by Susan Itell | Oct 17, 2017 | Uncategorized |
Happy, happy Tuesday! We have a winner……you know what to do…..push back the chair….shake – shake and then lift your hands high and WOOT-WOOT and if you are Janice..
It is simple, YOU WON! (please email me)

I am also popping on to remind you that today is the last day that you can take advantage of FREE SHIPPING from ME to YOU for any and all orders that are over $75+…click here to see the post from Saturday that will give you the scoop!

I loved reading your comments about the stamping blends.It seems like there are many of you that preferred to purchase the blends in specific color families.Trust me, I get it. I think that there are many times that we gravitate to certain color families that make us feel comfortable.
The best advice I can give you is to start where you feel comfortable.
I am just very happy that Stampin’ Up! is coming back out with Alcohol based markers.I personally enjoy the experience of trying to get colors to blend together but If that is not your cup of tea… No worries….just use them to color – they GLIDE over the paper!
There are simply no words to say/convey what fun it was to be with my 4 stampin’ friends over the weekend….I might have “black beauty” on my arm but that didn’t stop me from fun! It is simple… It was the BEST TIME EVER!
We decided to start a sorority as none of us were ever in one….
Sisters of the Traveling Stamps
What do you think? Sounds like fun! I wish that you would have seen us….we just had FUN….being US! I found this picture that I had used before on my blog…..this could be US…..
I am still beaming and laughing….life is great!

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by Susan Itell | Oct 14, 2017 | Blog Candy, Uncategorized |

Good morning! I hope you are ready for the weekend…I sure am!
We have a bunch going to today to chat about but before we do – push back that chair and get ready to do what we do when there is blog candy winner time…..get those hands up and shake it…shake it some more and if you are Katie (below) than you need to squeal so loud that we all can hear you! WOOT-WOOT you won!

I loved, loved, LOVED reading your comments about the blends and I am thrilled that so many are excited about them coming aboard the Stampin’ Up! Train of fabulous products. As soon as I know the availability date you will know….
One thing that I want to emphasis about these or any alcohol markers is…You do not need to know one thing about shading to enjoy the beauty of what this marker will bring to your projects.
Trust me on this one…They simply GLIDE over your paper and absorbed into the paper leaving no lines of where you stop and started.This is why alcohol-based markers are great medium for coloring with fabulous results.
The way I would rather you look at it is…If you choose to use two to blend together…That’s great but you do not need to use two colors together when coloring an image it.

Think of it this way…You have two completely different colors. Stamping Up Blends have a palette of 12 (as of now) but because we have 2 of each color (a light and a dark) you actually have 24 completely different colors.
We ALL seem to agree….we ADORE the fact that the Blends MATCH our beautiful colors…that is why HANDS DOWN I knew that when Stampin’ Up! brought these back….I was IN FOR SURE…..(even though I am a COPIC gal too) because of the “matching factor” – I LOVE that these MATCH our fabulous colors.
Whew….that’s over – now here is something that you all will love…..FREE SHIPPING! For me – anytime I see FREE SHIPPING, you can count me in. Being totally honest, it PAINS me more thank you will ever know to pay so much for shipping…..SO –

My wonderful peep (James) Birthday is Sunday the 15th and mine is Tuesday the 17th so it is a “happy” time for me….so what better way so share the “happy” than to pass it on to YOU!
SO….as the header picture says…..Sunday – Tuesday I will give you FREE SHIPPING when you place an order from me on my online store with any purchases over 75+.
How does it work? – after you place the order I will see it….and when I send you the gift with purchase for the month (Tuxedo Black Memento Ink Pad) I will send you a check for the amount that your shipping was. (I offer this randomly and I know than many of you love it) so…here you go – 3 days for you to look and see what you need.
Here is the Hostess Code for this month – N7K7RR46 (you will always see the current one on the side of my blog)
Why not go together with a friend if you cannot meet the $75 limit yourself (I don’t think that will be a problem if you are anything like me)…have FUN and a great way to stock up on staples.
Let’s keep chatting about these new markers……leave a comment and give some feedback….here is the question …..When these markers come out….will you “pick and choose certain color families” or will you buy the whole set……
I can’t wait to hear your preference….for me – HANDS DOWN…..I had to get the whole darn deal! Remember, tomorrow (the 15th) is the last day that you can get “the ultimate bundle” of them as Stampin’ Up! only has them available as of now to demonstrators….
For $99 you will get ALL OF these Stampin’ Blends (a $121.50 value) – ships for free… I will send you the Tuxedo Black Memento Ink Pad…and you will be good to go to color away!
Monday, I will pop on and let you know the WINNER of this blog candy….another set of the cards…..someone will win (4) cards and the ink pad …..

Where am I today? I am with 4 AMAZING GALS…my Stampin’ Buddies…..Jeanie, Rosanne, Deb and Ramsey as we are staying at Ramsey’s in Annapolis, MD and stampin’…chattin’ ….laughin’…..a perfect and special time…..gotta run -we are doing our own show box swap!

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by Susan Itell | Oct 6, 2017 | Uncategorized |

Good morning! I hope this post is finding everyone well… I truly have missed posting as I regularly did….but we are on the countdown with this cast…(fingers crossed) It is amazing how something that we take for granted can slow you down….but all is good – actually it is GREAT!
Isn’t this a great picture of “Happy Pants“….I adore Sandy Allnock as she is sooooo darn talented and one super sweet person. I have taken many of her online classes and I truly enjoy watching videos of her working and creating amazing projects…..
Click here to see a quick video and I hope that her message will be all over your face – a simple SMILE does make a difference something so simple and something that we ALL can do….
At the end…you will see some snaps of my view as I woke up this morning….
I am away with the most important people in my life… wonderful hubby and 3 peeps!
I did not bring much to work/play will except……..the NEW STAMPIN’ BLENDS! I am itchin’ to play and then I will be sure to share my thoughts and works of art with you all!
Meet my new friends…..I am super excited to PLAY! 😀

I am just giddy that WE HAVE THESE MARKERS….we all know that there is LOTS going on with Stampin’ Up! this month…..Below you will see a recap of a previous post with all of the Stampin’ Scoop…..I get it – a BUNCH to absorb – just be a sponge and soak it up!

I am super excited that Stampin’ Up! is offering an alcohol-based marker once again.These markers are only available to demonstrators at this point but Stampin’ Up! is going to be releasing them hopefully by the end of the year to all customers.
I think it is fair to be totally be honest and say that Stampin’ Up! is being super cautious with this new product launch to make sure the quality control is to their highest standards. Alcohol based markers are a staple in the crafting industry and I am THRILLED that we are offering them.
This time Stampin’ Up is doing a super smart thing….there are just (2) shades for each color family and if you have 1 that runs out….no worries as you can purchase them individually as needed (once they go live for customers) – I personally think that Is super smart as that was one thing in the past many did not like… having to re-purchase the whole color family.
You can see that this is very exciting for Stampin’ Up! If you have never used an alcohol-based marker before I say HANG ON TO YOUR MARKER as wait until you try …you will be amazed at the ease they are to use.
You will see that currently stamping up is offering these alcohol-based markers in 12 color families… Totally matching our colors that we have! You just have to love how we color coordinate all of our products!
Bermuda Bay Combo Pack* | 144600 | $9.00 | 1 |
Calypso Coral Combo Pack* | 144045 | $9.00 | 1 |
Cherry Cobbler Combo Pack* | 144598 | $9.00 | 1 |
Crumb Cake Combo Pack* | 144601 | $9.00 | 1 |
Daffodil Delight Combo Pack* | 144603 | $9.00 | 1 |
Night Of Navy Combo Pack* | 144040 | $9.00 | 1 |
Old Olive Combo Pack* | 144597 | $9.00 | 1 |
Pink Pirouette Combo Pack* | 144604 | $9.00 | 1 |
Pool Party Combo Pack* | 144605 | $9.00 | 1 |
Pumpkin Pie Combo Pack* | 144599 | $9.00 | 1 |
Rich Razzleberry Combo Pack* | 144602 | $9.00 | 1 |
Smoky Slate Combo Pack* | 145058 | $9.00 | 1 |
Ivory Marker | 144606 | $4.50 | 1 |
Bronze Marker | 144607 | $4.50 | 1 |
Color Lifter | 144608 | $4.50 | 1 |
Stampin’ Blends Marker Collection
(Includes All 26 Markers And The Color Lifter) | 147475 | $121.50 | 1 |
Color Me Happy Project Kit | 144609 | $25.00 | No Limits |
Color Me Happy Stamp Set (Wood-Mount) | 144062 | $27.00 | No Limits |
Color Me Happy Stamp Set (Clear-Mount)** | 144069 | $19.00 | No Limits |
Color Me Happy Bundle (Wood-Mount)
– Project Kit + Stamp Set At A 10% Discount! | 148033 | $46.75 | No Limits |
Color Me Happy Bundle (Clear-Mount)**
– Project Kit + Stamp Set At A 10% Discount! | 148034 | $39.50 | No Limits |
*Combo Packs include 2 markers: 1 light, 1 dark
No single markers (besides Ivory and Bronze and the Color Lifter) are available for purchase during this Demonstrator Exclusive Early Release.
You can see from the above chart that there is a Color Me Happy Stamp Set and Project Kit…can you say WOW….as you knew that Stampin’ Up! would come out with an amazing compliment with this release. (and it is….but only for demonstrators for this pre-release)
So the moral of this story is… for $99 dollars you can get all of these markers… Have free shipping… and get going coloring away! There truly are no strings attached in becoming a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator. The overwhelming majority of demonstrators with Stamping Up are hobbyist and who doesn’t like to get a deal!
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or you can click here and put the stampin’ blends marker collection (#147475) in your kit and be done…no…do this as well….throw in some White Bakers Twine (#124262) as you can get up to $125 in product for just $99!
Getting the total stampin’ blends marker collection is the way to go as then you would have all of the colors available. If you wish to purchase them in just specific colors and also be able to get the color me happy project kit you will see the product numbers beside each of the color families.
I have a feeling we all think the same way so this is what I would do (just sayin’)…I would get the marker collection and then you can order the project kit and get it at a 20% discount!!! I just love a deal…again, email me of you want to chat….or just click here!
(click on the banner image to see a full PDF of the great offerings)

October 1 – 10, 2017: World Card Making Day
This year the world celebrates the day on October 7, but for ten days (October 1–10), you can get some great deals. You can save 15% off select stamp sets and note card/envelope sets. CLICK HERE to see the offerings but remember – it is just for 10 days! WOOT-WOOT…..
(click on the banner image to see a full PDF of the great offerings)

Designer Series Paper Sale – Buy 3, Get 1 Free! (We love our paper)
October 1 – 31, 2017: Purchase 3 packages of select Designer Series Paper and get one FREE during October! This sale includes Designer Series Paper from both the annual and holiday catalogs. (do you have a favorite?) This includes select Specialty and Designer Series Paper Stacks! Purchase all the same or mix and match! This is a great way to pound out your holiday cards or even pair up with a friend to share the paper.
You can click here and see them all grouped together.
Now to my view…I have truly been counting the days for this weekend to happen. We all know that is harder and harder to find the time for schedules to line up to be all together when PEEPS grow up and have jobs and live in different states…that is why my heart has been skippin’ beats for this weekend….
2 are here…..Will is on his way from Boston – LONG trip for just 2 days…but I am sooooo darn excited! Have a great weekend and I will be in your “in box” on Monday!!!!
Here are a couple of pictures…
What a great way to wake up to…..

Still plenty warm enough to go out on the boat…it is going to be a beautiful day!

YEP….I bought “the goods” to make smores! You would not believe how much food I have cooked/prepared for…..I just wanted everything to be ready…so we can maximize time for chatter and games…..FAMILY FUN!!!!

Thanks for popping in and letting me share “my joy” with you! Happy World Card Making Day tomorrow and remember…..this little thing we do….it DOES make a difference!

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by Susan Itell | Oct 1, 2017 | Stampin' Up ~ Super cool!, Uncategorized |
What can I say but… there is a bunch going on! We all know it is the first day of the new month but also, Stamping Up! has a ton of incentives this month. The best advice I can give you is grab a cup of coffee, a piece of paper and a pen, and sit back and take it all in!
(click on the banner image to see a full PDF of the great offerings)

October 1 – 10, 2017: World Card Making Day
This year the world celebrates the day on October 7, but for ten days (October 1–10), you can get some great deals. You can save 15% off select stamp sets and note card/envelope sets. Also, when you buy Fast Fuse Adhesive, you’ll get two refills for FREE! CLICK HERE to see the offerings but remember – it is just for 10 days! WOOT-WOOT…..I am stocking up on Fast Fuse!!!
(click on the banner image to see a full PDF of the great offerings)

Designer Series Paper Sale – Buy 3, Get 1 Free! (We love our paper)
October 1 – 31, 2017: Purchase 3 packages of select Designer Series Paper and get one FREE during October! This sale includes Designer Series Paper from both the annual and holiday catalogs. (do you have a favorite?) This includes select Specialty and Designer Series Paper Stacks! Purchase all the same or mix and match! This is a great way to pound out your holiday cards or even pair up with a friend to share the paper.
You can click here and see them all grouped together.
They’re coming back and I know there are going to be some happy crafters! Read on…

What can I say but I am excited. 😀 We all know the feeling inside we get when something comes out that makes us feel like Christmas Morning when we were little, well – this is how I feel about these Stampin’ Blends.
I am super excited that Stampin’ Up! is offering an alcohol-based marker once again.These markers are only available to demonstrators at this point but Stampin’ Up! is going to be releasing them hopefully by the end of the year to all customers.
I think it is fair to be totally be honest and say that Stampin’ Up! is being super cautious with this new product launch to make sure the quality control is to their highest standards. Alcohol based markers are a staple in the crafting industry and I am THRILLED that we are offering them.
This time Stampin’ Up is doing a super smart thing….there are just (2) shades for each color family and if you have 1 that runs out….no worries as you can purchase them individually as needed (once they go live for customers) – I personally think that Is super smart as that was one thing in the past many did not like… having to re-purchase the whole color family.
You can see that this is very exciting for Stampin’ Up! If you have never used an alcohol-based marker before I say HANG ON TO YOUR MARKER as wait until you try …you will be amazed at the ease they are to use.
You will see that currently stamping up is offering these alcohol-based markers in 12 color families… Totally matching our colors that we have! You just have to love how we color coordinate all of our products!
Bermuda Bay Combo Pack* | 144600 | $9.00 | 1 |
Calypso Coral Combo Pack* | 144045 | $9.00 | 1 |
Cherry Cobbler Combo Pack* | 144598 | $9.00 | 1 |
Crumb Cake Combo Pack* | 144601 | $9.00 | 1 |
Daffodil Delight Combo Pack* | 144603 | $9.00 | 1 |
Night Of Navy Combo Pack* | 144040 | $9.00 | 1 |
Old Olive Combo Pack* | 144597 | $9.00 | 1 |
Pink Pirouette Combo Pack* | 144604 | $9.00 | 1 |
Pool Party Combo Pack* | 144605 | $9.00 | 1 |
Pumpkin Pie Combo Pack* | 144599 | $9.00 | 1 |
Rich Razzleberry Combo Pack* | 144602 | $9.00 | 1 |
Smoky Slate Combo Pack* | 145058 | $9.00 | 1 |
Ivory Marker | 144606 | $4.50 | 1 |
Bronze Marker | 144607 | $4.50 | 1 |
Color Lifter | 144608 | $4.50 | 1 |
Stampin’ Blends Marker Collection
(Includes All 26 Markers And The Color Lifter) | 147475 | $121.50 | 1 |
Color Me Happy Project Kit | 144609 | $25.00 | No Limits |
Color Me Happy Stamp Set (Wood-Mount) | 144062 | $27.00 | No Limits |
Color Me Happy Stamp Set (Clear-Mount)** | 144069 | $19.00 | No Limits |
Color Me Happy Bundle (Wood-Mount)
– Project Kit + Stamp Set At A 10% Discount! | 148033 | $46.75 | No Limits |
Color Me Happy Bundle (Clear-Mount)**
– Project Kit + Stamp Set At A 10% Discount! | 148034 | $39.50 | No Limits |
*Combo Packs include 2 markers: 1 light, 1 dark
No single markers (besides Ivory and Bronze and the Color Lifter) are available for purchase during this Demonstrator Exclusive Early Release.
You can see from the above chart that there is a Color Me Happy Stamp Set and Project Kit…can you say WOW….as you knew that Stampin’ Up! would come out with an amazing compliment with this release. (and it is….but only for demonstrators for this pre-release)
So the moral of this story is… For $99 dollars you can get all of these markers… Have free shipping… and get going coloring away! There truly are no strings attached in becoming a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator. The overwhelming majority of demonstrators with Stamping Up are hobbyist and who doesn’t like to get a deal!
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or you can click here and put the stampin’ blends marker collection (#147475) in your kit and be done…no…do this as well….throw in some White Bakers Twine (#124262) as you can get up to $125 in product for just $99!
Getting the total stampin’ blends marker collection is the way to go as then you would have all of the colors available. If you wish to purchase them in just specific colors and also be able to get the color me happy project kit you will see the product numbers beside each of the color families.
I have a feeling we all think the same way so this is what I would do (just sayin’)…I would get the marker collection and then you can order the project kit and get it at a 20% discount!!! I just love a deal…again, email me of you want to chat….or just click here!
Enjoy your day… and happy FALL TO ALL all! My markers are already on order… How about yours?
I just couldn’t resist leaving you guys with a fun picture of John and the dogs. Yesterday he was mowing and this is one of their highlights of the day! It makes me totally laugh as they will be on mowers for hours~
it is funny to see them as they make turns at the end of the field. As John enters one end of the field you can see their little backs back up to make the turn and as he makes the turn their bodies go forward.
They have been doing this for years and it is just too funny to see how much joy it brings them. You know you hear me talk about “simple joys ” all the time…This is a simple joy for John and I!

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by Susan Itell | Sep 27, 2017 | Christmas, Uncategorized |

Good morning to you and Happy Hump Day! Can you guys all see me smiling from ear-to-ear with this card? I call this is a Susan kind of card!
You know me by now that I just love simplicity and I am just giddy over fonts/sentiments.This card sums it up and in my opinion….it needs nothing and it is soooooooo rich and classic that I would be as “proud as a peacock” to send this to my family and friends.
I have shared with you before that I absolutely adore the Watercolor Christmas Kit as well as this stamps set in the new catalog. I have blogged about it before and it can be found on page 34 in the new catalog.
Today’s card is showcasing this fabulous stamp set with two amazing words “Oh Joy”… powerful, so meaningful.

I have to admit I was a bit sad that my pictures did not turn out as well. Sometimes it’s just hard to get a great picture when you have shiny metallic.
Today’s card focuses on using the gold heat embossing technique.To me, there is nothing more satisfying and fun as heat embossing but please remember not forget to use the embossing buddy…There’s nothing more frustrating than to pull out your heat tool to only find out that you have stray powder on your project!

Can you see that today I did something differently than I normally do?I kept the height of the card as tall as a regular A-2 to card and just made the sides of bit shorter… – the the piece was 4 inches wide by 5 1/2 inches tall.
How about this amazing embossing folder? Stampin’ Up! has truly been throwing out some great ones lately…Here’s a tip. Make sure you mist your paper with water before you run it through Mr. Big. This allows the embossing part to get very deep and rich!
Isn’t it amazing that this card just uses very simple and clean cuts and the wow factor is there! I did add the gold thread behind the sentiment before I popped it up.This gives such a fresh and fun flair to the card.

I know that many of you do not like to have a bunch of Christmas DSP in case you did not use it all.This card shows you how you can take a very thin strip… Actually 1 1/4″ wide to add a pop.
I also used from Crumb Cake as my card base… Something I haven’t done for a while but I think there’s just something very warm and comforting about from Crumb Cake and Real Red for the holidays…how about you?

That’s it my friends…I hope that I was able to inspire you today. I must admit….”Yours truly Susan” is getting a little tired with pinky…I actually was having a bit of a pity party yesterday that I took a break and went to the movies…..something that I have not done F O R E V E R…..but I was just feeling like “butter-fingers” with everything I was doing…..
Just a couple more weeks…..thanks to YOU for hanging in there with me – I am trying to continue to inspire and I DO LOVE this card!!!! Enjoy the day…..

Product List
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by Susan Itell | Sep 21, 2017 | Uncategorized |

If it’s Thursday… it’s time to play tic-tac-toe! Take a peek at this weeks game board and then put your thinking cap on and see what you can come up with!
Having a challenge like we have on Thursdays with playing tic-tac-toe really brings out the “Inner Picasso” within us all. Make sure you take time to pop by the challenge to see what the other designers came up with as well!
I just think it is super fun to see how we all can look at the same game board and then have so many different interpretations of it!

For today’s challenge I took the far right… Straight down – Persimmon, dimension and rounded corners. I wasn’t quite sure about the color of persimmon so I decided to throw in two colors… I used Calypso Coral and a little peek of Peek-A-Boo peach.
The fun thing about this card is you could make it rather modern (like I did today)…you can use a multitude of colors… and you can put many different types and styles of sentiments on your card.
In the below picture you can see how I simply placed the framelits randomly on the thick white card stock before I ran it through Mr. Big. The beauty of this card design is you can use any of the shapes in any direction and also the fact that the stamp is a photopolymer it makes it super easy to stamp.

I used versa mark Ink – the clear water marking ink that we use for heat embossing to do a very subtle tone on tone stamping.I highly encourage you to try this type of tone on tone stamping as it truly is amazing the effect that it gives. I think sometimes we just think of this ink for actual heat embossing but it truly does give you a wonderful effect that is very subtle.
Can you see the gold the splatters of ink that I flicked all over the card?I wish you could see it in real life as it is truly stunning… sometimes the camera just doesn’t give it justice! (Actually the whole card is hard to photograph as the Lemon Lime Twist always throws the lighting/color off a bit)
I have been asked many times how I do that… I use these metallic paints and all I do is get them nice and wet with the paint brush and then tap my index finger against the paintbrush to let splatters hit the paper. It is a great touch with little effort but the WOW is there!

Now we can chat about heating embossing…I used the sentiment from the stamp set and stamped it in Bermuda Bay against the Pool Party card stock. Right after I stamped it I added clear embossing powder over top of the Bermuda Bay Ink and heat set it.
Again, the camera doesn’t pick it up wonderfully but I will say it is very pretty in person.The color of heat embossing against the pool party is just so bright and cheerful.

It’s time to pull this party together with a beautiful envelope.You can see the colors that I pulled together to take from the card. Today I decided to adhere all of the colors together and then run it through Mr. big with the Sparkle embossing folder.
I realize making your envelopes beautiful is an additional step but I do think we all can agree that it truly pulls it all together. Trust me, once you get started giving your envelopes some love – you will never break the habit. It not only does it make you smile you, the recipient will beam with excitement to receive such a pretty piece of mail! 😀
Below you can see that I rounded to the corners of the card.This is something that I rarely do and I am not sure why and in the end I like the effect!
I find it best to use the corner rounders that comes on the envelope punch board to give the best results. Again, a little simple step that gives you a fun look and feel.

There you go…Another card for the challenge. I do hope that you pop over to the Tic Tac Toe website to see what everyone else came up with this week. If you would like or need help in how to upload a picture please shoot me an email and I’ll be glad to walk you through the process.
Enjoy your day and I hope you’re able to find some creativity time.We all know that is the best dose of medicine that anyone could offer to us. Yesterday I felt like you all were in my house… As I was busy organizing my craft area. I felt like I was Chevy Chase in the Christmas movie as I was finding all sorts of memories – brought lots of joy to my heart!
All I can say is… It’s amazing what we collect!

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