

Good Morning and I know that many of you will think that this topic is a “no-brainer” but I also hope that I am not on that Island by myself today! I admit, I have a problem, actually a HUGE problem in pitching “Cutting Pads” away and replacing them.

I can remember the first time I tried to use the Big Shot by myself and I scratched the mats….I was like a turtle and my head went in (I put the Big Shot away as I thought I ruined it)…It actually took me until the next Stamp Club to ask my friends…..”OK – I have that thing (Big Shot) but I ruined the mats…and YEP, I needed someone to walk me through it 😳

I am telling you thins because I want you to know, we all start somewhere. I am the very first to admit that I get sooooooo excited and I just want to do it…create…smile! 🙂




The cutting pads are a KEY and necessary part to the Big Shot. The other thing is that you need to know that it is important to have proper pads to use for our many ways we use the Big Shot. WHAT?????


It is a great idea to have several sets.

I like to keep a set that I use just for using Embossing Folders.

I have a set that I use for framelits.

I have a set that I use with the precision plate.

I know that this sounds a bit “over kill” but they do serve a purpose for completely different needs. I just have this issue of NOT pitching ones that are way tooooooooo used! (You will see the picture below)









I know that some people swear that they rotate (flip them) after each use…I simply forget but it is normal that they will warp. I will be totally honest that the precision plate really – REALLY warps them and I usually rotate the ones that are all scratched up to the precision plate stack!





The reason that I am posting about this is….I highly suggest that you have a spare….“just in case” – over the weekend I noticed that my “stack” of ones that I use for cutting framelits were way too scratched and when I was cutting something, the scratched were impressed onto the paper. (I know….I am being type A but I am being honest)

What usually happens when times like this happen, I take my squeaky clean ones for embossing folders and then they get scratched and filtered into that viscous circle I have going on in my craft room so the moral of the story is….KEEP A SPARE!

This machine “Mr. Big Shot” is truly amazing what it does for us but we need to remember to keep it up to date ( kind of like getting our oil changed in our car) – I am curious as to hear your thoughts about this.

Do you keep an extra set, just in case?

Do you use one set for all use of the Big Shot?

Do you rotate your plates after each use?

Let’s get some chatting going, this is how we learn from one another! Have a FABULOUS day!


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