The hour glass has turned…


Yesterday I had one of those days that I just couldn’t get in a groove – anyone out there that has had days like that? I did get a bunch completed as I have been a worker bee on my kits but I just was in one of those moods that I wasn’t perky…..when this happens – grab a dog and go for a walk.

Leo, (my peeps dog) was the “therapy dog of choice” for my mood and we walked….I talked – he listened. It was an hour walk of therapy for me and training for him. The end result was – he behaved and is learning to walk “nicely” on a leash and me….I excepted the fact that it was ok to be a bit happy/blue as Hannah and my Mom shared the same Birthday date.

I let the memories of March 29th shared together with all sorts of fun cakes, family dinners and fabulous memories flood my head and then I thought – can it really be April in a couple of days? Wow….yep – it’s true and what else is true….Sale-a-bration is ending tomorrow evening .

This is it, your final chance to take advantage of a FREEBIE goodie…..DOUBLE PAW PRINTS from me……and your chance to get the ultimate bundle and 2 FREE stamps of your choiceWOW – a bunch to digest at the end of a month!

Here is another look at the offerings and remember – if you redeem the offerings with a smiley face – use the correct numbers in the chart below!






This has been a FUN Sale-a-bration….we have had lots of fun with the Hey, Chick Stamp Set and please pop back tomorrow as you will see a card that was sent to me that was FUN and EXPLOSIVE with this great stamp set!

I love it when we have a whimsical set like this one…we have shared many laughs and don’t forget the Taco Truck….soooooo much fun (Mary Ann – you did a great job) and one that so many enjoyed and CASED (there’s that word again!) 😀

Pretend like it is Christmas, make a list, check it twice….and if there are staples, retiring In Colors (they will zoom out in the next 6 weeks) take advantage of it but if your order is close to $100 – do the smart thing…...make your own unique kit.…get 2 free stamp sets….2 free SAB from me and be happy that you saved a bunch!

See you tomorrow – you will smile!!!!


LESS works – WOW!



Good Morning and WOW – I learned a lesson and one that I like! Well…..let me start by saying that in life we all know that “Less is Best” because when you really think about it- we all are blessed in many ways.

Fast forward and then rewind….on Tuesday’s Stampin’ Up! gives Demonstrators Updates a fun tidbit called “Succeed Weekly” and it is just that – an email that showcases some tips to help us, to inspire us….to make us smile!

Yesterday they were talking about that word that I touched on last week….CASEing – remember – Copy And Share Everything – well here is the picture and this is where my inspiration came from!





I admit, I adore the FREEBIE Avant Garden from Sale-a-Bration…..WHY???? it is a classic – When you work with a classic it is easy. Easy feels good. Easy works. Easy is duplicate-able.

I do not know about you….but I thought as you got older, things were easier!?!?! Well, sometimes they are – sometimes they aren’t but in the end – we all do what we need to do.

Last week I shared that I took my wonderful Dad to North Carolina to see his brother, my Uncle George and I am soooooo glad that I did – not only for me, but for him. We ended up staying longer (that wasn’t in the plan) but I learned a bunch about life.

Ok – I will stop – let’s get onto the card and why these 2 things (the Succeed Weekly and my Trip) makes this a special card to me. In a nutshell – LESS is BEST!





One thing that I think that we all can agree on is the magic of Heat Embossing. It is a smile maker  each and every time. It is an instant gratification ~ a special – WOW…I did that!?!?!?! – to take a simple stamp with Versa Mark….pour some embossing powder over and see an instant HEAT MAGIC ….it doesn’t get better than this! 😀

This technique is one that I never get tired of ~ When you heat emboss with white on white paper and then add color – WOW…..POP….SMILE! 😀

I took a sponge dauber and in a circular motion just added color over where the flower was heat embossed. Very fast, very effective. You could use multiple colors but today I am showing you the one I did in Mint Macaron.





While in North Carolina, my Aunt Karen asked me for some help with some cards. I was flattered, I melted. I was so excited to help her but truthfully I have not had time to think of a simple card that I could make MANY of that would be perfect for her to thank the friends, nurses etc through this journey with my dear Uncle George. I am thrilled to say that he is doing better!

This is what I love about what I do – it is so simple, so easy, so rewarding. When she asked my for some cards I perked right up and said – “I’m on it” and once I saw the inspiration from the email from Stampin’ Up! – BINGO – I knew that this would be FAST and oh so easy!





Here is your card to PIN….but if you want to know where Stampin’ Up! found this inspiration….it was from SUD Rachel Brumley . I love the fact that SU looks constantly to find fabulous ideas to share with us to help YOU!. I say that it is a win-win all the way around! Thank you Rachel for the inspiration!





This month is coming to an end….that is sad because that means that Sale-A-Bration is coming to an end. It has been sooooooo fun and I deeply thank you for your support and I know…..“I GET IT” because when I was a customer, Sale-a- Bration WAS the time that I stocked up for the year but let me remind you…it is the best time of the year for you to get your “HALL PASS” of a constant 20% discount each and every day when you buy Stampin’ Up! products…PLUS you can pick any 2 stamp sets in the catalog on top on your custom bundle that YOU created.

I know you that you think the BIG BAD WOLF will come out and take the FUN out of the joy that you have with stampin’ and creating, but it is quite the contrary – I say, WHY NOT?

I realized that my JOIN THE FUN was very weak – so yesterday I tried to work on it…..but it is still a work in progress. Some of you might think that I am late to the party (I am, but that’s OK because I am happy with what and where I am) but this really is the best time to get a kit that you pick…for just $99 (ships for free) and you can pick $125 in product of your choice and don’t forget – just until March 31st (yikes 2 days) you can pick ANY 2 stamp sets!

PLUS….I will give you (2) FREE Sale-a-Bration items if you join with me. You can pick what you want….how wonderful is that! In a nut-shell, I love what I do and I do what I do from that love (whew….that a lot of “I do’s”)….not to pay a mortgage….but to have fun, be inspired and learn!

The simple facts…

  • $99 gets you $125 worth of whatever your heart wants.
  • Ships for FREE
  • You can pick any 2 stamps from the Annual or Occasions catalog for FREE
  • I will give you (2) FREE Sale-a-bration items

It is simple…just like my card!

Here are the products for this SOOOOOOO simple card, please feel free to leave a comment (I love to hear from you) or email me if you have any questions about getting 20% off each and everyday…(and then if you stick around… could get 25% off each and every order) I say WOOT-WOOT!



Are you wondering about the NEW (potential ITELL)?

p.s. – We had a RAIN DELAY for our (shhhhhhh….) NEW POTENTIAL 4 legged ITELL…..(I have been giving the others a PEP talk….they are holding out their opinion until they meet)

p.p.s – Today is my PRECIOUS and OH SO SPECIAL Hannah’s BIRTHDAY! Next week….you will see the card I made for her! She pops onto my blog and I did not want her to see her card before she opened it in person… it is a good test to see if she reads my blog as she has no idea about the “NEW” potential addition! 🙂

Have a great day….I sure will as when it is a PEEPS BIRTHDAY – I am a sponge and re-live the great memories… is sooo short – take and soak up each moment!





Take me away with Sale-a-bration!





Up…Up and Away! Here is a “happy card” for you today and it is filled with (3) Sale-a-Bration items and the amazing bundle Lift me Up! At first glance it looks like it is hard to make because there is a lot going on but put down your coffee and examine it…it is super easy yet super fun!

A couple of weeks ago Jeanie and I went to another SUD workshop and made a “bendy” card (boy, was I challenged but it was FUN) but I took the base part that I created and re-created it for you today as I thought that it was a keeper of a card that would bring an instant smile.

The reality of it is…this below bundle just creates GREAT cards as it is so well thought out. Do you see the framelits to the lower left? There are the “dream pieces” that you can cut out to add behind the balloon – this is just one of the things that I love about this bundle…so easy to use!







I have a couple of great shots for you to see close up how I used those framelits that I just chatted about…the peach and watermelon wonder behind the white balloon is a cinch to add.

I “doubled up” the dimensionals behind the big balloon and then the one to the right, I just did a single layer of dimensionals. I love the look of having some flat and then the others staggered in height!








The carried away FREEBIE has been a huge hit with this bundle and I took advantage of making sure I am using it to the max myself as I love the colors.

Look how easy this is…a simple piece of the DSP that is 1 1/4″ high just MAKES this card. I will say…out of all of the paper in this pack – I thought that this was going to be the hardest to use but LOOK – it is so easy and it looks like a hard card but it is super easy!






I ask you….isn’t this an “uplifting” card? (ha-ha) 😀  there is something about big beautiful Hot Air Balloons that make you feel like dreaming as you look up in the sky and say WOW – wouldn’t that be FUN to take a ride.

Another thing that I love about this bundle is the clouds – there are 4 different sizes and they are very realistic to use. (Many times I am not a fan of clouds but there is something about these puffy little guys) I took a sponge dauber and lightly added soft sky to the edges.






Here is your picture to pin…you know what I am going to say next….WE ARE IN THE LAST WEEK of SAB. With every $50 increment of an order, you can pick a SAB item…and in this card I used 3!!!!

If you are new to SU….this IS the best time of the year as we all love and appreciate FREEBIES and don’t over look the extra ones that Stampin’ Up! added last Tuesday (details below)








Please make sure that you add the below items number for your FREEBIES as they are DIFFERENT numbers than are in the catalog.



Do you want to get 2 FREE from ME?


What???? How???? Well it is by far the SMARTEST way to now only get (2) FREE SAB Items from me, (your choice) and also get ANY 2 FREE stamp sets from the Annual Catalog or the Occasions Catalog – YOUR CHOICE when you get the BEST bundle, the kit that YOU get to pick $125 worth of ANY product….pay just $99 (plus it ships for FREE)

This is the time of the year that many take advantage of getting a kit. You have no obligations, you can do nothing but get the kit. It truly is as easy as that.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions! It really is a no brainer because we all like a sale, and this is a great sale but the offer ends on March 31st! You can click here and get building your kit now….

I might have some EXCITING news for you all tomorrow….I’ll give you a hint….it has 4 legs!!!! YIPPEEEEEEE~ (fingers crossed)




Step It Up Sunday….she’s back!!!!



I have been kind of quiet with the girls the past couple weeks so I thought that this would be a great addition to the card this weekend! Each and every time I see them, I crack up laughing as the expression on this one…says it all ~ I think it is the hair that does it!


I have to say, yesterday was fun. It is as simple as that.

We yacked so much…went to the ribbon store….went to lunch….back to my house…continued yacking and tried to attempt a make that Deb provided (she is soooo talented) but time was against us but have no fear – we have planned the trip to  Richmond next month where we will pick up right where we left off!

Needless to say that they did not do the card for today but I will say that I asked them their thoughts and Deb chimed in and said, I think that the balloon would show up better if it were white…and so that is what I did and I LOVE IT! She was soooooooo right, the white just made it POP!

So…here you go, side by side you decide!





I am happy that I was able to showcase this stamp set below as I thought that many of you would have missed it in the catalog ( I am going to try to use another stamp from this set this week) to show you the versatility of if. When I see circles…which to me equal dots and dots make me happy – it is already a winner in my eyes!








Here is a close up for you. I did the same as yesterday with the balloon using the soft sky and night of navy. I am AMAZED at how easy it is to put the color behind the cut out balloon. Whomever designed these framelits did a fantastic job! I will say the other thing that I did that was “easy street” was that I cut out the balloon and I already had the adhesive on the back because I used Stick It adhesive sheets and WOW – that makes like even easier!






Now lets chat about to Phyllis…she is lovin’ her balloon ride! I used the aqua painter to give her some color (so saffron) and then that hair of hers….a total mess and just as it seems to be on trend to have odd color hair….I just did it in soft sky and then “highlighted” it with some marina mist (This is about as close as I will ever come to becoming a hairdresser) 😀

I just put a glue dot under that MOP OF HAIR and one on her neck and she is safe and secure! I think for sure yesterday’s card is going to Uncle George but today’s card…it’s going North to brighten one of my readers day!








One more look at Phyllis in her glory as she sails up, up & away…I will say – my pick…TODAY’S card as Deb was right – the white balloon really made the fun background that I made with the whisper white craft ink fun!

Did you also notice that I change the was I used the sentiment. Today I made it into a banner as I notched off the ends but the addition of the So Saffron accents made Phyllis stand out (and we all know she likes to stand out) 😆  (I can’t wait to hear what Chris R has to say about Phyllis today)





Here is what you love, the measurements. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions! This is one that I am going to make up in a bunch of different colors and I think that I am going to keep the sentiment the same as you can easily stamp a “Happy Birthday”….”Thinking of You”…..etc…in the inside!

  • The card base is an vertical A-2 card, 4 1/4″ X 5 1/2″ in Marina Mist
  • The White mat is 4 1/8″ X 5 3/8″
  • The Navy Mat is 3 7/8″ X 5 1/8″
  • The Marina Mist is 3 3/4″ X 5″ and stamp in whisper white ink using the Playful Backgrounds Stamp
  • The Banner is 3/4″ wide and then I matted it at 7/8″. I did stamp the sentiment and heat set it with white embossing powder.
  • The accents are from the Subtles Enamel Shapes.
  • The Balloon and sentiment are both from the amazing bundle, Lift Me Up!





Well, I did it…another 2 day post and I hope that I “Lifted you Up” This really is a great bundle and the color ideas are endless with being able to add color behind the detailed balloon.

Remember, this is the last month to grab a freebie from Sale-a-bration and also with an order of $75+ I will send you the whisper white craft ink! When I showed Jeanie the card yesterday she immediately said – where did that DSP come from….it is soooooo true, this stamp set really gives up an endless opportunity to make our our fun accented paper!

Enjoy the day and I hope that you are able to “lift someone up today” – random acts of kindness are ALWAYS the best!





“HOORAY” for the classics!



I say HIP…HIP HOORAY for many reasons!

Today John and I are probably on a plane going to see Will for his 30th Birthday….my oldest is turning 30 and the family is going to celebrate. Hannah’s flight get in about 30 minutes after us (which we are thankful for as it is GREAT to have a “young one that is tech savvy” to help her dear parents figure out driving in the city!)

Next….I think that this is a fabulous stamp set….I know that I blogged about it before and I am sure that you have seen many posts using it …WHY DO I LOVE IT???…..the font – it is classic and just so fun with the watercolor splash behind it – brilliant move Stampin’ Up! as it is a sentiment that can be used for many cards we make!

Lastly, I love that I am using the Whisper White Note-cards! True, you could easily adapt this to a regular A-2 card but I just think that these are the BEST bang for your buck! 20 Cards and 20 Envelopes for just $6.00 – YEP, works for me! 🙂





I just love blues and yellows together, how about you? I think that we all have our “go to favorites” and I just seem to like this color combination. So Saffron is BY FAR my favorite yellow that we have as it is a color that works with Bright and Bold colors but then you can pair it with something completely different and it is super soothing.





I just have to share with you the measurements as I think that this is one of those cards that you are going to want to case! It is super simple yet it has an impact that gravitates you to making it!

Naturally you can change up the colors etc…and I will say  – this is one for the masses as what a sweet card to keep on hand, “just in case”






  • The white piece that I stamped the sentiment on is 3 5/8″ X 2 1/2″ stamping in Pacific Point
  • The So Saffron Mat it s “smidge” larger, 3 3/4″ X 2 5/8″
  • The fun Polka Dot is 1″ wide and then matted in So Saffron that is 1 1/4″
  • I “lifted up” the sentiment part to make is POP!!!






Here is the picture for the future…..PIN away but please do not forget that this stamp set, along with all of the other SAB Items are only available with an order of $50.00 and just through March 31st!

I have to tell you, as a Demonstrator I get equally as giddy as you all do with this time of the year! The home office always does a fantastic job of picking “keepers” to get us through the long winter months!





Enjoy your day today! WOW – the East Coast is have some AMAZING weather and YEP, I’ll take it. I admit, it was like an act of God to try to leave for 2 days with my 4 legged friends….

Our AMAZING dog…horse….pig…donkey and oh yes – house sitter moved away and I miss her so…actually for many reasons – a super young lady! We have called in the troops and have our bases covered – there are people that are great with dogs….but know nothing about horses and vice-versa but we have all of the bases covered and are ready to have FUN with the peeps!

I will see you tomorrow – I am a girl scout and I am prepared for you all over the weekend! We will be “mixing up” a storm!




YIPPEE….2nd Round of SAB fun!


Well…it is here! Tuesday, February 21st – YIPPEE….the day that you can get your PAWS on the 3 new Sale-a-bration Items! I know that you have seen them all around the internet but it is finally here  – YOU can get them with every $50.00 order!








I ask you….do you have a favorite? I do – can you guess what is mine? I personally am so happy that there is another round for all of us to snatch up!

I placed an order already……and guess what??? I am smiling because I have some freebies that make me smile!