
Good Morning and here is to a TERRIFIC TUESDAY! Monday’s at horse shows are “down days” and it was a jammies day for Milo and I most of the day. I was so happy as I completed all of my posts for the week for you and I think that you are going to enjoy them.

We made the trek to the barn to get Stanley out of his stall…stretch is legs and let him have some nibble of grass. Milo had FUN running around the show grounds as it was quite. He is being a real trooper and a great companion company to me!

You know that I have “technical problems” as that part of my brain simply does not work and yesterday I was on the phone with Apple (they have simply AMAZING support) and I was switched to person after person (which I am fine with as that is why I love their support, if they do not know…they get someone else to help you)

I know that many of you are going to “Laugh out loud with this” but I wish you could have heard this poor guy trying to get me to “get it” about what an I Cloud is…I was trying to get a grip with all of my photos….(I do have a to do list to knock off while I am here) and getting my computer organized is one of them!

I keep getting many emails about some products that I have found to be helpful (that I purchased from Amazon) and I thought that I would re-post them for you and also I have a NEW ONE….that YEP – you need to buy (2) as you will love it and then also but one for a friend!

I often get asked, Do you just use exclusive Stampin’ Up! Products?….truthfully no, I find products like I am sharing with you to be super helpful with doing what I do so if I find them to be practical….I want to share them with you as well as we all love crafting but there are little things that make out life easier!

Here is my new favorite obsession…

  1. Tombow MONO Sand Eraser – WHAT IS IT.??? – a dream !….click here to see the link and you can read the product descriptions. I think that you all will know what I mean…have you ever had a little boo-boo on a card and you need to “clean it up” a bit but an eraser wouldn’t do the trick…this does…it is a super soft sand eraser that will be the BEST boo-boo fixer you’ll ever use!


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2. Mesh Bags – Now to another product that I just would not be without! I feel like I always like to keep projects “safe and clean” and I use these below bags for so many things…my stamping projects, kits, I like to keep needlepoint in them – they are just so darn handy!

I have found them to be cheaper at the Container Store….One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE STORES…..Click here to see them….Amazon does have them but they are more expensive. I use all sizes and they are just the handiest bags….I often make cookies for the barn and put them in our sketched dot bags….these bags are perfect as they keep them clean, water proof and you can see thorough them – love that feature!




3. Stick It – I used this today again when I was stampin….(you’ll see it on Thursday) – this is AMAZING….and it makes having “fun” even more “fun” You can click here to see the link at Amazon.

I did a Step it up Sunday post and a video….please check them out and I think that you can see the beauty of this product!

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4. Cling Vinyl – This is a GREAT product that you can cut to fit your acrylic blocks and it is a HUGE HELP to have your clear stamps stick to your blocks. I know that many of us find it SUPER frustrating to have a stamp fall off our block when we go to stamp (sound familiar – trust me…been there – done that)

Click here to see it at Amazon….if you have stampin’ friends….this package goes a LONG way…..split it with several friends!


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That’s it for today! I have many more tips like this to share with you so stay tuned….I know that this type of post is probably not the smartest one for me to share as I should be blogging about Stampin’ Up! Products….but by now you know me….if I find something that makes it easy….I love to share – Please let me know if you find these post helpful! I am all about helping you be organized……

SWITCHING GEARS….to Stampin’ Up! It is Tuesday and you know what that means…NEW WEEKLY DEALSclick here to see them!

We are so fortunate that Stampin’ Up! offers these to us. It is as much of a surprise to me each week as it is to you….I just love suprises….how about YOU!?!?! I hope to see you tomorrow….I have a trio of goodies that will bring a smile to your face! Have a great day!