Happy Saturday! Are you as confused as I am with what day it is? This happens to me every time a holiday is in the middle of the week and I just can’t seem to get it right! Oh well…what can I say but let’s all have a great day!

I know that this is another LONG POST but heck – I am the co-pilot as John, Milo and I are rollin’ down the road with the truck and trailer to load up Hannah’s apartment (again) and to pick up Stanley (her horse) to bring him home! I admit, I am a bit nervous having Stanley at the house as John and I laugh….we call him (pretty boy) and I will have to make sure that he is pampered to the max!

This trip was not in the original plan to be doing this over the next couple of days….but we need to get it crossed off the list! We are always at the mercy of having someone cover the animals… (Daisy can be picky about who sits for her) We thought we would be going next Tuesday – Thursday…..but oh well! What are parents for…??? John and I sure are good animal sitters and movers!

Hannah will be moving to Seattle later next month to work and continue her education for the next 6 years so…heads up stampers in the Seattle area….I will be embarking on your state and with it being SOOOOOO far from little old Maryland, I plan to have extended stays!!!

Let’s get going as this is a fun group of cards that I have for you today! You can tell that I have done a bunch of editing on the pictures…as truth be told I am trying to keep my head down as it makes me nervous to have John drive the truck and trailer…..you betcha that I will be doing the driving home on Monday as when there are fur babies…..I’m the driver!







I have a beauty for you today and I admit, I was super happy that I hit that button in Monday to have this gem of a bundle come to live on Randall Lane! I admit, this purchased was TOTALLY UNPLANNED as I did not even know it existed…let me explain!

Last Friday I was all set to place an order for the NEW BLENDS (woot-woot) and have them expedited shipped to me….well truth be told I always forget with the time difference for the cut off in ordering expedited orders from Stampin’ Up! and yep, I missed it! After having a brief pity-party with myself I thought….OH WELL….what the heck is one day – and I am super glad that I waited until Monday!

With July and its HEAT & GLORY…Stampin Up! also has something HOT to reveal… a promotion for a limited edition bundle….appropriately called Color Your Season! You can CLICK HERE to see the flyer showcasing this beauty! It does just that…having a little from the season with some fabulous and oh so classic sentiments!

Before we get to the cards that I made for you today…..let’s look at the images that Stampin’ Up! took showcasing this bundle. You better get your glass on to see the details….but I can say that there is one thing about “us stampers” 🙂 – we can spot a newbie and also something exciting when we see it!








This will be available starting August 1 – 31 (while supplies last) and we know what that means….the early bird will get the worm so I think you know by now how things like this just SWOOP right out the door! As a demonstrator we could order it in July and this is why I was so happy that I had to wait to order until Monday!

I admit, (I always try to be totally upfront and honest with how I feel about my stampin’ goodies)… and when I saw this I thought….

  • Wow…this promotion came out of left field….
  • I am not sure that I am going to take the bait and get it…..
  • Hmmmm…l love the images and the STITCHED FRAMELITSshould I….should I not!?!?




Then…I allowed that to settle in my simple brain for a “nano second”

and did what every die-hard stamper would do… 





OK – I caved and when it actually arrived I squealed louder than Daisy….as the stamps are sooooo much larger that I thought from the picture and the stitched framelits….WOOT-WOOT! I am also very partial to fall…the leaf framelit and also Fall stamps made me smile!







Did you also notice on the flyer (again, CLICK HERE) that there is a new set of water color pencils making its debut!!! Here are the watercolor pencils that we currently have but WOOT-WOOT – more colors!!!  Yep….that’s right – new colors – 10 pencils in Stampin’ Up! colors. (Balmy Blue, Cajun Craze, Cherry Cobbler, Coastal Cabana, Crushed Curry, Flirty Flamingo, Garden Green, Gorgeous Grape, Granny Apple Green, Night of Navy).

Here is the best thing….you can go ahead and get both of these products now and use them towards the Ultimate Bundle….of getting $125 of product for just $99! YEP, that’s right and then there’s more….(YIKES – I am feelin’ like an infomercial on TV) but honestly stampers…why not.

Like most direct sales companies there are always incentives to join and face it, we do love our products or you would not be on my blog. This is the perfect time to get the Ultimate Bundle. In my opinion, I think July or January are the best months to join but the offer now with getting an entire collection of ink pads…..TRUMPS IT!

You can CLICK HERE to see each of the collections to see which one you want. (to make the image larger…simply click the + sign on the right of the PDF or put your readers on!!!) We all gravitate to certain color families but I think that the Brights Collection has the most of the new colors in it.

After trying them at On Stage in March, I knew that the minute they came out I was going to bite the bullet and make the change to them. I know that it was an investment….but I looked at it like this – I get a discount….I can even use a 50% off item for a bundle and the most important one to me is…IT IS A BASIC that makes a difference in what I do with loving to craft!

It is like having the right items in your kitchen…if you do not have the basics and quality ones at that…then you will either do one of 2 things…



BUY MORE (cause’ we bought lesser quality ones) or BECOME FRUSTRATED as

BASICS work all of the time!



This is why you hear me say over and over…get the basics…and then build from there! Not to be “flippy” (a term that my wonderful Mom use to say)….but I really do not care – I am simply being 100% honest with when there is a good deal…SNATCH IT UP!

The very first thing I hear from people that are intrigued and purchase the Ultimate Bundle is…..Susan, I just want you to know that I am doing this only as a hobbiest as I have no intentions in teaching a class…having a workshop….doing a blog…or anything… and you know what – THAT IS GREAT!

Again, being 100% honest….yep, Stampin’ Up! does require a quarterly minimum ($300 RETAIL) to remain active but remember when I said that July is a great time to join…reason is, your quarter that you join does NOT count so in reality, you would have until January 31, 2019 to meet your quarter minimum! We just started the 3rd quarter (July, August & September)…so no worries about that quarter…

Let’s face it….we have THIS NEW ANNUAL CATALOG…and then the Holiday Catalog (demos can get the pre-order August 1st)...and then the Occasions Catalog (demos can get the pre-order December 1st) and also Sale-A-Bration all before you would have to worry about January 31st and I know “us” well enough….we WILL have many things that we just HAVE TO HAVE…..so really….now is the time!

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or you can also CLICK HERE and build your kit! Have fun with choosing the $125 product of your choice…..I think that it is always so much fun to see what people put in their Ultimate Bundle…..

If it were me….I would go for this Blended Seasons Bundle ($64.75) …the NEW watercolor pencils $12.50….then fill in with the NEW STAMPIN’ BLENDS (you would be able to get 5 sets of the new colors)….with $2.75 to spare and I would get the Vintage Trim in Clearance and then you only left .35 on the table (you did GOOD) and remember – IT SHIPS FOR FREE PLUS (music to my ears) and also – you can pick the set of ink pads…..that is another $67.50 free to you….all for just $99.00!

Here you go..it is PICTURE TIME and today I have lots of tips and tricks edited for you so you can Pin it…and then refer right back to it so you do not have to come back and search for what colors I used!

ENJOY…and always remember…there are MANY WAYS that you can create clean and simple cards….with little tweaks here and there….to make them look totally different! Trust me, I get it that we need a change up every once in a while….do you have a favorite? Please feel free to leave me a comment as it would be super fun to see what everyone likes!



Card  #1 –  This new paper, Gray Granite it my new favorite Neutral…..I invite you to play with it as your focal color of a card base. It will surprise you…..looks GREAT with many color combinations! Also….LOVE the liner –  it is from the Best Routes DSP….I told you that was a great pack of DSP….as I know at a glance it looks soooooo busy!








Card #2 – Fun and Fresh! These new blends in Lovely Lipstick and Pineapple Punch are WOW! I am just so happy that Stampin’ Up! has a line of Alcohol Markers….and the best thing – they match our color collections!







Card #3 – This color combo is stunning and I keep forgetting to say…the Granny Apple Green Blends were the “green” that I used in all of the cards! It is so bright and clear! How about that envelope…..LOVE IT!!!





Well..there you go! I warned you that this was long…..we are on 95 right now and my computer is about to expire….so…..I guess if I do not want to watch the road (with John driving) – I might just just join Milo and sleep!

I hope that this post inspired you today and I hope that you know how much I believe that each and everyone of us have an inner gift….I am just so thankful that I caught the bug on cardmaking as it is a wonderful outlet/therapy for me! I do think of my Mom often as she truly was the “queen of cards” …she would be proud of me knowing that I am creating works of art from my own hands….

I would take handmade ANYDAY over store bought! Have a wonderful day and keep us in your thoughts!!!! HUGS!!!