Happy Monday! I hope that you had a great weekend. This is a FAST week fro me as I am leaving tomorrow to start the trek to Salt Lake City for the Stampin’ Up! Event! WHEW…..I fell like I just unpacked my suitcase and here I go again!



I bet you are wondering….what the heck is this title about? Hang tight…..it will make sense.



Two months ago I started to send my team some “GUTS” – yep, that’s right…..GUTS…Now you might be asking what is guts? To me, it is elements that they can take and create. The main goal is to just HAVE FUN….perhaps STRETCH YOURSELF….and to THINK OUT OF THE BOX.

This is something totally optional as trust me, I get it…..sometimes you just down’t feel like participating but my hopes are to create a fun activity and let me tell you….it is super fun to see what they come up with!

For those that choose to play…..I send them a goodie…..remember, there are no winners and no losers…it is just a fun team activity! I am a bit behind the 8 ball as I have not posted the fun cards they made with these guts to our facebook group….but I am always amazed at how each of us can start with the same elements and come out with something totally different.

Before we go much further I have a confession…It was not until I was completely done this card that I realize that I did not use an element that I provided…..and that was the color soft suede. What I would have done was to have matted the DSP in the soft suede to add that element! (Silly Susan!!!)






Here are the “GUTS” that I gave to everyone. No rules….just have fun creating…..you can add anything else…but you need to use the below elements….(AGAIN….I was the SUPER LOSER as I forgot, totally forgot an element)

  • a white doily (I chose this because I NEVER use them and wanted to S T R E T C H myself and see the inspiration from others)
  • a piece of the DSP from the Coffee Break Collection
  • a piece of Soft Sky and Soft Suede

I am sure that you can imagine the vast array of interpretations there are…as many use the “flip side” of the DSP….today I was playing it safe with this subtle print but the star of the show was using this below stamp set……Hug in a Mug.







At a first pass through the catalog I breezed right past this but then I received a card from my upline, Lisa Pretto and she used it….I thought….WOWZERS….

Once I saw that it was a photopolymer….easy decision – it needed to be on Randall Lane. I admit, I am getting rather picky about the stamps I purchase as I adore the photopolymer ones…..just think how adorable this would be for tags and even cards all Winter long.





I invite you to look at the small elements that are in this stamp set…they are SUPER -DE-DUPER “fillers” as I like to call it for space that you need a “little something”…just sayin’

This is a super straight forward card…..and it was fun to whip up! I did use the Stampin’ Blends to color in the images. I am having fun playing with them. After I adhered everything together, I took the Wink Of Stella pen over to add some shine…..a fun and fast touch!





I know that it is hard to see the Wink of Stella but please do not forget about this gem. It adds just the right amount of sparkle/specialness to your project!

Let’s quickly chat about the blends…..last Wednesday in Nov 1st…..I blogged about the Blends……CLICK HERE to see that post. These new pens have been the BUZZ,,,,,,and for good reasons….they are super easy to work with!






My goal is to have you NOT GET ALL WORKED UP about knowing how to blend. What I want….is for you to feel comfortable and enjoy the process and THEN…..we can work towards the blending……there is no need to stress….it will come – in time.

With that said, I decided to offer something that will help make the experience a bit more basic….a bit more relaxing….and also a little easier on your pocketbook buy stretching it out over 3 months.

***FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT HAVE ALREADY EMAILED ME TO JOIN….look for an email from me this afternoon with the colors for you to order and your first assignment! We are going to have fun together….learning and exploring!***

Here’s the scoop…please join the fun as this is how we will learn…..EMAIL ME and put in the subject line BLENDS CLUB and I will add you to the list. Please commit before this Friday the 10th so we all can get going on the assignments at the same time…..remember, this is a fun learning way for all of us to get a feel of these new markers….




HOW??? WHAT???…..Click here and put in the subject line BLENDS CLUB and I will send you a hostess code and the colors of markers for you to purchase for that given month. We will do this for the next 3 months….November, December and January. You need to email me saying that you want in “the club” by November 10th.

Each month you will order (4) color sets and a single marker that coordinates with the entire collection….so at the end – YOU will own the BIG KAHUNA….breaking it down for you….you will spend $40.50 each month to be in the “club”

Each month I will send you goodies/support training that will help you navigate the “in’s and out’s”  of this product. We will have fun, even for me – it will be a learning experience. The one thing that I can guarantee that you will do is PRACTICE…..as that is the KEY TO SUCCESS in learning anything that is new to you!

Now lets all go and have a FABULOUS day….and I will see you on Wednesday…..I have a post that will make you say…..WOW – now that it super practical and versatile…..I know you’ll LOVE IT!