Now this is a way to end the week….with a PRODUCT SHARE!

The official launch date of the new catalog is less than 2 weeks away and that means it is time to take advantage of a product share!

Yesterday I bogged about the Share # 1 (Swatch Books) and Share #2 (Ring of Card Stock) and today you will be able to see ALL of the offerings that I have for you!

The BEST WAY for you to navigate and be able to quickly see the offerings is to click on the tab above on my header. I will keep it up there for several weeks so you do not have to scroll through blog posts to find it!

What is a product share? EASY – it is a way for you to get a taste of the NEW products coming out without having to purchase a whole pack…a whole roll of ribbon etc…..

Remember, I am married to my Accountant (ha-ha….but it is true) and he helps me do the math to make it fair. Basically I take the product – divide it – divide the cost and then package it fun for you and off to the Williamsport Post Office I go!

All you need to do is smile….I have made your day and you have the new kids on the block without breaking your piggy bank (sorry Daisy)!!! I love this below picture of Lucy….and this is how I feel when I am putting together your shares….I just wish I had an Ethel to help me!





Here is a quick listing of the shares but click on the above tab to see the detailed info about each specific share. Once you have decided what you want….just click here and email me with the subject line – PRODUCT SHARE so I can spot it.


Please list the shares that you want and provide me your mailing address 😀 


I truly love to get my mailing labels and as much completed before the product comes as you can imagine that it is a bunch of product! (this is really a fun thing for me as I know how much you all enjoy it… me – I “get it” as I have participated in many shares myself!

WHEW…..this was a work to put together but it is really, REALLY getting me excited for the new catalog! If you are not currently working with a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator and would like a catalog, please email me…..I would love to work with you!

See you tomorrow for Simple Saturday….it is sooooo simple that I think John could make it!


p.s. – here is a funny for you …even though Hannah is 23…she remembers the crazy fun I have always had with my hobbies!

When I was telling Hannah that I was gearing up for a Product Share she said – Do you remember when you made us help you tear, count, sort and package Mrs. Grossman Stickers – YEP, SHE IS RIGHT…..

When I was a Creative Memories Consultant I had an account with Mrs. Grossman and I would buy HUGE rolls of stickers and divide them down for my team and customers….and YEP – that is exactly what I do with Stampin’ Up! I will say…..I feel so blessed to be able to do what I love and have fun all at the same time!


Have a great day!