things from pinterest because I can not think of anything…..or…..I would never know how to do that….” Do these sound familiar?????? (let’s be honest….)
Well – there are many and I mean many times that I feel the same way but guess what…??? – We are human and with that said…we are here to help each other and to learn.
I learned about these SUPER ADORABLE PICK-UP TRUCKS from another Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator Blog Post. Yep, that’s right…..I totally CASED this project and I am sharing and hoping that you will enjoy it…..make it….and share it. To me, that’s what it is all about! I made some changes and I will let you know about them but honestly….the PDF will be a huge help.
I saw this idea on Sarah Will’s Blog…..and the minute I saw this…I PERKED UP as I thought that it was just adorable! It was made by Twila Davis and she was so kind to have a PDF of instructions… you see…that whole thing of “PAY IT FORWARD”….it really does happens and that makes my heart skip a beat! (thank youTwila and Sarah….this is a great project)
I went to town being a Mechanic and I now have a whole fleet of Pick-Up Trucks on Randall Lane ready to roll out the door to make my loved ones smile! These guys actually hold a bunch…and they are just so much fun to make up!
When I saw this idea I thought about making Jeanie one for her Birthday (pst….IT’S TODAY) as she is always making the most unique projects (and she knows that I am so challenged with following directions) so….here you go – this is Jeanie’s Birthday Truck!
I had an idea of stuffing the truck with critters and sweets….as this kinda sums me up… Jeanie always gets cracked up with my life happenings with animals. I have a memory of Jeanie hopping in my Pick Up Truck with the Horse Trailer and we drove to find this place that was going to work on the trailer. We laughed and laughed as Jeanie was quite impressed with how I handled the “rig” and I can still see her smile and expression of…..this is fun truckin’ with you!
The below stamp set, We Must Celebrate was just PERFECT for this project! I have blogged with this stamp set and if you remember, I did “surgery” to the critters….yep….out came the scissors and the were separated right on Randall Lane. It was a successful surgery and now I can just stamp them one at a time or if I wish, I can group them back together! I know that some of you cringe with this….but there are times that I just DO IT!
I used my Stampin’ Blends to color my friends and secured them with a glue dot to the truck. Glue Dots are a HUGE help with the “crafting thing that we do” – I would always recommend have 2 boxes of them as the minute you run out…who wants to wait to get them!
The other key Adhesive for making this project is Tear & Tape. You need a STRONG adhesive when you make 3-D’s. This too is another thing that you need 2 rolls of – a back up is always a necessity with our adhesives! I use this for my envelopes all of the time (the 1/4″ strip) and another “get into the habit” of using product!
You can see in the pictures that the shy is the limit to having fun with colors….remember, no rules here other than to HAVE FUN! For those of you that sigh when Stampin’ Up! In Colors leave our line of paper, USE IT UP making trucks….as the saying goes….KEEP ON TRUCKIN’!
Remember to refer to the amazing PDF but in the picture below you will see some changes that I made and some tips. I am just so thankful that Twila was so kind to share these amazing instructions!
I find it helpful to make one and have all of the cut lines finished and scored etc….and I keep that as a template so when I want to go back and be a mechanic later…I can use the template to get the old brain fired up!
You saw in her directions that she used a border punch to give the cab of the truck some fun….but I figured that many of you might not have that so I did a “plan B” for you….this project uses the “BASICS” and I figure that if you are on my blog today, than you know that I love and work from the basics. I scored.
I found (personally preference) that I needed more room for the bunny and I did not find the need to make a seat for him. In the above picture you see that I scored the (2) areas for some texture and on the finished truck, it does add a nice flair. If you look closely you will see that the front piece is a wee bit shorter that the “outside arms” on the front. (look at the picture…you just want to score the (2) piece front & back where the arrows are)
The front gets 3 score lines and the back gets 4 score line….then you cut one of the score lines OFF. (I figured that it was easier for you to cut a straight line following the score line)
Once you get rollin’ and “get it” they go fast. TRUST ME…..please leave me a comment if you need further help….. I also found (just like I do with cards) that mass producing is the way I roll. I have many, many cabs already made….and then next time I sit and play…I will make the beds of the trucks etc.
I do want to say that I have a Scan & Cut….yep, Santa was good to me and I used it to cut out my critters but you know that the good old fashion way of fussy cutting works too! Paper Snips are the BEST! I am still learning the ins and outs of the Scan & Cut but fortunately many of my teams members have them so we chat about our victories as well as the frustrations of learning how to use it!
After I made over a dozen of these guys and AFTER I took the pictures….I realized that I forgot to put the lights on the trucks! SILLY SUSAN…..I will go back and add them with a simple glue dot! You can see in the line up of products that I used (3) different circle punches…..hmmmmm…..funny – we have been talkin’ about punches lately and SEE – this is a GREAT example of how having the basic punches in your stash becomes a lifesaver!
I rarely use enamel accents….why, I am not sure as I just forget about them….but they did make the wheels smile a bit! Just look at what you have and go to town! If I had the time I was thinking of doing a white truck and have small flowers stamped and colored all over it – how cute would that be!
WHEW…this is SUPER LONG and I am sorry…..but I just wanted you to get the whole idea! I DO hope that yo make these – they are simply the cutest. They are super sturdy (from the cardboard) and they will make you smile each and every time you see them sitting at your desk.
I have 3-d’s all on a shelf in my work area and they all have a special meaning to me….I still think the “sheep” steals the show for me. Mary Anne made that for me many years ago and I smile each and every time I see him! One of these trucks is going to New Jersey to her home as this was perfect timing as she just redeemed some of her Paw Print Rewards from me and chose this stamp set…..We Must Celebrate as her freebie!
Have a FABULOUS DAY and I hope that this not only made you smile….that it inspired you to make one….(or many!!!!) Please feel free to leave a comment and/or email me if you have any questions about making them.
A HUGE thank you to Sarah and Twila for the inspiration…..this is what I love about Stampin’ Up…sharing and paying it forward. We all CASE….and that is just perfect. I always like to think of it like a recipe.
How many times to you like something, ask for the recipe and make it? Do you feel bad about making it?….the answer is probably NO and I think of creating the same way…..CASEING is fine….we all learn from others, just thank them….perhaps add some of your own touches….and be happy!
I absolutely love these! They are adorable and I love making 3D projects….challenges are the best medicine. I am doing “wheelies” right now knowing I am on the receiving end for one of these beauties. And yes, “Rod Stewart” sits on my shelf as well and making me chuckle every time I look at it. Hugs and have a fun day!
These are adorable trucks, Susan. I love how you made them in different colors and for different occasions. The idea of giving one to a graduate is awesome. May have to try it for an upcoming party. Have a great day!
Hi Susan, Had to pop in and say how cute these are. Don’t you love when you are on a roll! Have a great Saturday . . . the sun is shining here . . . snow is almost all gone!
Hi Susan, These are just adorable…. great project to do with friends…
Is a Scan and Cut similar to the cricut or something entirely different? Thanks for bringing all these wonderful creations to us.
Oh my goodness! This is absolutely adorable!
Hi Susan, I’m kind of late to the party, as I just got home Sunday from seeing gorgeous gardens in Charleston. Wanted to let you know how cute your trucks are. You shared a lot of good ideas again. I feel my creative juices flowing. Thanks for the inspiration.
Oh my Susan! I love all your trucks! So happy that you had such fun recreating and making them your own. I too have a scan and cut and received it for Christmas. Best gift ever! Thanks so much for linking backto my blog post. I had such fun creating this project. Have a crafty day!
I haven’t got it decorated up with little critters yet, but I sat down and made one of these little trucks as soon as I saw your post on Saturday! Thanks for the idea and your tweaks!
These are so cute! I like the photo of the rabbit sitting in just the cab. A little alteration and you could have a lemonade stand or Lucy’s 5-cent psychiatric help booth.
Well, either I was asleep at the wheel or Ted had some road rage as this somehow went to my junk folder and I missed this post. These are really cute. I saw Sarah’s blog post but sort of buzzed past it not really paying attention though thinking the rabbits in the trucks were cute but that is all that registered in my brain. Thank goodness I am feeling better today though the weather sucks still – I can appreciate your critters and the trucks much more today. Too cute and look at all the fun goodies. Love the off roading one! Maybe I will tackle some of these sometime but just not now. It took all my concentration to get my swap cards done and then the last step with the sentiment I grabbed the wrong punch so it was not a current product. I was not going to rip them all off as I realized it when I was typing up the recipe for them. Thank goodness it was the Green with Envy Swap and I only had to do 11 cards. Now, if I did one and put dogs in them – somehow I think Teddy would get some ideas and he can’t even seem to figure out how to get into the car for me. But, I could just see him if the car keys were in there – forward smashing into Mike’s pick up or backing up into the neighbor’s garage door etc. Of course I would get the blame for it!