

Good Morning…I sure do hope that you have been enjoying the week of practical posts! I have had FUN showcasing them for you and have no fear – I still have (2) more to show you!




Please read on because even though you know how to make these fun poppers, I found a company to actually buy the “real popper thing” to slide in so it will surely be a POP at my holiday table! I will share with you where I bought them.


I never want to assume that you know how to make something as hopefully I have some “new people that have hopped on the Simple Stampin’ daily train” so here is the low down. Making these poppers are like eating potato chips ~ they are addictive and you finish without one calorie!






If you CLICK HERE it will take you to another post that I did that will share with you step by step on how to make these fun goodies and then if you want to watch I video that I did eons ago...CLICK HERE – I think that the video is sooooooooo basic but it will walk you through step by step on making these gems and heck – we are one step closer to being together in person! 🙂

Here comes a story….go grab that coffee!!!

I just LOVE to get the conversation going when we get together with the God Parents and the PEEPS….it is always a fun evening as my dear Dad and brother join us as well. There will be 14 of us this year and because everyone is “all grown up” – we have out grown the days when we had high chairs…or “kids” tables etc….

Because I cannot fit all 14 of us around my dining room table this is what I do. I put on pieces of paper either #1 or #2 – (I have (8) #1’s and (6) #2’s) and before we get our food we pick a number and that will be where you go….I found this to be a FUN TIP as it mixes up people and if you know what I mean….someone always want to sit with a certain person etc…..

We are a family that LOVE to sit and YACK away because we do not get a bunch of time together with everyone living all over. On the night that the godparents are there – it is even more special as there are more stories, laughter until there are tears, stories etc….so this year I thought that it would be FUN to have conversation POPPERS!

After we eat we all seem to gravitate to our family room to be by the fire place etc…This is when I will let everyone pick a POPPER and then read the message inside and hear their feedback! I went to my pinterest page where I have some motivational quotes/thoughts and went from there to make my questions!

You might thing that they are a bit “deep” but make them whatever you want – if your ages are all over the place, make some like – What was the best movie you saw this year….or – What is your favorite color and why? I just know that the peeps and company will love what I picked because they know that I love quotes and motivational books.

This is a GREAT way to get some GREAT conversations going. You will sit back and be amazed at the comments and then you will get that twinkle in your eye and say, I am blessed. I just love having the peeps in the house!






Now to where I purchased these Cracker Snaps….you can CLICK HERE and it will take you right to the store. I ordered them on Sunday and they were at my house on Wednesday so you could go ahead and make up the poppers and once the snaps come….just finish the job!

I was SOOOOOO excited about these. Just think of how FUN it would be to for a birthday…you could even put money in it – that would be a GREAT gift ~ if someone lived far away, wouldn’t they love to get a popper in the mail with a message from you?








They you go…poppers again and I bit of a story! Just use your computer and printer to type up some goodies and have fun. Please let us know if you do this and how the outcome is.

I had a fun day yesterday, mission accomplished – one store and DONE…and then to heaven…the grocery store! John used to think I was silly about actually liking to go to the grocery store but now he “gets it” – when you go to Wegmans….you are in grocery shopping heaven!

Pace yourself….stress do not look good on any of us! Here is that paw print….shop away and the vault is open and ready for you to come on in!


dog shop now