


Good Morning! If you happened to wonder where was my morning early post….we lost internet yesterday! Sorry for the delay but you are going to love this one! 🙁  The GREAT news is that I am back and we need to have a chat about this super cute shaker card!

I adored the comments from yesterday and yes…PEEP James did love the card (sometimes I wonder if he just says that because of me being “Mom” but he liked it and John…well ~ he increased his order to 18 cards! I think they think I eat Bonbons all day!)

Here you go….side by side, you decide! I know that you like these 2 days posts and every week I say to myself, I don’t know if I can do it….and then somewhere…somehow – I pull it off!






I have LOTS of pictures for you today as I feel pictures really help but as always, please feel free to email me if you need additional help. Shaker cards are really fun to make and they are like anything else, a couple of tips and tricks and the process is much smoother!

Before we get going, here are the comments from the guys. They BOTH liked Saturday’s Card…naturally I said, does that mean that you didn’t like Sunday’s card….they both laughed at me and said that they didn’t need the fru-fru inside but they said that my readers would prefer the shaker card…..YES – I love them both but it is FUN to shake-shake-shake!!!





Making a Shaker Card if fun. Making a Shaker card is rewarding as there is something special about the movement inside. Making a Shaker Card creates and instant WOW to whomever is lucky enough to receive it. I hope that YOU try to make one.

We all have the necessities of making one…you can use circles, squares, rectangles….but today I am using the Hearth & Home Framelit as I think that it is a perfect choice for a shaker card, especially for the Holidays!

You can see by the pictures that I stamped the tree and cut it out like a normally would do but then I also cut a piece of Crumb Cake to go behind the window. Below you will see that I simply adhered the tree and then snipped off the edges for the backdrop of the shaker element!





TIP ALERT: – Use the thin Foam Strips when making a Shaker Card…they are a DREAM MACHINE and make life soooooo much easier and it is a HUGE time saver! Just make sure that you have the ends together to lot allow and “goodies” to decide they want to leave the card!

Here is another tip: – I like to take the embossing buddy bag and run it over the paper and image BEFORE I put the sequins in…this helps with static when you place the acetate over and also it takes away some of the “tackiness” of the sides of the adhesive strips so the elements do not stick (You can see in the picture below that I must not have done a good job on the right side as there are many elements sticking….no worries, once you have your card together just keep shaking and shaking and they will get loose!)





I forget to take a picture of this but I think that you will “get it” – You will adhere a piece of acetate to the front windowpane part of the diecut. I used tear – n tape and where it was too wide, I simply folded it over. You really want a good and strong hold to keep the acetate in place. Also, take the embossing buddy and do the same thing – this helps for the static!

Another TIP: – before you release the adhesive strips, glue down a couple of sequins etc….randomly around the visual part. This way when your card is sitting up as a card would be on a shelf etc…you will see some elements and then hopefully (unless you are a guy) it will encourage you to give this card some love and smile as you shake it back and forth! 🙂

I went into my stash of fun and randomly used elements that I love…I just love little seed beads and also clear items. No rules, just have fun but do not put too much in because it will be hard to get the good “shake” – less is best!








Here is my smile picture, when I get to this part…I feel like I have accomplished something. I admit, guilty as charged that I have be known in my family to carry around a card and to keep saying, do you like this one – this is one that I would do with it!

I think that the tree behind the window just warms your heart for the holidays! I a getting excited (I rarely do this early) but yesterday we worked our tails off (but trust me, there still is a big tail behind me) and I will say that we accomplished 85% of the decorating! Tomorrow I will share with you a funny that will make you laugh!







Here is your 411 – picture to pin for the future! Just hover over it and take it to your favorite spot! I am sad that this stamp is “walking the bye-bye plank” but it will be one that will not leave Randall Lane…there are simply some stamps that you cannot part with!






Click here to see the items that are on the year end closeouts and remember, with every $75+ or more purchase with me this month, YOU can go into the VAULT and pick any stamp set your heart desires. I have 5 years of stamps in there and it has been a WORK IN PROGRESS trying to get them all in one place.

Those that have been to the vault as happy to finally get that one stamp set that they wanted but didn’t get. I do have marked in the vault (updated it yesterday) the items from this current catalog that I am saying goodbye to….but I can not mail them to you until after the catalog ends, Jan. 3rd as per our rules!




Have a fabulous day….”get lots done” and look for me at the Ravens game!!! Yep, James bought tickets for us to go together… the 3 of us are going to Baltimore today, this will be my first love NFL Game! It should be a fun day!

p.s. – this coming week of posts….they will be super fun and informative as I will be sharing with you some practical and fun ways to finish up those gifts ideas!


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